2/n Following tips may boost model performance across different network structures with up to 5% (mAP or mean Average Precision) without increasing computational costs in any way.
3/n Visually Coherent Image Mix-up for Object Detection. This has already been proven to be successful in lessening adversarial fears in network classification after testing it on COCO 2017 and PASCAL datasets with YOLOv3 models. #computervision#pytorch
4/n Classification Head Label Smoothening
Existing models apply Softmax technique to compute a probability distribution for classes. But there’s a risk of the model becoming too confident in its predictions which can result to over-fitting. #computervision
7/n Data Pre-processing (Mixed Results) like,
• A. Random geometry transformation for random cropping (with constraints), random expansion, random horizontal flip and random resize (with random interpolation). #computervision#pytorch#deeplearning#deeplearningai
In model training, step scheduler is the most widely used learning rate schedule. It involves multiplying the learning rate by a constant number below 1 after a number of model iterations.
Standard implementations of BN in public frameworks (such as Caffe, MXNet, Torch, TF, PyTorch) are unsynchronized, which means that the data are normalized within each GPU.
Therefore the working batch-size of the BN layer is BatchSize/nGPU (batch-size in each GPU).
Hence the solution is, Synchronized Multi GPU BatchNormalization.
"roc_auc_score" is defined as the area under the ROC curve, which is the curve having False Positive Rate on the x-axis and True Positive Rate on the y-axis at all classification thresholds.
Unlike GauGAN1 the GauGAN2 can translate natural language descriptions into landscape images. Typing a phrase like “sunset at a beach” generates the scene
roc_auc_score is defined as the area under the ROC curve, having False Positive Rate on the x-axis and True Positive Rate on the y-axis at all classification thresholds
Image interpolation works in two directions, and tries to achieve a best approximation of a pixel's intensity based on the values at surrounding pixels.
Image resizing is necessary when you need to increase or decrease the total number of pixels, whereas remapping can occur when you are correcting for lens distortion or rotating an image.