1. The investigation by Robert Mueller is
“mission creep”
or actually
“creeps on a mission”.

Weismann, known for vicious & shady dealings in the past, is the lead prosecutor in the Mueller witch hunt. independentsentinel.com/former-federal…
Weissmann, one of her fans, also holds the resistance movement to President @realDonaldTrump ’s presidency “in awe”. nbcnews.com/storyline/demo…
“an astonishing and disturbing finding.”
Robert Mueller’s right-hand "legal terrorist" & "pit bull" is obviously partisan.
GRAHAM: "Let me ask you this, did anybody ever make a request to unmask the conversation between the Russian ambassador and Mr. Flynn?"
YATES: "And again, Senator, I can't answer a question like that, it would call for classified information..."
YATES: Which 1of us are you asking?
GRAHAM: Ms Yates.
CLAPPER: That's a great qstn.
CLAPPER: All of us wld like 2know that & I don't knw the answer.
YATES: Yeah. Nor do I know the answer 2that.
which Robert Mueller later used, to charge General Michael Flynn of doing.
"Yates rprt might b relevant 2any investigation of @realDonaldTrump .
"The day aftr firing Flynn, Trump had the WH mtg at which, acc to the testimony of fmr FBI dir James Comey, Trump pressured Comey 2drop the Flynn investigation...”nationalreview.com/2017/12/donald…
Of course, this is all part of the plan
-Destroy @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
by any/all means.
Flynn = Collateral Damage.
If Mueller is looking at obstruction of justice or of an FBI investigation, Yates wld become a prominent witness.
“Srcs w/direct knwldge say that then-acting Atty Gen Yates NEVER told WH Counsel Don McGahn that fmr NtnlSecAdv Gen Flynn lied or that he was under FBI investigation-a version of events that contradicts Yates sworn Sen testimony.”
be judged by the man
who holds her “in awe”.
(and Robert Mueller's "Legal Terrorist" In The @realDonaldTrump Investigation)
It was elevated beyond belief..thanks to the FAKE news non-stop shoveling this manure 2the public as FACT knowing it wasa CRAP SAMICH
Mueller removed lead investigator Pete Strzok in July whn Strzok’s anti-Trump, pro-Crooked H emails 2his FBI mistress became known but Mueller hid it fr Congress despite repeated calls 4Strzok 2testify.
McCabe’s wife was recruited by Crooked H & Bill’s frnd & fmr fundraiser Terry McAuliffe.
It’s not clear abt the others but
They ARE NOT Republicans
and They ARE NOT @realDonaldTrump supporters.
Obama’s staff have also been fully engaged in pushing "the collusion" story and investigation despite ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of a crime. (by @realDonaldTrump or his campaign)
James R. Clapper, Obama’s director of national intelligence,
called the @POTUS "unfit for office."
Clapper told CNN after a fiery @realDonaldTrump speech in August.
“And I also am beginning to wonder abt his motivation for it.
Maybe he is looking for a way out.”
If not for collusion, for obstruction, if not obstruction, lying or some other process crime. papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…
Almost the entire story was wrong, according to Comey’s testimony b4 Senate Select Comm on Intel 4mons later.
Comey immediately notified Congress the story was not true.
This isn’t simply random attcks, there's orderliness & timeliness 2the leaks & indictments.
There are roll outs when the @POTUS has a success abroad or in the economy.
It is a stealth coup.
There has been ZERO evidence of colluding (except w/Crooked H & her Cabal) after an investigation that began over a 1 full year ago.
Take Mike Morell’s endorsement of Crooked H nytimes.com/2016/08/05/opi…
“In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation,” Morell.
He’s also behind much of the media sourcing.
“creeps on a mission” who are practicing “outrageous abuse of power”
Obama also lamented not passing stringent gun laws.
Its unprecedented for a past president to behave in this way.
But THIS.....
This is
"The Resistance."
Let's go back in time ...2009, when Mueller ran the FBI.
FBI (Mueller's FBI) asked a "Russian oligarch" (Oleg Deripaska) to spend millns of his own dollars to fund an FBI-supervised op to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007?
His name sound familiar?
Yes, he is the same Oleg Deripaska who has surfaced in Robert Mueller’s current @realDonaldTrump -Russia-Collusion-Invstgtn &who was sanctioned by the Trump administration.

Mueller was kept apprised of the operation, officials told me.
The Russian billionaire insisted the operation neither involve, nor harm his homeland.
1agent who helped Deripaska was Andrew McCabe, the fired FBI dep dir who played a seminal role starting Trump-Russia case, multiple srcs confirmed. thehill.com/people/andrew-…
Photos & videos indicating Levinson was alive were uncovered. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Le…
The deal was scuttled, however, when State Dept become uncomfortable with Iran’s terms, acc to Deripaska’s lawyer & the Levinson family.
FBI officials confirmed State hampered their efforts.
“I kept Director Mueller & Deputy Dir [John] Pistole informed of the various efforts & operations, & they offered to intervene with State, if necessary.”
Levinson was never found;
his whereabouts remain a mystery, 11 years after he disappeared.
“We were told at one point that the terms of Levinson’s release had been agreed to by Iran & the US& incl a statement by then-Sec of State Clinton
But, At the last minute, Clinton dec not 2make the agreed-on statement.
”The State Dept declined comment & a spokesman 4Clinton did not offer comment.
Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, declined to answer questions,
As did McCabe.
~1st his aluminum empire had business in Iran.
~2d, FBI wanted a foreigner 2fund the op bc spending money in Iran wld violate US sanctions & other laws.
~3rd, agents knew Deripaska in 2006 was banished fr US over rprtsof ties 2organized crime & other nefarious activities.
In fall 2009, acc to US entry records, Deripaska visited D.C. on a rare law enforcement parole visa. And since 2011, he's been granted entry at least 8 times on a diplomatic passport, even though he doesn’t work 4the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Deripaska said in a statement through Adam Waldman, his American lawyer, that FBI agents told him State’s reasons for blocking his U.S. visa were
“merely a pretext.” ...
the Russian said.
Over the past 2 yrs, evidence emerged tying him (the Russian Oligarch Deripaska) to former @realDonaldTrump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the 1st defendant charged by Mueller’s Russia probe w/money laundering & illegal lobbying.
Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging "he stole money."
& investigators have found ZERO evidence it ever occurred.
There’s NO public evidence Deripaska
had anything to do with ANY election meddling.
Waldman, (Russian's lawyer)until sanctions hit, gave a detailed accnt, some of which US officials confirm.
"@realDonaldTrump ’s campaign was secretly colluding with Russia to hijack the US election."
‘You are trying to create something out of nothing,’ he told them.”
So why care about some banished Russian oligarch’s account now?
~1st, as the FBI prep'd 2get authority 2surveil/unmask figures on Trump’s campgn team, did it disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) that 1of its past Russian sources "waived them off" of the notion of @realDonaldTrump -Russia collusion?
the U.S. government in April imposed sanctions on Deripaska, 1of several prominent Russians targeted to punish Vladimir Putin using the same sort of allegations that State used from 2006 -2009. ....
~And to seek his help on a sensitive political investigation.
~And to allow him into the country 8 times.
Some US officials wonder whether the Russian Oligarch’s "conspicuous absence" from Mueller’s indictments might be related to his FBI work.
They aren’t the only ones.
"far more significant is whether earlier FBI op was legal:
“It’s possible the bureau’s arrangement w/Deripaska
violated Anti-deficiency Act, ....

The "cat-and-mouse maneuvers" btwn Moscow & Washington are often portrayed in black-and-white terms.
But the truth is, the relationship is enveloped in many shades of gray.
*Right Adam Schiff?
(But I'll Stay On Top Of This One....)