1/28. A serious issue has been bubbling under the surface at #COP27 and it's reaching boiling point as we near the final plenary: the importance of the Convention(@UNFCCC) and its ongoing role in @UN#ClimateChange negotiations. Here is why this is important for #LossAndDamage.🧵
2/28. In the informal stocktaking plenary last night, we heard many interventions from developing country Parties highlighting their concerns regarding efforts by developed country Parties to remove references to the principles of the Convention across all thematic areas.
3/28. Under the Convention, Parties agree to protect the climate system “on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).” These are important agreed principles that must be preserved.
4/28. However, since the adoption of the #ParisAgreement there has been a consistent effort from many developed country Parties to leave the Convention in the past.
5/28. With Parties under pressure to reach a decision on #LossAndDamage funding arrangements this evening, we are at a critical moment for the future of the Convention. But let’s go back first and consider the history.
6/28. Although this discussion started in Paris, #COP18 in Doha established the role of the @UNFCCC vis-a-vis #LossAndDamage in paragraph 5 of decision 3/CP.18 to “promote the implementation of approaches to address #LossAndDamage” (note the focus on ADDRESS).
8/28. At #COP19 in Warsaw the Warsaw International Mechanism for #LossAndDamage (WIM) was established and it was decided that it would function under the guidance of, and be accountable to, the COP which would guide the implementation of its functions.
10/28. However, in paragraph 51 of decision 1/CP.21 which is the decision adopting the #ParisAgreement, Parties agreed “that Article 8 of the Agreement does not involve or provide a basis for any liability or compensation.”
11/28. When depositing their instruments of ratification of the #ParisAgreement, Several countries provided caveats such as #Nauru which declared that:
12/28. “Article 8 and decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 51 in no way limits the ability of Parties to UNFCCC or the Agreement to raise, discuss, or address any present or future concerns regarding the issues of liability and compensation.”
13/28. In Article 8.2 of the #ParisAgreement Parties also decided that the WIM “shall be subject to the authority and guidance” of the CMA.
14/28. Since that time, Parties have debated the governance of the WIM. This is a debate about whether the supreme bodies of both the Convention (COP) and the #ParisAgreement (CMA) governs the WIM or whether it is governed solely by the CMA.
15/28. The G77 and China’s position is that article 8.2 created a dual governance arrangement where the WIM operates under the guidance of both the COP and the CMA. The #US and other developed country Parties argue instead that the WIM is now solely governed by the CMA.
16/28. Although there are various technical arguments that have been advanced regarding the resolution of this issue, at its core this is a political dispute.
17/28. At #COP25 in 2019 the #US indicated that it would agree to joint governance of the WIM under both the CMA and the COP on the condition that the exclusion clause in paragraph 51 of decision 1/CP.21 was extended to the COP.
18/28. However, this proposal was rejected by developing countries and so it was never formally tabled.
19/28. At #COP25, the WIM agenda decision was taken by the CMA with a footnote indicating that “discussions related to the governance of the WIM did not produce an outcome; this is without prejudice to the further reconsideration of this matter.”
20/28. At #COP26 at #COP27 a slightly different approach has been taken which in effect also kicks the can down the road.
21/28. While much of the #COP26 decision text was the same in the #COP26 cover decision and the CMA cover decision, the paragraphs relating to finance for #LossAndDamage only appear under the CMA.
22/28. The decision to establish the #GlasgowDialogue to discuss arrangements for funding to address #LossAndDamage is only included in the CMA decision.
23/28. This limits the scope of that discussion and its ability to result in the establishment of an operating entity ( be it a #LossAndDamage fund or facility) under the Financial Mechanism of the @UNFCCC because this is only possible under the COP.
24/28. What is concerning is that at #COP27 we have seen harder lines from developed country Parties on references to the Convention and its principles. This issue arose in the negotiations on the funding arrangements agenda item before the COP started.
25/28. Again, we saw this issue in the #SantiagoNetwork as Parties could not agree to text in the preamble referencing the principles of the Convention.
26/28.Then Parties had a consultation with the #COP27 Presidency where they agreed to defer the issue in the context of the WIM to #COP28 because no compromise could be reached.
27/28. Consultations at governance will continue next year but as discussions go into the evening tonight at #COP27 please keep in mind there can be no #ClimateJustice if we shift #LossAndDamage to solely under the CMA.
2/18. 📢GOOD NEWS: #COP27 has established a #LossAndDamage fund! Following courageous and consistent championing for 30+ years by countries on the frontlines of the #ClimateCrisis. This is a historic moment that sets us on a pathway to #ClimateJustice.
3/18. During this time, climate-vulnerable countries were supported by the tireless efforts of #CivilSociety who have and will continue to demand that polluters #PayUp4LossAndDamage. We’ve put our heart and soul into this for decades now and we are not stopping anytime soon!
1/25.📜It’s day thirteen of #COP27. We’re in overtime now and behind closed doors, Parties have been working with the @COP27P to find common ground on funding arrangements for #LossAndDamage.🧵
3/25. Key messages included, @RachelCleetus on the G77 and China’s continued expectations for #COP27: "Climate-vulnerable countries came with a clear ask. They want a #LossAndDamage fund under the COP and the CMA. Then we can talk about getting it operationalised."
1/5.⚡️WHERE ARE WE AT?⚡️:Good morning Its day 13 of #COP27 and we have run into overtime. We are waiting to hear what will happen throughout the day as heated bilateral discussions continue on “funding arrangements” for #LossAndDamage. 🧵
2/5. But make no mistake, everything is still up for grabs and we are still pushing for an “operating entity” (be it a fund or facility) to be established under the financial mechanism of the @UNFCCC at #COP27 to address #LossAndDamage.
3/5.Don’t forget, this is what AMBITIOUS means: The operating entity needs to be under the CMA and the COP, it needs to deliver new and additional funds, it needs to be based upon equity and CBDR-RC, it must cover ALL vulnerable developing countries, not just the most vulnerable.
1/25.📜It’s day twelve of #COP27 and here is your daily #LossAndDamage focused thread. The intense negotiations on “funding arrangements" continue today after the release of a new text which contained a set of three options for a decision on a fund to address #LossAndDamage. 🧵
2/25. As summarised by @YebSano of @GreenpeaceSEA during @CANInt press conference these options equate to: “Option 1, we have a fund here. Option 2, we have a fund next year, Option 3, we don't have a fund, let's talk some more.”
3/25. However, it is very important to note — as we did earlier in an extensive thread— that “option number 1” is not in line with the G77 and China’s current proposal for an operating entity (be it a fund or facility) under the financial mechanism of the @UNFCCC.
1/12.📜NEW TEXT: Good morning, the new text on “funding arrangements for #LossAndDamage” was released last night. As it stands the proposal of the G77 & China is not reflected and we are extremely concerned with the use of the term “funding arrangements” this is why.🧵
2/12. See the new “Draft negotiating texts” here under the 8f drop down here: unfccc.int/event/cop-27?i…
3/12. The G77 and China have tabled a very detailed proposal for a fund designated as an “operating entity” of the financial mechanism of the @UNFCCC, but the current text uses the term “fund as part of new and enhanced funding arrangements".
1/4. This evening at #COP27#Barbados told @COP27P: "We would not wish to come out of this COP without a clear definitive language within the text and the cover text that addresses #LossAndDamage."
2/4. Support on #LossAndDamage, "has to include a reform of #MDBs. It has to address a pathway for accessing #Finance. It has to deal with the scale of finance which must be commensurate with the scale of the crisis which we did not ask for and cannot afford to finance."
3/4. The intervention continued: "Circumstances where we are highly debt burdened because the scale of financing development far outstrips our capacity. There is an urgent need for us to have the fiscal space to deal with crisis and deal with development issues."