Applause. Then: “Our first panel is going to be on fake news.”
The video includes a TV clip about how Trump gets an extra scoop of ice cream, which is real news.
Dozens of people stand up, turn around and wave to us.
"Socialism sucks," moderator Dan Schneider says.
This is truly disgusting.
"If it bleeds it leads, but it has to be the right people in the right communities at the right time," she says.
This is actually fair media criticism if expressed less disgustingly and demagogue-ishly - of course "everyday" gun violence gets less attention, and it's an issue.
He's making a case that, like, laws in general are useless.
The NRA's rhetoric is really dark.
He asks why "no one at the FBI stood up and called BS" on its "rogue leadership."
(He sometimes does not make sense.)
He concludes: "To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun."
Standing ovation.
He gets a standing ovation and a U-S-A chant.
"IT'S NOT CRUMBBBS," some people yell.
Britain First, of course, is the name of the British extreme-right party.
The crowd cheers.
He comes out to Turn Down For What. He gets a standing ovation.
Two separate "lock her up" chants begin, then converge into a room-wide chant.
"Hint: he is not. He is a dude."