11 años ♀️, enrojecimiento del ojo D e inyección conjuntival (fig. 1), tobramicina en colirio: A los 9 días presenta un orzuelo palpebral inferior del mismo ojo (fig. 2) 1/2
La conjuntivitis o QUERATOCONJUNTIVITIS FLICTENULAR representa una reacción de hipersensibilidad frente a antígenos.
Se caracteriza por la formación de pequeñas lesiones circunscritas, nódulos (flicténulas), en el limbo corneal dentro de la conjuntiva y/o la córnea 2/5
Además de los antígenos estafilocócicos sensibilizantes se han implicado, a la tuberculoproteína, infestación por gusanos, hongos, virus, parásitos u otras causas. 4/5
La enfermedad ocurre típicamente en forma aguda, autolimitada y la lesión inicial puede parecerse a una ampolla, pero el pequeño nódulo rojo de tejido linfoide característicamente se convierte en un microabsceso que se ulcera y sana en 10-14 días 5/5
A 24-YO ♂️ 2 years prior bitten by an insect on his left mid-arm in Nicaraguan: within a week, developed a lesion at the site of the bite; over time increased in number and spread in multiple hyperkeratotic, wart-like papules. 1/8
Wet mount slide from cultures of biopsy using rabbit blood agar slant: aggregates of Leishmania promastigotes (arrow), which can be identified based on their elongated shape and flagella.
As direct contact is the primary mode of transmission, sexual intimacy has been identified as a risk factor for #Mpox, and a high proportion of the current multinational outbreak has been in men who have sex with men. 3/7
A 39-YO ♂️, same-sex relationships involving condomless anal sex: 38°C, cervical lymphadenopathy, mucosal ulceration on his tongue and a maculopapular rash on his face, neck and anterior chest. 1/5
Features of acute HIV infection occur 2–4 weeks after exposure.
Common presentation includes fever, arthralgia and lymphadenopathy, which may mimic acute mononucleosis.
Seroconversion usually occurs 3–8 weeks after initial infection. 3/5