Small thread on why I think we will see a bigger outbreak of #monkeypox d/t #COVID19 .We know Covid causes T cell response suppression in some & also complement mediated injury leading to effective reduction in levels of complements (hypocomplementemia) ctd)@fitterhappierAJ ctd)
2/n We know for a fact that at least in kids the complement induced injury caused hypocomplementemia in young , this was one of the pathways of acute liver injury in some kids , if the complement system is exhausted #monkeypox
doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002804. PMID: 32639461.
Ctd 4/n All said and done both the T Cells and Complement system are taking a hit , that is good chance for not only Monkey Pox but a host of others to take advantage. We need to prevent reinfections #N95, #Boosters, #UpdateTheVaccines, #AirMonitoring
5/n The fact that US goes ahead and orders 13 million doses initially in a deal costing 299 million USD. That should raise some understanding that the US realizes the risk caused
6/n some pictures have been uploaded by by BK Titanji and have to see the small kid to believe how bad it can be ctd)
7/n During an outbreak of monkeypox in 2003 in USA , exposure was traced to contact with pet prairie dogs that had been co-housed with monkeypoxvirus-infected small mammals imported from Ghana. So there is a fair chance of animals getting infected & also to pass it on, ctd)
8/n The WHO said that only one case of the many has history of travel to Africa , this combined with the fact that the US case had travelled only till Canada means there is more simmering underneath,chance to prevent animal jump from humans is now ( if not already happened) ctd)
9/n Ring vaccination or vaccination of the contacts and the people who may be second / third degree contacts is a good option to prevent spread and to save the precious doses , the grapevine is that it is being contemplated. The best age group is 20- 50 Yrs old .
10/n There was a great question asked by @emilygraymd_mph - Why now ? Are the animals getting immunocompromised- We really dont know BUT the animal models did show immunosuppression and if they did, there is no doubt those in wild will . Ctd)
11/n Whetever may be the predominant means of spread BUT this effort of the @UKHSA to try and lay the cause on gay , Bisexual men is not done- Most probably we will find Airborne transmission to be the major route and not #HIV ctd)
@UKHSA 12/n there is an interesting modeling study done in 2020 which calculates the R0 of #MonkeyPox to be in the zone of 2 in Congo , Africa we therefore are sitting on a minefield
doi: 10.2471/BLT.19.242347 ctd)
13/n In 1988 WHO thought that #monkeypox just needed tracking and no vaccination , nobody thought anything till 2020 in this modeling study HOWEVER Covid changed the game and suddenly the world stares at a possible pandemic upon a pandemic 😢😢. Ctd)
doi: 10.1093/ije/17.3.643.
14/n The @WHO has said that it is primarily droplets BUT it seems we will in the end find it due to aerosols , blood borne maybe to a much lesser degree .Sweden meanwhile finds a case ,@DGBassani feels if ur wearing an #N95 & following #Covid appropriate behavior ur fine ctd)
15/n “To combat a smallpox emergency, the SNS holds enough smallpox vaccine to vaccinate the entire U.S. population. In addition, the SNS has antiviral drugs that can be deployed to treat smallpox infections, if needed,” -Department of Health & HS,what about #GlobalSouth 🤔🤔ctd)
16) There is a good 3 hour course from the WHO for tbose who want to know a little more Ctd)
17/n Interesting paper ( modeling again) which showed that for communities to do a ring type vaccination is the best option in the early stages HOWEVER if the condition reaches out of hand then mass vaccinations may be needed .Time to act is NOW !! Ctd)…
18/n While there are questions from certain quarters if this is bioterrorism, I domt think I can say that with any confidence, all I can say is that the threat has been increasing since last 50 years and in the last 20 years by leaps & bounds ctd)
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1005769107.
19/n There've efforts to trace the changes that have happened in the small pox DNA, interestingly it was found that it became worser as time progressed & that worse disease gave life long protection , so diseases may not become #Mild with time ,monkey pox also probably changing
@WHO@DGBassani Wishing to offer a clarification from both me and @DGBassani - we both humbly accept that it can also spread from used clothes , pustular fluid as well BUT maintaining 6 feet distance from both patient / used items / body fluids along with #N95 masks would be appropriate info
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Short🧵How #Covid is killing Health Care Workers ?? Today I met Mrs Tandon.Her husband a 52/M physician had #Covid during #Delta wave which had injured his lungs BUT he came back home & started his private practice.He remained fine till 10 days ago when he made a short trip ctd)
2/n He felt weak on returning & wanted rest .Next day he was feeling body ache , joint pain & slight fever.He tested & found his platelets ⬇️to 23,000 .Further testing showed Dengue-ve.He started feeling dyspnea & was shifted to hospital where his oxygen suddenly plunged.ctd)
3/n Testing Covid+ve,he was already in ICU when the results came & must have infected many.CT very bad.Was shifted on ventilation support but couldn't survive next 24 hrs.3rd case I have heard in last 48 hrs of ⬇️platelets,bodyache & sudden decompensation mimicking Dengue.ctd)
🧵 on why the past experiences aren't good enough #monkeypox disease was first confirmed in humans in 1970.When the outbreak happened most thought it will be a few cases based on earlier outbreaks BUT some of us believed otherwise. See the old tweet ctd)
2/n We were plain lucky to have the West African clade of #monkeypox spread and not the #Congo clade spread , had that happened those who are lecturing is would have been scurrying for cover. Whether it is #Nigeria or it is Globally #monkeypox has broken a lot of barriers.ctd)
3/n with massive undercounting globally we are at 70,000+ cases in 102 new countries.All with availability of #Vaccine & #Tecovirimat in many countries. It would have been thousands more - so even if anyone has experienced the past- it doesn't help - the field has changed ctd)
Short🧵 on the story of the swollen toe - A known of mine phoned 2 days ago, their 19 yr old daughter had suddenly developed a swelling in toe - 2 hrs earlier along with sore throat & slight fever. On my urging they did a rapid test-ve, the RT-PCR ordered for next day -ve ctd)
2/n The fever subsided with naproxen but thereafter neded paracetamol to keep it under check. The mother did not want further testing currently BUT the kid would be in isolation because they have a 90 yr old grandmother living with them .They will watch carefully &masked ctd)
3/n while I was reassuring the mother that it is okay to watch carefully and even though it is most probably #Covid toe , we just need to be very careful she said something and I quote " Dr I am fed up ,this girl is getting fever every 5 weeks ,nothing seems to help" ctd)
Short 🧵 On Persistence of #Ebola - Patient infective over 500 days & spreads infection by Sex- So with the risk of spill over we may see repeated outbreaks. In 2016, Guinea had recorded 3 probable, 7 confirmed cases, of which 6 were admitted at an Ebola treatment unit ctd)
2/n 4 patients died in the community ,4 patients in the ETU.Fatality ratio among probable & confirmed cases in this cluster in Guinea was 80% (8/10).They were closely related to viruses from the 2014–2016 outbreak, ruling out a new introduction from an animal reservoir ctd)
3/n Epi investigation revealed that case 1 had sexual intercourse with a male #Ebola survivor who reported sexual abstinence after discharge from Nov 2014 -August 2015 as recommended. From Sep 2015, he had occasional intercourse with various partners, including case 1 ctd)
Short 🧵 on why some people are showing resistance to acceptance of risk of #Covid. This is a thread not on those who have fallen to misinformation BUT on those who initially took good care, till the vaccines came through - Suddenly become extremely careless & don't mask ctd)
2/n When the pandemic started a physician with army background told me - You know when do maximum casualties take place usually and went to explain & I quote" the maximum casualties dont happen during the 1st 2-3 days when the armies face each other - both sides dig into - ctd
3/n their own bunkers or hide from shelling - The moment they find they are being targeted they jump from one place to another or scurry for cover.After 10 days weariness comes in & with it comes false sense of security or overconfidence in your gear - Ctd)
Short🧵Why I think #Covid can cause existential consequences for Human Race ?? For any species to continue it has to procreate,that depends on fertility of both men & women.We started getting edgy couple of months ago.Here's the original ctd
Ctd3) We know that the number of ova in a woman is fixed at birth.The body doesn't produce more ova.Only a fixed number mature rest die off , maturation needs hormones & lots of other factors. If either hormones or reservoir is reduced #risk ctd)….