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Lord Mahavira was 24th & last Tirthankara. According to Jain philosophy. A Tirthankara is an enlightened soul, born as a human, attains perfection through intense meditation.

His parents were King Siddartha of Kundgraam & Queen Trishala. Hailing from a royal family, he had all the luxuries of life at his disposal.

Luxuries of life gave no satisfaction to Mahavira. So at the age of 30 he embarked on a journey of self-discovery in order to seek the spiritual truth.

He wanted to obtain spiritual release from the karmic cycle of life and death and realized that it was possible only through inward self-discipline.

He decided to have no possessions at all, not even a bowl for obtaining alms or drinking water; he accepted alms in d hollow of his palm.

People insulted him, yet he very patiently endured all the abuses hurled at him.

Having attained Kevala jnana at the age of 42, Mahavira preached and taught for the next 30 years.

The ethical ones were Ahimsa, Satya, Brahmacharya, Asteya (non-stealing) and Aparigraha (non-possession)

Mahavira advocated principle of non-violence under all circumstances. His teachings tremendously influenced several personalities like Mahatma Gandhi & Rabindranath Tagore

His soul is believed to have become Siddha i.e., soul at its purest form.
There is a Jain temple named Jal mandir in the place where Mahavira is believed to have attained nirvana.