How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App this level of ignorance is common in young academics, who have never experienced the world outside academia and imagine that the academic literature is the sole means of transferring information or knowledge and that academic peer review is the only form of peer review. is the figure from the Supplementary Information of the Science paper. See those error bars and see how they overlap - in Science that means they cannot be shown to be significantly different. See the colour coding, the only semi-reliable info is in green Kai talks about carbon emissions: the recent net emissions from our working forests have been due almost entirely to beetle-kill and the resultant fires from beetle-killed trees not due to a lack of replacement trees, replanting or the re-planted trees not storing carbon early line: "In the most likely case, Site C’s output will be surplus to needs in British Columbia." Gives the game away. Every major scenario involving transition to EVs/moving off natural gas for heating/hot water calls for a massive increase in electricity demand #bcpoli