This will be a thread about hope for our country.
Yet in our world this is strangely reversed.
They're not leaches, they're athletes to inspire us.
Learn to recognise the politics of hate. And every time you hear someone telling you the problems of the world are due to someone else, you'll know you've hearing carefully crafted hare. Think instead about the politics of hope. What can we do together not apart.
Being apart is so much easier than being together.
That could easily be a chance for more war and hate. But that's the old politics.
Instead now we have a chance to build
Instead it's a chance to build. Look at where we are in the world, at our size, at our proximity to neighbours and friends. Why would we reject that?
This is our chance to create not union but confederation.
It is not a super state to hate. It is a confederation of equal states we can lead in the direction we need.
And it won't be as difficult to do as fighting against ourselves.
If we choose hope over hate.