Durian LiftOff Profile picture
Mar 18, 2022 59 tweets 72 min read Read on X

As if you needed reminding.


'A well-sealed FFP2/3 [N95/N99] mask is the single greatest tool humankind has come up with to prevent initial infection, further spread and mutations - as well as an endless pandemic.'

#MaskUp ImageImage
I hadn't realised that the 'Vax-Only and Nothing Else' crew were a thing; or that they are so incredibly toxic & wrong-headed; and as dangerous as any of the other extremist Covid bands.

A thread on putting them right: and why vax-and-mask matters. ImageImageImageImage
On why you need to upgrade your N95s, N99s, FFP2s or FFP3s to an elastomeric mask with #P100 filters.

Up to you. Your throat, your frontal lobe, your heart, your kidneys, your thyroid, your retinas, your liver & your skin.

Bulletproof? #ElastoP100 Image
I think the general idea is to mask up. It saves foetuses from dying in the womb, and pregnant ladies from leaving their husbands 30 years early, and prevents older people from ending up in a care home 5 or 10 years before their time.

I especially approve of this chap's eye-pro. Image
If SARS-CoV-2 can infect via droplets & eyes, and airborne Monkeypox can infect via droplets (and exchanges of bodily fluids & fomites & physical contact), then eye-protection also makes sense.

I went for the Bollé CONTPSI Bronze. Ideal match with an elastomeric GVS Elipse P100. ImageImageImageImage

I told you the unvalved GVS (M/L) SPR644 #P100 #elastomeric #mask was good: so good that stock has run out.

Amazon? A 404.

You're in luck if you have a smaller face: the (S/M) SPR643 is still on the shelves.


#BulletproofP100 ImageImageImageImage
Two #GVS #Elipse accessories that are essential for fit and future-proofing your #P100 #elastomeric #respirator are the...

🦋 SPM578 Elipse Mask Cradle Pad


🦋 ... and an SPM558 Elipse #Mask Particulate Strap Support Assembly.

gvs.com/en/catalog/spm… ImageImage
Slightly off-topic: but a major reason why many can't/don't want to be bothered to mask up.

And have convinced themselves that bringing others down to their own level of brash selfishness is fine.

An interesting psychological take here.

#CovidKills Image
I'm now officially fairly tired of being told that I'm fearful while I wear a respirator - not just for myself, but for the ones I love.

To the naysayers in my life: You're dangerous.

#Senicide #Infanticide #C19Kills #SelfishAF Image

I get:

"Life is for living [in a care home after you can't remember how many kids you've had / with an eternal Grade 1 headache / after a stroke]!"


"Time to live your best life [while knocking off a few foetuses]!"

From family.

#C19Maims Image

An extremely important kernel of knowledge while you're using a high-quality respirator like a #P100 #elastomeric: yes, you will be able to smell through it. And yes, your respirator (if it's fitted well) will continue to protect you from C-19.

#N100 Image

A full-on review of the Flo Mask by the no-messing Dr. Satoshi Akima.

Verdict? Very light; wear-and-forget; excellent voice clarity; and extremely effective.

A caveat: be careful how you position it on your face.

Caucasian & Asian versions available. ImageImageImage

More unbiased, real-world hands-on feedback on the adult #elastomeric Flo Mask by another doctor who knows her way around a #respirator.


🌸 Ideal children's version too.

✅ Verdict? Go for it.

#ElastomericBulletproof #Mask ImageImageImageImage
A crucial advantage of choosing an #elastomeric #respirator over a more standard #N95/#N99 #FFP2/#FFP3 #mask like the 3M Aura or VFlex is the extremely high first-off chance of an airtight seal.

This can't be understated.

#GoElastomeric #P100 #N100 #ElastomericBulletproof ImageImage

At this point, where the majority have been fooled/willingly cajoled into dumping their masks, I can only see an elastomeric as the go-to protection.

But if you have to wear an N95/FFP2, double-sided tape is heavily recommended to achieve a better seal. Image

If you need an N95/FFP2 that is MRI- and CT-safe, then the strapless, metalless, self-adhesive Readimask is your option.


Also a solid choice if you must sleep in a mask - in a hospital, or on a 'plane.

nb. Haircuts.

#MaskUp ImageImageImage
On 'Glasses & Risk of COVID-19 Transmission'.


Takeaway: wearing some form of eye-protection is a good idea in this pandemic. Think face-to-face contact.

Keep your glasses on; go full goggle; or buy some clear wraparounds like the 'Bollé CONTPSI Bronze'. ImageImageImage
An Omicron-updated mask index showing relative risk for an uninfected person - from naked face to fitted N95/FFP2.

With thanks to @akm5376, the creator of the index - and @ParentMishmash and @LazarusLong13 - all solid follows in the mask & respirator world.

#Masks #FFP2 #N95 Image

'People siezed on government permission to stop masking because it's what they desperately wanted to hear; part for convenience, certainly, but more because constant fear & stress is a crushing load to bear. Then peer pressure when most stopped masking.' Image

I'm not recommending N95s or FFP2s from now.

They worked well enough for 2021's variants in a two-way masking environment; but they will certainly not offer you bulletproof protection in 2022.

The game has changed. #Elastomeric #P100/#N100 all the way. ImageImageImage

What's the best/easiest #P100/#N100/#P3 #elastomeric half-face #mask?

Follow the thread. Plenty of invaluable gems & suggestions here.

Time to save yourself - because nobody else will.

#MaskUp #OneWayMasking #ElastomericBulletproof #Masks Image

Had been thinking about this.

C-19 is primarily spread via air: so you wear a P100/P3 elasto.

But what happens when a maskless, MPX-infected person talks at you - and their (durable) droplets land on your elasto? Wear a throwaway surgical over the top? Image

Reusing 'disposable' #N95s/#FFP2s by rotating every 5-7 days works with C-19; it also cuts down heavily on cost and landfill.

Add #MPX's hardy stability and durability on surfaces, and rotation becomes... problematic.

#Masks ImageImage

Tacking this onto the #mask thread as part of the Swiss Cheese approach.

Everything you wanted to know about mitigating against C-19 (and #MPX) - including ventilation, air quality, air-filtration and germicidal UV irradiation.

#Masks #CleanAir #GFI Image
Arguing with a vaxxed-'n'-relaxed non-masker is like playing chess with a pigeon: they strut around on the board, knock the pieces over, take a shit on it and fly off thinking they've won.

There's no point. They're too far gone.

Leave them be, and concentrate 100% on yourself.
On the psychology of masking, or not masking:

'[Masks] are such a great heuristic for identifying people with empathy or without.'

#P100 #N100 #P3 #Elastomeric #ElastomericBulletproof Image

Q: “Why are you wearing that mask and goggles and…”

Me: “Because my personal risk assessment, based on the govt being unwilling to monitor, control the spread or inform the public about COVID, is that COVID is f’ing everywhere, all the time.”

#P100 Image

Fucking multinationals pandemic-profiteering: well, what would you expect them to do? Help you?

They just can't keep their fat, slippy fingers out of the Covid pie.

Imagine a corporation like 3M trying to monopolise the domestic mask markets.

Fuckers. ImageImage
Why do I mask?


“Every time you get infected, you’re rolling the dice for a good or bad outcome. So as you continue to play that game, you again increase your risks. One of the biggest things that anyone can do right now is to protect yourself...”

#P100 Image
“... from getting infected again, and even if you aren't able to fully prevent infection, there's something to be said for reducing the amount of virus and the dose of virus that you're exposed to.”

My best defense is an 'extreme' mask: an elastomeric #P100/#N100/#P3 respirator. Image

"It's impossible to identify any downside of making sure the air people breathe is clean."

#OnAir #AirSafe Image
It's time for this thread to swing more frequently into the heady realm of clean-air engineering & air filtration.

Some homework to start me off:


#OnAir #AirSafe Image

On clean and unclean air:

"Oh, you only have clean water? I'll just drink out of the toilet, then."

#OnAir #SafeAir Image
Back to masks again.

As well as C-19, they're also a good idea for Monkeypox, and TB and Ebola...

Tho' why anybody would want to test their N95 against an Ebola infection is anyone's guess.

No gaps? 99.95% filtration? Just go #P100/#P3 #elastomeric. Image

'Always wears a mask - still infected.'

Evidence of a gappy N95; or of a lack of total discipline (we're human); or an understandable but unfortunate slip-up; or bad luck.

But cut chance out & stick the best tech you can afford on your face. #P100 #P3 Image

'I don't understand why ventilation has become the current Covid science culture war.'

Well, it has, because it works.

And governments, airlines and businesses don't want to spend the money on filtration.

Hence the pushback.

(It's greed.)

#OnAir ImageImage

Let's set this puppy, once and for all, to rest.

On droplet dogma, and how the WHO and CDC set about the pigeons with their cat.

(Source, May '21: 'The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill'.)

🦋 wired.com/story/the-teen…

#OnAir Image

If you are in the UK: don't dilly today if you would like a budget air purifier with premium specifications.


There are 2 'Taotronics AP-003' left on Amazon.co.uk: I bought one last week, love it, and bought 2 more for family.

#GFI ImageImageImage
From clean air back to #masks: a great, up-to-date thread eliciting answers from some clued-up folk on their favourite respirators.

The Flo Mask and PrescientX's Nanomask feature highly.

The best (#elastomeric) #respirator for you? The one that fits. Image

Far out: Far-UV.


222 nanometres is the magic number.

#SafeAir Image
#P100/#N100/#P3 #Elastomeric

I'm sorry to bang on about this, but I simply don't believe that wearing a non-elastomeric N95/FFP2 is viable anymore in this super-spreading climate.

Zero-masking countries are a death-trap. Invest in an elastomeric.

Extreme times; extreme measures.

Some suggest 20ft away and upwind of anybody if you are maskless and outside: that's betting a lot on the wind.

Why bet. Just keep it on outside of your house.

#MaskUp #P100/#N100/#P3 #ElastomericBulletproof Image
My GVS SPR644 P3/P100 elastomeric is my go-to in all indoor spaces; or in hospital; or on public transport.

But I need a P3/FFP3/N99 that is MRI-safe; and safe to wear as a less-aggressive-looking option for outdoor gardening in a small community. 1/

🌿 ImageImage
Dr. Satoshi Akima (@ToshiAkima) doesn't mess around with #masks: and I've bought a box of 15 #GVS Segre F31000 to test on his recommendation.

For outdoor (gardening) use only, with infrequent passers-by.

For further information on this #FFP3 mask:

🌐 gvs.com/en/catalog/seg… ImageImage
Despite forecasted light usage outdoors with minimal occasional social contact, and with distancing of 2-3 metres-plus, I'll be rotating seven GVS Segre F31000 #FFP3/#N99 #masks on a weekly basis.

A hands-on test-experience will follow. Let's see.

/3 ImageImageImage
The MRI is indeed a brain scan - and the aluminium strip in the GVS Segre will degrade image quality.

The alternative was an (NHS-tested) MRI-safe UK-friendly Easimask FSM18 FFP3.

I may take the Segre's strip off, double-side-tape it on the inside, and tape-seal on the outside. ImageImageImageImage
The reason I thought that the GVS Segre would pass for gardening *and* an MRI brain scan is that Amazon's description has it as 'MRI-safe'.

On re-checking, that claim is only made for the 15-piece box - not on the singles, 2s or 3s.

And not on GVS's website.

DYOResearch... 😑 ImageImage
On wearing #masks forever.


'Them: Are you gonna wear that mask forever?

Me: I dunno, are you going to be sick AF hacking up a lung as you drop off your also constantly sick child at school forever?'

#MaskUp #N99/#N100/#P100/#P3 Image
On the #GVS Segre F31000 #FFP3/#N99 mask.

Ordered from the Amazon link on GVS's website at:

🌐 gvs.com/en/catalog/seg…

Verdict: tight fit. High confidence. Will pull off metal strip & tape it to face for my next brain MRI. I won't risk an FFP2/N95 in an English hospital now. Image
To reiterate: I will only wear a non-elastomeric FFP3/N99 mask for an MRI scan, or in a controlled outdoor environment. I don't consider an FFP2/N95 fit for purpose now.


In *all other cases*, I wear an elastomeric P3/N100. I think it's stupid not to. ImageImage
On SoftSeal 3D (elastomeric N95) masks combined with a SIPmask for long-haul flights:


On the SIPmask:


A lot better than going bareback.

🌐 softsealmask.com

#MaskUp ImageImage
On disposable vs. elastomeric masks, possible supply chain issues, and why investing in a washable elastomeric respirator whose filters can last weeks to months might be a solid idea now.


I just bought a spare GVS SPR644 Elipse for luck.

#MaskUp ImageImageImage
Naomi's a 3M 6000 series girl, and I wouldn't argue with her.


More on the #elastomeric 6000 #mask series over at the 3M website:

🌐 3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/p/d/s…

#MaskUp #ElastomericBulletproof #P100/#P3/#N100 ImageImage
A useful video describing the physics behind hi-tech filters from #N95/#FFP3 up, and how they manage to catch SARS-CoV-2 particles that you might think would otherwise pass through the gaps...


#MaskUp Image

• • •

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More from @DurianLiftOff

Jan 29, 2024
Celebrating the soft-opening of my C-19 website.


A patchwork of scientific papers and media pieces married with the best of Twitter.

○ Heart
○ Brain
○ Body
○ Immunity
○ Transmission
○ Solutions
○ C-19 Blog
○ Cartoons

#C19Life #SARSCoV2c19.life
On C-19, the heart, and the circulatory system.


‘Heart attacks, strokes and other major adverse outcomes doubled in people post-COVID at one year.’

#C19Life #SARSCoV2 c19.life/heart
⚒ Resource: Genomic Mapping of SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Variants.

By .


#C19Life #SARSCoV2NextStrain.org
Read 13 tweets
Mar 21, 2023
The Atlarntic has had a change of editorial management after forced Seppuku (ritualised self-disembowelment).

Long live The Vertlantic!

(If you have any original Atlarntic gold buried in your Gallery, please share and retweet!)

😊😇 @1goodtern

Read 8 tweets
Jun 1, 2022
From hereon in, this thread'll be a hit-job on every Fifth Columnist ever to walk the streets of London, and Edinburgh, and Cardiff, and... oh. Forgot. We sold NI down the river a long time ago...

Note 1: The BBC Disease has Gone Ozzo. (It's catching.) Image
'Rich and powerful people will tell you anything to help them stay rich and powerful; and their armies of media stooges, PR companies, and social media influencers are no better than Vichy puppets.' Image
The BBC is not on your side regarding C-19: on the radio, on your TV, or on its website.

It really isn't.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Even The Clangers were made up. ImageImageImage
Read 43 tweets
Mar 10, 2022

'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage
Read 272 tweets
Dec 30, 2021
A rash of mask tweets 🧵.

On elastomeric masks, N95s, KN95s, FFP2s, KF94s, care and fit, sourcing, testing, real-world examples & tips, warnings, children's masks, cute alternatives - and why you might want to upgrade now.

#facemask #facemasks #Masks #COVIDisAirborne Image
Why you might want to strengthen your first and most important line of defense.

Bear in mind the type of people you are sharing your supermarket air with.

#facemask #facemasks #Mask #Masks #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne ImageImageImageImage
One of the best primers on new mask technology in one short interview.


Teases out technical classifications of 'hi-fi' (high-filtration) masks such as N95s, KN95s or KF94s - and why cloth & surgical masks are not an option now.

Think '2022', not '1918'. Image
Read 66 tweets

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