1. I've looked at the documents, noting that the July 5th Accession document does not appear to be online, and I see no argument based the NATO Treaty language that supports a view that the US does not have a @NATO Art 5 obligation to both #Sweden and #Finland. Turkey agreed
2. to a unanimous "invitation" in Barcelona that was the only thing the Treaty requires. It says nothing about ratification. Erdogan & Orban, both allied with the war criminal Putin, have yet to approve the protocols. We should not let these two anti-democratic corrupt autocrats
3. control NATO. The US is the force that brings safety to members from #Kremlin aggression by being a counterbalance to the #Russian strategic missile forces. That is what makes NATO work more than any other factor. We cannot tolerate #Oban and #Erdogan
4. dictating our foreign policy vis-a-vis Russian aggression when both leaders are objectively working with #Putin and totally corrupt. Now, after a clumsy #Turkish false-flag operation, where Erdogan clearly bombed his own city, we are going to pretend that our #SDF
5. partners, who defeated #ISIS engaged in a suicide bombing where the alleged bomber is a member of a terrorist force controlled by Erdogan. This does not pass a giggle test and if Directors of @CIA Burns and @ODNIgov Haines are buying this absurdity they both should be removed.
6. On the contrary, I believe they and @JakeSullivan46 know it was the Turkish MIT that bombed Istanbul and are simply pretending to placate an anti-democratic autocrat with dreams of establishing the Califate in Syria under the guise of intelligence source and methods secrecy.
7. The men and women of @DeptofDefense and our IC are risking their lives daily to defend not only the US but all of @NATO from the threat Putin poses. The members and their families have moral right to know we are caving to a monster like Erdogan who is allied with both #ISIS
8. and Al-#Qaeda, against whom under the #2001AUMF the US is in a de facto state of war. Few people know what a slippery cuss Erdogan is more than @JoeBiden. I watched how @BarackObama would ditch dealing with Erdogan on now President Biden when he was @VP.
9. Every time Erdogan would try to pull a fast-one Joe Biden pushed back. Now Erdogan is testing @POTUS@JoeBiden by attacking an area of Syria where @USSOCOM is operating to see if President Biden, like his immediate predecessor, #thecreature #45, would cut and run.
10. The time has come to open the file on Erdogan and his family's corrupt dealings with NATO's and the US' enemies ISIS and Al-Qaeda and if it impacts the Turkish elections, so be it. Our leaders' duty is to the American people and not deceiving the US electorate
1. When I was a senior in high school, I became close friends with our new assistant principal. He was an actor and director and he wanted to do a play. He chose, "A Thurber Carnival," that is a series of short comedy bits. He asked me to be in it. I had never acted
2. before but was on the debate team and had no fear of pubic speaking so I agreed and he cast me in about a half dozen or so roles. One was to play the attractive other woman in "Mr. Preble Gets Rid of His Wife" and I did it and got more laughs than any of the other roles.
3. We performed to a full house in the cafetorium and recall one of my Scout leaders, a giant of a man, whose son was my classmate, laughing so hard he fell off his chair. Shortly after that someone wrote an opinion piece in the Holyoke Transcript Telegram decrying the fact that
1. He was my hero. I made my own flyers with my older brother and canvassed door-to-door in Florissant Mo when I was 8. My dad took me with him to the old Famous Bar shopping center parking lot to hear him speak. My dad was an @AP wire correspondent and always had a camera.
2. Not that day. I remember he picked me up to stand on the base of a light fixture so I could see. A little over a year and a half later my dad died and we moved from St. Louis back to Western Mass where my parents were from and I started 4th grade there.
It was a Friday.
3. I was in the 5th grade and despite having a few issues adjusting, the teacher, who I think knew my dad, gave me the job to go to the office and run-off her lessons on the mimeograph machine. That's were I was at about 2:00 pm that day when the principal came on the PA and
1. I think the way to create a safe-haven on Twitter is to simply not tolerate the hate. Block anyone who follows accounts that trade in hate. If someone worth following wants to monitor the hate accounts they can do it with a burner account. We should make a list of the
2. top hate accounts and let everyone know that they are about to be blocked by a lot of accounts if they follow hate accounts and then on a date certain ban the hate and create a two worlds on Twitter. One where E - M's plan to advance hate speech struggles to thrive and another
3. where it's banned. I think tools on Bot Sentinel allow mass blocking. If not we need to find another way to do it. One benefit of this process will be to block a load of GRU sock puppets and bots. They are on those accounts because almost all of this was part of a Kremlin
1. I think from the loss of advertisers and the clumsy RIF, E/M is burning cash at a rate that will concern his lenders. His equity bank financing was $21 billion with another $7 billion in bank credit operating loans and a potential $6 billion more of of bank credit available.
2. But that was all based on a operating with some income. I'd love to see his P&L that has to be hemorrhaging red with employee WARN Act and other litigation costs mounting. So his desperate effort to monetize by adding the creature back in hopes that the RedState followers will
3. flock to put down $8 to stick it to the libs is the apparent business plan for the banks to finance $40 billion of real money. But the creature already has a site and if he violates the terms he can get sued and also will have to admit he's failed at another creature
1. The creature saying he won't return to Twitter makes perfect sense. I had thought that his investors could likely sue him for breach of fiduciary duty if he has any role in the management of the SPAC or the site. Second, if he came back he would be admitting TASS Social
2. was a flop and his frail ego could not bear that. So he says Twitter is mess and he doesn't want to get involved in it again and the sewer backup that was predicted may have been averted. So where do we go from here?
3. I'm hesitant to say this because it will likely draw fire from the Trolls but I have almost none. When I get one I go about looking at the followers to note who is likely part of the bot net that triggers them. I started using @cbouzy's @BotSentinel a long time ago.
1. I distinctly remember as an eight-year-old boy watching the #Eichmann trial. Even at that age I knew what the #Holocaust was and when I watched it with my parents and siblings the horrors of #NaziGermany became even deeper etched in my mind. Then, when I was 16, I spent an
2. evening at a cocktail party sitting next to William Shirer as he spoke of the war and the Nuremberg trials. Some 20 years later my sister married into the family that owns the Schloss where Shirer and the foreign press stayed during the trials.
3. My brother and I shared a deep interest the Nuremberg trials. As an aside, John was godfather when we baptized one of our sons in Nuremberg. One of my closest friends died on #PanAm103 along with DOJ's last Nazi hunter while we were in Nuremberg for the Holidays.