The clothes are a little different from ours. But they're not that different from us.
It's a mother and father. Aunt and uncle. Brothers and sisters.
It was the last photo they'd take together before they were all sent to concentration camps.

My grandmother was the girl in the top row. She and my three other grandparents all survived the camps.
On this #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceDay, I remember them.
And I give thanks that I was born in a land of freedom.
I'm thinking of a President who calls Neo-Nazis "very fine people."
Of politicians in both parties who seek to ban refugees fleeing death merely because of their religion.
I'm thinking of our fellow Americans who live in fear of a knock at nighttime that treatens to rip mother and fathers from their children simply because they don't have the proper "documents."
It won't happen again.
But we can do better.
And we must.