1/Von der Leyen “Current electricity market design is not doing justice to consumers They should reap the benefits of lowcost renewables We will do a deep and comprehensive reform of electricity markets” politico.eu/article/ursula…
Which should be the building blocks of the reform?
2/ On the objectives:
➡️*Productive efficiency*: demand must be met by the plants with the lowest marginal costs 📉📈
➡️*Investment efficiency*: investments must take place at the right scale, mix, and locations 🌞🍃
➡️*Equity*: prices should be cost-reflective 🪙
3/On the tools:
Combine #short-term energy markets (1⃣) with regulator-backed #long-term contracts (2⃣)
1⃣ provide short-run signals for efficient generation + consumption
2⃣facilitate efficient investments while adjusting profitability through #competitive forces
4/ *A well-functioning #short-term market*
📢 We should preserve short-run electricity markets but improve their performance through increased #transparency + #liquidity
➡️ Compulsory participation (as original UK design), participants allowed to enter into financial contracts
5/ *Efficient and equitable long-term contracts for all consumers*
Highly capital-intensive and long-lived assets + various externalities imply that:
➡️Long-term efficiency requires some form of #long-run contracting
➡️#Regulators must play an active role in promoting investments
6/ Benefits of long-term contracts:
➡️ #Derisking the investments -> cheaper #capital 🪙+ more competitors🧑🏭
➡️ #Competition for these contracts through #auctions would pass on this efficiency gain to #consumers in the form of lower prices 👨👨👧👦
7/ An important economic #principle should be kept in mind throughout:
*Exposing producers to short-run price signals (whenever desirable) is compatible with decoupling their average payments from those prices*
➡️This can be achieved through *Contracts-for-Differences* (CfD)
8/ Under a CfD, producers sell at the short-term price (p) and pay/receive the difference between a ‘reference price’ (p’) and the contract’s strike price (f)
➡️They keep the difference (p-p’) -> exposed to short-run prices
➡️Choosing f adequately allows adjusting profitability
9/ Contract design should differ across technologies depending on their flexibility to respond to short-run price signals:
➡️Full-price exposure important for storable resources 🌊
➡️Exposing wind or solar plants to short-run prices brings limited benefits 🌞🍃
10/ For #hydro and #nuclear power plants, setting the ‘reference price’ at the annual average market price effectively provides a #bonus for producing at peak times or a #penalty for producing at off-peak times, contributing to an efficient operation
11/ For existing plants competition to enter the market is not possible:
➡️ Instead, set technology-specific caps or strike prices in a cost-reflective manner
📢Political will required
Not addressing the economic + social consequences of windfall profits is no less challenging!
12/ Regulators should be the counterparty of the long-run contracts:
➡️Bilateral contracts (PPAs) are #scarce and too #short and only benefit those with strong bargaining power 🫵
➡️Counterparty risk is lower under regulator-back contracts, to the benefit of #all consumers 👨👨👧👦
13/ Changing the electricity market design without significantly affecting the outcomes would be a lost opportunity
Watch out 📢: The risk of "Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose"…is not negligible
14/ We cannot miss this #opportunity to redesign our #electricity markets to make them more #robust to the current and future energy crises while simultaneously achieving carbon #abatement goals 🌞🍃🌊 at least cost for consumers and #society 👨👨👧👦
1/ Eurolectric, the Association of European incumbent energy firms, provides a distorted description of the Spanish proposal to reform electricity markets. Difficult to discuss false claims. They must have read another document…
2/ One would expect incumbents to reject a proposal that weakens their market power to achieve competitive electricity prices for consumers. Still, corporate interests should be defended with sound arguments, not distortions. The much-needed debate is not possible otherwise.
3/ The energy discussion in Europe is now a fight between incumbents and consumers…Incumbents are few but have much to lose and are powerful …while consumers are many, they have much to gain but are weak...The @EU_Commission and the Member States should defend the #CommonGood
Good news from #Brussels
The leaked @EU_Commission non-paper on Emergency Electricity Mkt Interventions addresses the root sources of the 10-fold electricity price increase:
➡️Excessive profits of inframarginal technologies (nuclear, hydro, renewables)
➡️Gas scarcity
🧵 Thread
The proposals imply a big step #forward in our understanding of how #electricity markets should be designed
And watch out 🔊 because emergency measures pave the way to #structural reform!
Some key reasons & thoughts...
1/ Acknowledging that not all technologies should be paid at the cost of gas-fired generation is equivalent to acknowledging that:
📢 a single *technology-neutral* *energy-only* market design is not adequate – under emergencies & beyond
1/ Lo más importante, por las implicaciones que tiene: la CE admite la existencia de “Windfall Profits”
La subida de los precios del gas está provocando beneficios excesivos en el resto de tecnologías de generación eléctrica (nuclear, hidroeléctrica, renovables a mercado)
2/ Wholesale markets create the potential for profits for many electricity generators that are well in excess of the costs related to operations or capital recovery
Lo dice la @IEA. Estima el exceso de beneficios en 2022 en 20.000M€ si no se hace nada iea.org/reports/a-10-p…
1/ Que este mercado eléctrico era una bomba de relojería, lo llevamos denunciado muchos durante mucho tiempo. Hasta que la bomba explotó.
2/ Los precios de la electricidad hoy multiplican por 10 la media de la década anterior.
3/ Y va para largo. La guerra Europa-Rusia no se va a resolver mañana. Seguimos dependiendo de su gas tanto como ayer. Y los precios del gas pueden seguir elevados por mucho tiempo.
¿Podemos soportar estos precios de la electricidad mucho más?
Decarbonisation requires making fossil energy more expensive – that’s the whole purpose of carbon pricing. Well, here we have expensive gas & oil! Will this help the energy transition?
Thread! 🧵✍️
The answer is highly unclear because: 1/ higher energy prices promote efficiency, but...
2/ it is now harder to add more price pressure to consumer bills, and
2/ gas prices have pushed electricity prices up, so the relative price of low-carbon energy has not improved
2/ Higher electricity prices bring no good news for the environment as the #GreenDeal relies on electrification to decarbonize polluting sectors of the economy
Expensive electricity will delay much needed investments in electric mobility, electric heat pumps, #GreenHydrogen….
1/ Corremos el riesgo de que la Transición Ecológica descarrile si no atendemos adecuadamente sus impactos distributivos. Hay que poner en marcha políticas correctas que, de partida, no generen desequilibrios distributivos🫂
2/ La Transición Energética es una exigencia medio ambiental y económica. Keynes ha vuelto de la mano del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y de su condicionalidad verde y digital 🍃☎️