42-YO African American man, AIDS, CD4 57 cells/ mm3: 18-mth of progressively multiple papules coalescing into large exophytic nodules & plaques on face, scalp, & neck (A & B); & several lesions in in the groin, penis, & RUE
🔬:? 1/
Well-circumscribed intraepidermal lobules containing molluscum bodies (arrow)
These structures, which are composed of viral particles & cellular debris, are pathognomonic for this condition
Molluscum bodies enlarge and rise to the surface as cells age 3/
The typical lesion of molluscum contagiosum is smooth, dome-shaped, pearly or flesh-colored, often umbilicated, and always spares the palms and soles.
Approximately 10%–20% of patients with symptomatic HIV infection or AIDS have molluscum contagiosum 4/
Patients with #AIDS may have atypical presentations of molluscum contagiosum, such as molluscum without umbilication, molluscum as an abscess, tender molluscum, or erythematous nodular molluscum. 5/
Transmission routes include skin contact, fomite contact,& sexual transmission
The disease lasts for 6–9 months, although individual lesions tend to regress after ∼2 months
The cell-mediated immune system is most responsible for the defense against and resolution of lesions
The cellular immunodeficiency in AIDS therefore predisposes to such infections
In HIV-infected individuals, lesions occur on the face &/or intertriginous areas & tend to be prolonged, severe & resistant to treatment. The number of lesions is inversely related to the CD4 count
In HIV-infected individuals, the lesions tend to regress with highly active antiretroviral therapy and immune reconsititution.
Topical 3% cidofovir, imiquimod & other have both been shown to be beneficial
Cryotherapy and mechanical curettage are also effective
Se sugiere que el enigma de la #hepatitis aguda grave de etiología desconocida en #niños lo explica la coinfección con #adenovirus y virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 (AAV2), y con menos frecuencia el virus del herpes 6 (HHV6) 1/ 👇 espanol.medscape.com/verarticulo/59…
Dos estudios independientes: Un estudio fue dirigido por la University of Glasgow, en Glasgow, y el otro por el Great Ormond Street Hospital de Londres, ambos en Reino Unido.
Los investigadores del estudio de Glasgow usando secuenciación y PCR, confirmaron la presencia de virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 en el plasma de los 9 casos de hepatitis de inicio agudo y en el hígado de los 4 pacientes analizados.
Mystery #hepatitis cases in #kids linked to unexpected viral suspect
Two preliminary studies finding #adeno-associated viruses in pediatric hepatitis cases suggest a child's genetic background and other virusesall act in concert 1/ 👇 science.org/content/articl…
Researchers found high adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) levels in the blood or liver cells in 24 of 25 children with unexplained hepatitis.
In a group of kids without this condition, almost none had AAV2, even those with #adenovirus.
The young #hepatitis patients were also much likelier to have a #genetic variant that may make their immune systems overreact to viruses.
#Monkeypox Virus Infection in Humans across 16 Countries, NEJM
Authors report 528 infections diagnosed in 16 countries.
75% were White.
41% had human immunodeficiency virus infection
The median age was 38 years. 1/ 👇
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2207323
Transmission was suspected to have occurred through sexual activity in 95% of the persons with infection.
Overall, 98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men. 2/
In this case series, 95% of the persons presented with a rash (with 64% having <10 lesions), 73% had anogenital lesions, and 41% had mucosal lesions (with 54 having a single genital lesion).
The pustular rash across the patient’s buttocks & back is likely secondary to CLM folliculitis—a rarer, but well-described skin manifestation of CLM 2/
Potential levels of the outbreak in England: Level 2 (transmission within a defined sub-population).
Geographic spread: cases are concentrated in London (74% of cases) 1/ 👇 gov.uk/government/pub…
Of cases with information:
✔️97% (681 out of 699) are in gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (GBMSM)
✔️More than half had history of STI in the last year
✔️30% (123) were living with HIV
✔️31% (134) had 10 or more sexual partners in the last 3 months 2/