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Apr 18th 2019
#FLAG: I've heard some people I respect — including @MatthewMiller and @FrankFigliuzzi1 — suggest that Nadler should cancel Barr's scheduled hearing before his committee on May 2nd,

The argument is that he's not worth hearing from anymore.

I disagree. Here a few reasons why...
1. The impending hearing puts pressure on Barr, as Dems subpoena the evidence + unredacted report.

Every statement/appearance has been a disaster for him, even causing Mueller's team to speak out. IMO, it all ultimately forced him to release a less redacted report than expected.
2. There are important questions left to ask:

- Will the 12 referred investigations go on unimpeded?

- Why did he overrule/lie about Mueller's intention to leave obstruction to Congress?

- Outstanding Wikileaks questions.

- Has he assembled a team to investigate the #Oranges?
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
Read 180 tweets

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