Basically, R’s wanted to sneak a time bomb into the bill that would allow them to use future failures to hit growth targets to trigger automatic cuts to programs like Medicare... 1/
The rich get tax cuts predicated on a lie today. The poor get cuts to aid when those lies become evident.
It’s an evil f***’s fantasy.
1) Say “Who cares?!” and pass a bill that could send the country trillions further into debt; or
2) Add provisions for future tax increases when necessary.
Option 2 would require undermining the tax cuts themselves - since the math is an obvious lie and those automatic hikes WOULD get triggered.
Their entire bill is built around robbing the poor to further enrich the wealthy - and now their means of accomplishing that just sprung a leak.
Given the above, I don’t see how they get to a revision that will please all parties - and then please all parties again in the House.
While slight, I suddenly have a glimmer of hope.