Allow me to tease a story I’ve been working on for a few months, to be published Monday in Curbed SF.
You won't be disappointed… unless you planned to buy a home at San Francisco's largest redevelopment project.
More than eleven years' of work that we're now told we can't trust.
The Navy’s spent $1 billion of your money since the 1990s to clean it, so that a developer called FivePoint can build 12,000 homes.…
Last year, other contractors reviewed all of Tetra Tech’s data—and found that almost half of the company’s soil testing was “suspect” and might have been faked or manipulated, and should be redone.
Read the whole story, see the documents, and fear for the future on Monday when the story will be published in Curbed.

Case in point: In 2015, the @sfchronicle called the site "once-toxic," and the city's director of housing said it was a "former" superfund site.