"Deaths in long-term care facilities accounted for more than a third of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States for much of the pandemic — at one point, rising to about 43 percent of all coronavirus deaths..." ( archive.vn/mMHQw )
"Through the end of 2020, the death rate for non-nursing home residents was about 87 per 100,000. The death rate for nursing home residents is more than 108 times that number..." ( archive.vn/wip/00VIc )
"The HHS Declaration provides PREP Act immunity 'without geographic limitation' beginning on February 4, 2020, and ending as late as October 1, 2025." ( crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LS… )
Perverse incentives?... "A Medicare add-on payment of 20% for both rural and urban inpatient hospital COVID-19 patients... [...] U07.1 (COVID-19) for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2020..." ( archive.vn/r4kx8 ; web.archive.org/web/2022092013… )
Add #remdesivir... "... on 22 October [2020], the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved remdesivir for use against the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the United States—the first drug to receive that status" ( archive.vn/Z25mk )
Remdesivir shows efficacy as an early treatment option, but is given intravenously to late-stage COVID patients in hospital settings, where there is little-to-no efficacy, and probably contributes to patient deaths. ( c19early.org/s ; archive.vn/febN2 )
"... with respect to remdesivir and its metabolite GS-441524, to our knowledge, there are no human data to claim its safety in people with impaired renal function because they were excluded from the clinical trials." ( [Feb., 2021] archive.vn/aAnJW )
Remdesivir shown to be cardiotoxic: "The findings suggested that the clinical dose of remdesivir was adequate to trigger UTS2R activation. Notwithstanding the finding that UTS2R is activated by remdesivir leading to cardiotoxicity..." ( archive.ph/uiLQG )
Remdesivir: 53.1% mortality rate in a randomized trial conducted during an Ebola outbreak. ( archive.vn/TNFmJ )
"... eligible providers in the inpatient setting receive additional payments for certain COVID-19 treatments, such as remdesivir or convalescent plasma" ( archive.vn/ZOoIs )
"Dr. Jensen calls out 'ridiculous' CDC guidelines for coronavirus-related deaths" ( foxnews.com/video/61483983… )
"How can anyone not believe that increasing the number of COVID-19 deaths may create an avenue for states to receive a larger portion of federal dollars." ~Dr. Jensen ( archive.vn/IvnIf )
"The newly adopted criteria were a central feature of this week's declaration by Fauci, NIAID’s director, that remdesivir reduced the time to recovery for surviving patients from 15 days to 11 days, a 31 percent improvement." ( archive.vn/ZGq0e )
"Were researchers wrong to move the goalposts on remdesivir?" ( archive.vn/lWmOl )
Fauci worried? Didn't seem so, especially since his trusted deputy, Cliff Lane, chairs the NIH Treatment Guidelines panel. ( amazon.com/Real-Anthony-F… ; archive.vn/k5qjK )
Lane not concerned about science, more so 'navigating politics'? ( archive.vn/lGydK )