Routine staining methods (haematoxylin & eosin & Warthin-Starry) can identify spirochetes on the surface of enterocytes.
Histologically, characteristic findings include a decrease in microvilli &a predominantly eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate.
Microbiological Diagnosis: Stool polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can identify the presence of Brachyspira spp. bacteria at the microbiological level.
Epidemiological Trends: Recent studies have reported an increasing number of HIS cases among people living with #HIV (PLHIV) and men who have #sex with men.
This has raised the possibility of HIS being classified as a sexually transmitted infection (#STI).
36 cases of HIS with the majority being males.
· 29.4% of the patients were PLHIV.
· 56% were men who had sex with men.
· The most frequent clinical manifestation was chronic diarrhea (47%).
· Up to 25% of the subjects presented with clinical proctitis.
39% of the patients had been diagnosed with an #STI in the previous two years. This characteristic was more frequent in PLHIV (90% vs. 28%) compared to patients without HIV infection. #Syphilis was the most frequently associated STI with a diagnosis of HIS (31%).
Human Intestinal Spirochetosis has gained significance due to:
✔️ its association with #HIV infection,
✔️a history of #STIs, and
A total of 36 cases of HIS were identified, with the majority being males.
· 29.4% of the patients were #PLHIV.
· 56% were men who had #sex with #men.
· The most frequent clinical manifestation was chronic diarrhea (47%).
· Up to 25% of the subjects: clinical proctitis.
39% of the patients had been diagnosed with an STI in the previous two years.
This characteristic was more frequent in PLHIV (90% vs. 28%) compared to patients without #HIV infection.
#Syphilis was the most frequently associated STI with a diagnosis of HIS (31%).
Human #Intestinal#Spirochetosis has gained significance due to its:
✔️association with HIV infection,
✔️a history of STIs, and
Conclusion: This study highlights the association between HIS and sexually transmitted infections, particularly in individuals living with HIV and those with a history of STIs.
A 44-yo♂️, HIV +, CD4 cell count of 86/mL, viral load of 35,900 copies/mL: a 1-month history of fevers and pruritic blackish-brown lamellated plaques on the limbs and scalp.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2213894 #IDtwitter#dermatology
A RPR titer of 1:32.
A Treponema pallidum particle agglutination: ➕.
A skin-biopsy of the left forearm 🔬: diffuse dermal lymphocytes and histiocytes admixed with a plasma-cell infiltrate.
Lactante, un mes de vida: fiebre, placa en la cara ligeramente sobreelevada, eritematosa, con coloración anaranjada periférica, delimitada, y con aumento de temperatura a la palpación 1/7
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria ERISIPELA
✔️infección superficial que afecta a la dermis superior, el tejido celular subcutáneo y a veces al sistema linfático,
✔️causada en la mayoría de los casos por S. pyogenes o estreptococos de los grupos B, C o G. 2/7
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria Origen: interrupción de la barrera cutánea por picaduras de insecto, erosiones, etc.
Comienzo: agudo
Placa eritematosa con bordes bien definidos y ligeramente elevados
Localización predilecta: miembros inferiores y cara
Frecuente: adenopatías regionales. 3/7
A 31-YO♂️, #sexually active with 2♂️partners in the previous month: 8 days before redness of the R eye, an itchy perianal rash & rectal pain; scattered, tender, shallow ulcers & pustules on chest (A), abdomen (B), back (C) & perianal (D) 1/9
An 85-YO in rural Mississippi: months of tender, erythematous plaques & edema on bilateral hands extending to the elbows & on feet extending below the knees with significant pain
A repeat skin extensive granulomatous inflammation (A), with Ziehl-Neelsen stain clusters of acid-fast bacilli throughout the dermis (B).
Kinyoun stain >9 AFB/high-power field (C & D).
A 44-YO♂️, stayed in a rural cottage of France 2 weeks previously: cramping upper abdominal pain with watery diarrhea.
He had passed what he thought were worms in his feces
Eosinophilia 1/6
The specimens: identified as the larvae of the drone fly, Eristalis tenax
These larvae are 2.5–3 cm in length; the posterior tube gives them the name of “rat-tailed maggots”
Myiasis caused by E. tenax:
✔️rare but have been
✔️reported from various countries including Europe
✔️most often intestinal myiasis, but cases of infestation of the nasal cavity, urinary tract, and vagina have been described. 3/6
3 años ♀️, padre con lesiones cutáneas similares: lesiones cutáneas polimorfas localizadas en los glúteos, con elementos papulares, vesiculares y pustulosos umbilicados
@hgermanstrias@aepediatria Se realizó aislamiento de contacto y secreciones respiratorias (aérea y gotas) en el domicilio hasta la curación completa de las lesiones cutáneas (a los 10 días de evolución).
No hubo complicaciones ni nuevas lesiones en el seguimiento.