Lactante, 9 meses: lesiones peribucales, edema palpebral, conjuntivitis, xerosis peribucal con costras melicéricas, eritrodermia generalizada y lesiones en cuello, extremidades superiores y glúteos, con signo de Nikolsky +. 1/5
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria La enfermedad de Ritter está causada por cepas de estafilococo productoras de toxinas que se dirigen al complejo desmogleína 1 en la zona granulosa de la epidermis, provocando la exfoliación de la piel. 3/5
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria El principal diagnóstico diferencial es la necrólisis epidérmica tóxica o enfermedad de Lyell, que es más frecuente y afecta mucosas, estando relacionada con la exposición a fármacos y tiene un patrón histológico distinto. 4/5
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria Tratamiento del SINDROME DE PIEL ESCALDADA ESTAFILOCÓCICA:
✔️antibióticos que cubren el Staphylococcus aureus sensible a la meticilina como cloxacilina o cefazolina
✔️vancomicina si se sospecha S. aureus resistente a la meticilina 5/5
A 59-YO DM, steroid, myasthenia gravis with thymoma: headache & deviation of tongue to the R side with fasciculation suggestive of right 12th cranial nerve palsy
CT: sphenoid sclerotic changes, soft tissue density lesion with calcification. 1/9
MRI brain: a hypointense lesion involving the body of sphenoid (R > L) and clivus on T2 weighted images and T1 weighted images with moderate contrast enhancement possibly fungal in aetiology. 2/9
A 5-YO♂️ with a history of IgA vasculitis & a pustular nasal lesions had started scabbing after 2 days of systemic glucocorticoids: progressively painful skin ulcerations of L forearm (A), R calf (B) & R foot (C). 1/4
With the exception of West & Central Africa, the outbreak continues to primarily affect:
📌men who have sex with men
📌who have reported recent sex with one or multiple partners.
Regionally, risk:
✔️as High in the Americas
✔️as Moderate in the African Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, European Region & the South-East Asia Region.
✔️as Low in the Western Pacific Region
The 10 most affected countries:
📌United States of America
📌The United Kingdom
📌Mexico and
Together, these countries account for 86.0% of the #monkeypox cases reported globally.
Loa loa is one of three parasitic filarial nematodes that cause subcutaneous filariasis in humans.
The other two are Mansonella streptocerca and Onchocerca volvulus (causes river blindness). 3/4