THREAD: Individuals with access and functional needs (#AFN), such as adults with #disabilities, may have additional needs that must be considered in planning for, responding to, and recovering from a #disaster or public health emergency. This guide from:…
C = #Communication
Individuals with communication needs may speak American Sign Language (#ASL), have limited English proficiency (#LEP), use braille print or use other auxiliary aids and devices to communicate or navigate their environment...
C = #Communication (continued)...These individuals may have limited ability to hear announcements, see signs, understand messages, or verbalize their concerns. Planning for these needs ahead of a #disaster or emergency is crucial.
M = Maintaining Health
Individuals may require specific medications, supplies, services, durable medical equipment (#DME), electricity for life-maintaining equipment...if you are moving someone from AtoB, ask them what THEY NEED to bring if they are able to verbalise their needs.
M = Maintaining Health (continued) Include #breastfeeding and infant/childcare, or #nutrition in order to reduce negative impacts of a #disaster or public health emergency on individuals’ health (yes, image is in #Spanish, linking to comms point consideration of other languages)
I = Independence
When relocating adults with disabilities to medical care settings and when discharging them home or into the community, it is crucial to ensure continuity of access to necessary mobility devices or #assistivetechnology, vision and #communicationaids...
S = Support
Early identification and planning for #AFN (access and functional needs) can help to reduce the negative impacts of a #disaster or public health emergency on individuals’ self-determination and general well-being.
S = Support (continued)
Some people may have lost caregiver assistance during a hospital stay & require additional support post-discharge; some may find it difficult to cope in a new environment or have difficulty understanding or remembering; and some may have experienced trauma
S = Support (continued)
or be victims of abuse. As a result, they may need additional personal care assistance; experience higher levels of distress and need support for anxiety, psychological, or behavioral health needs...
S = Support (continued)
...or require a trauma-informed approach or support for personal safety, health, & welfare post-discharge. Such supports should be provided with deference to the person-centered discharge plan developed with the individual. #postdisaster support = crucial
T = Transportation
Individuals may lack access to personal #transportation, be unable to drive due to decreased or #impairedmobility that may come with age and/or #disability, temporary conditions, injury, or legal restriction
T = Transportation (continued)...
#Disasters and public health emergencies can significantly reduce #transportation options in some communities, inhibiting individuals from accessing services and staying #connected.
T = Transportation (continued)...
#Disasterplanning requires coordination with mass transit and accessible transportation services providers. This is clearly better ahead of time so planning, preparation and drills to test #resiliency of frameworks and plans essential too.
…research that has been carried out. This is where #socialscience can be a leader in engaging with the public. Work that I’m doing now creates spaces for conversations that explore #severeweather risk, focusing on issues of shelter access for those without a range of resources
…we help #communities explore their options, including building consensus on alternative shelter provision, especially where funding is an issue in rural communities. We work with faith groups who have strong #trust and social networks alongside other stakeholders to explore…
Today is International Day of #Disaster Risk Reduction. A recent report found investment uneven/poorly directed “Every US$100 spent on disaster-related development aid, only 50 cents are invested in protecting development from the impact of disasters”…
The bulk of the spending, US119.8 billion was earmarked for emergency/ #disaster response and US$7.7 billion was spent on reconstruction, relief, and rehabilitation. This is the wrong way around. It is short-sighted and undermines climate change adaption by poorer countries.
The lack of foresight and investment has been directly seen in the impact of #COVID, as well as its response. Investment and actions taken sooner, based on the assessment and advice of experts and based on modeling and exercises (such as Cygnus in the UK) should have been enacted
Never use a #generator, grill, camp stove or other gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning devices inside a home, garage, basement, crawlspace or any partially enclosed area.
Keep these devices outdoors, away from doors, windows and vents that could allow #carbonmonoxide (CO) to come indoors.
Opening doors and windows or using fans will not prevent CO buildup in the home. Although CO can't be seen or smelled, it can rapidly lead to full incapacitation and death.
THREAD: I have been trying to track down EVERY #Mississippipi public #StormShelter using publicly available info. Using @googlemaps I have completed about 2/3 so far. I checked out every shelter, confirmed by crosschecking satellite w/ Streetview…
Then I used Streetview to Green grab the locations and add to my map that I am making available publicly. I hope this helps folks learn and know where there are or there are not shelters nearby. If there are not, what options are available to you. Certainly a convo worth having..
THREAD: My research was published today in the International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction (#DRR) The link is below. I wanted to take you through it in a series of graphics and infographics. So here goes....
This is #SantaBarbara, California. It really is a beautiful place to live, but expensive too. (Secretly - or maybe not - I would LOVE to live and work here). It is also where I carried out my #PhD fieldwork, Living my best #phdlife...
Like many places in Southern California, there are a number of #naturalhazards that can and do impact on the city and its surrounding County:
I have the following image as a poster in my office for several reasons, which I will expound upon in subsequent tweets. Firstly it was produced by hand by Theodore ‘Ted’ Fujita, who developed the F-scale (later the EF-Scale based in wind intensity and damage.
What I really noticed in the key/legend on the map was how he was also looking at the type of structure where fatalities occurred, something that other scientists (@StephenMStrader) were looking at before I came along, but once you start, you can’t stop. I’m pretty much obsessed.