1. Watch this video.
I'll explain.... You ready?
Let's Do This.
But, Be Prepared To Get Pissed...REALLY PISSED.
I discovered an untold story of massive scale & consequence as a result of initial research into Trayvon Martin & his High School life in Florida.
You remember him, he's Obama's "if I had a son...he'd look like this" thug.
in a state of conflict.
The Broward County School Board & The District Superintendent, entered into a "political agreement" w/Broward County Law enforcement officials to STOP arresting students for crimes.
The school system administrators wanted to "improve their statistics"
in order to gain state & federal grant money (Our TAXPAYER $) for "improvements" therein.

(political & $$ financial) from the fraudulent scheme, Broward County joined in on this racket.
The approach in Broward was identical as the in Miami-Dade. theconservativetreehouse.com/2013/11/10/bro…
this was NOT an arbitrary change - this was a well-planned fundamental shift in the entire dynamic of how teenagers would be treated if/when they engaged in actual criminal conduct on school property. scribd.com/document/37191…
and over time, the 'policy' began to "create outcome"s where
illegal behavior by students was unchecked by law enforcement. prospect.org/article/revers
However, it didn't take long until felony crimes, even violent felonies (armed robberies, sexual and physical assaults and worse) were being "excused."

meant that increasingly more severe criminal behavior had to be ignored.
Over time the most severe of 'unlawful conduct' committed by students on school property was being "filtered" by responding (dirty) police.
The Sheriff & Police Chiefs were telling Street Cops & School Cops to ignore ever worsening criminal conduct.
They were encountering 'evidence of criminal conduct' but they had to hide the conduct.
There were examples of burglary & robbery where the police hid the recovered evidence in order to let the kids get away without reports.
Never assigning/connecting the recovered property to any "criminal conduct."
Stolen merchandise just sat in storage rooms gathering dust.
So they just hid it.
To prove this was happening one of the officers told me where to look, and identified who the victim was.
However, after getting information from detectives, cross referencing police reports, & looking at the "found merchandise"
I realized they were telling me the truth.
the results were buried.
Participating in the cover-up were people in the media who were connected to the entire political apparatus.
That physical evidence could NOT be ignored & proved the scheme.
In Broward & Miami-Dade it is nearly impossible for a student to get arrested. The staff within the upper levels of Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) keep track of arrests and when a certain number (quota) is reached all else is excused.
After all, "kids" are let off- so organized crime became easier to get away with if gangs on the outside enlisted high-school kids on the inside
The really serious crimes were timed in the latter phases of the data collection periods.This way student criminals were guaranteed to get away with it.
Present corruption (the need to hide the policy) expands in direct relationship to the corruption before it.
This is where the "School Police" come into play.
*BEST* Dirty Cops:
Those School Resource Officers (SRO's) became the ones who were best at hiding the unlawful criminal conduct.