4 🪡 And those MAGA followers such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, also attended rallies where the parallels between Putin and Hitler were praised, and even promoted.
🧵 2 What is interesting about this @RageAgainstWar_ list is that some of the people speaking at the event have been in receipt of Dictatorship linked funding
🧵 76 year old Donald Trump saying he trusts the bloody Russian Dictator and ex KGB spy, who has had numerous people murdered in Russia and abroad over US security services
Russian state funded Propaganda channel RT was never a benign TV station.
It’s entire purpose is to project the Putin Dictatorship disinformation directly into the West and put money directly into pockets of those spreading disinformation
A regular on Russian Propaganda website Greyzone is a women called Setareh Sadeghi. Max Blumenthal started the website a month after visiting Putin in Moscow. She is on Twitter as @ Leelako (as Sadeqi).