1/ A word of warning. It doesn’t matter on which side of the fence you sit - left or right - everyone living in the UK should be concerned right now. Current government have already removed our right to peacefully protest. Now they want to remove our #HumanRights 🧵
2/ The European Convention on Human Rights (#ECHR) are international laws which protect us all.
They protect our right to freedom; our right to marry; our right not to be tortured, and more..
3/ Do not be fooled. The European Convention on Human Rights has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being a part, or not a part, of Europe. Do not let this government convince you otherwise.
4/ If you’re not alarmed by this, please let me know which one of these #humanrights you would not want to apply to you or your children
5/ Here in the UK we take #HumanRights rights for granted. But we shouldn’t.
We must not become complacent. #Democracy and #freedom isn’t guaranteed, and it’s insidiously being eroded by current UK government.
6/ Passage of the #PolicingBill has already removed our right to peacefully protest. Government now wish to remove our #humanrights
This is a slippery slope to #fascism. A must 4 minute watch for anyone living in the UK right now.
7/ Regardless of one’s stance on politics, WE MUST ALL BE UNITED to defend our #democracy and #HumanRights.
8/ Defend your right to an education. Defend your right to marry. Defend your right to freedom. Defend your right not to be tortured.
We must never - I repeat, never - let UK government take our #HumanRights rights away.
2/ The LCRI is a collaboration between Long Covid patients, researchers, and clinicians to rapidly and comprehensively study the topic of SARSCoV2 #viralpersistence in Long Covid and the general population.
3/ The organisation was founded by patients and those with close ties to condition, and the research programme is being led by Chief Scientific Officer @microbeminded2.
New preprint in @medrxivpreprint which found circulating levels of components of #SARSCOV2 (viral RNA and spike protein) are associated and may contribute to the development of #LongCovid 🧵
1/3 In the first six weeks of Long Covid, I experienced neurological sleep apnoea. At night, I would stop breathing. My body would wake me from sleep, or the edge of sleep, to remind me to breathe.
2/3 At the time, I suspected brainstem involvement and recognised I was severely unwell even if no one else did. We now know Covid has a predilection for the brain stem, a region where ACE2 receptors are plentiful.
3/3 Those who should’ve cared for us, did not. This paragraph tells me nothing I did not already know, but it brings validation. My heart breaks for any one else who has been through this. healthrising.org/blog/2022/07/1…
🚨NHS workers, you have a legal right to work in safe environments.
Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 states employees are entitled to down tools & stay off work on FULL PAY if their employer refuses to make their work place safe. Demand #FFP3.🧵 @TheBMA
2/ It is wilful negligence to expose healthcare workers to a known deadly airborne pathogen. All public-facing NHS workers must be equipped with #RPE, including #FFP2#FFP3, given #COVIDisAirborne. @H_S_E
3/ UK government and hospital trusts must now start to invest in #CleanAir. Masks are a short-term solution, the installation of air filtration systems are a long-term investment. @wesstreeting@SteveBarclay