Inna Sovsun Profile picture
Member of #Ukraine🇺🇦 Parliament, @GolosZmin party, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science (2014-2016); Ukrainian-language profile @inna_sovsun
3 subscribers
Jun 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Children in captivity. It sounds wild, like it's about Nazi Germany. But this is about #Russia. Thousands of children are now kidnapped, murdered and brainwashed by Russia.
Today, on International Children's Day, all our eyes should be on them. Children who are taken from their parents, children who are murdered, children who don’t remember who they are and where they are from. This is hell. My colleagues from Mama Jane Foundation are launching the “100 Words of Support” initiative to raise awareness of one of the most painful topics in Ukraine - the abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia.
Jun 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
💥In the Russian cruise and ballistic missiles that attack #Ukraine every day, there are electronic parts produced in the USA, Switzerland, Japan and Germany.
Despite the sanctions, #Russia continues to purchase them through third countries and fake companies. The majority of the foreign electronic components used by Russia for the production of missiles is produced in the USA - 81%, Switzerland - 8%, Germany - 3.5% and Japan - 3.5%.
Mar 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Мій законопроєкт про цивільні партнерства для одностатевих та різностатевих пар вже зареєстрований в Верховній Раді та отримав номер #9103.

До співавторства долучилися 17 моїх колег з фракцій Голос та Слуга Народу. Повний список підписантів:
1. Інна Совсун, Голос
2. Вікторія Подгорна, СН
3. Кіра Рудик, Голос
4. Дмитро Гурін, СН
5. Олександр Мережко, СН
6. Сергій Швець, СН
7. Вадим Галайчук, СН
8. Микита Потураєв, СН
9. Лада Булах, СН
10. Ярослав Железняк, Голос
11. Ганна Бондар, СН
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈My draft law on same-sex partnerships is registered in the Parliament of #Ukraine under number 9103.
It received bipartisan co-sponsorship of 18 MPs from @GolosZmin party and President @ZelenskyyUA's Servant of the People party. Co-sponsors of the law are:
1. @InnaSovsun, Holos
2. Victoria Podhorna, SP
3. @kiraincongress, Holos
4. Dmytro Hurin, SP
5. Oleksandr Merezhko, SP
6. Serhii Shvets, SP
7. Vadym Halaichuk, SP
8. Mykyta Poturaiev, SP
9. Lada Bulakh, SP
10. Yaroslav Zhelezniak, Holos
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦Сьогодні я подала на реєстрацію законопроєкт про одностатеві та різностатеві партнерства.

Це #НаЧасі.
Я неодноразово зустрічалася з ЛГБТ військовими. Я чула про їх проблеми й прохання виправити велику несправедливість – відсутність прав, які є в різностатевих пар. Image Щодня українські ЛГБТ-військові наражаються на небезпеку, захищаючи нас. Але держава не визнає їх стосунків з коханими. Це означає, що їхні партнери не мають тих же переваг, що й партнери в гетеросексуальному шлюбі.

Держава має надати юридичний захист тим, хто її захищає.
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦Today, I submitted a draft law on the legalization of same-sex partnerships to Ukrainian parliament.

Today 56% of Ukrainians support same-sex partnerships! So, I hope the majority of the parliament, including @ZelenskyyUa party will take the lead from the people! Every day, Ukrainian LGBT military personnel put themselves in danger protecting us. Yet, if they are in relationships, the state does not recognize those. This means that their partners do not have the same benefits as partner in heterosexual relationships.
Sep 24, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
🧵Long thread about the so-called #referendums held by #Putin in 4 regions of #Ukraine⬇️ 2. First, the legal issue. They are not legal. Period.
According to Ukrainian legislation, a referendum on the change of state borders (that is, on the adoption of new territories and secession of a certain part of #Ukraine) can be held under certain conditions:
Aug 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#Russia decided to hold fake referendums in the occupied territories of #Ukraine with the aim of annexing the territory. The Russian military administration signed a decree on holding such a pseudo-referendum in the #Zaporizhzhia region. Of course, this referendum is not legal and cannot be recognized. Because the referendum cannot be held by the occupying government, at gunpoint of Russian army, without an election commission and international observers.
Jul 28, 2022 4 tweets 8 min read
. @mondigroup is trying to sit on 2 chairs.
For the US & the UK, where it's the market leader, they declare that they're leaving the Russian market, but in the meantime they're actually expanding business in #Russia & financing the campaign "We are Russia! We are together!" Isn't it time for the Americans & the British to kick @mondigroup out of their market?
I'm sure you can do without them.

Join the campaign. Share tweets calling on Mondi groups to choose a side: leave the Russian market or leave the American, British & European markets!
May 21, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵The editorial board’s @nytimes recent piece is appalling. Looks like #russian propaganda, something you do not expect from a renowned media. This thread is about that⬇️ In its new article, @nytimes writes that betting on 🇺🇦 military victory is only "dangerous assumption" & that returning all 🇺🇦territories under 🇺🇦 control is an unrealistic goal. The editorial office is worried that help of 🇺🇸 to 🇺🇦 will lead to protracted, costly & drawn-out war
May 9, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Today, #Putin's Nazi #Russia celebrates Victory Day in #WorldWarII. But who really won the war, whose victory Russia so wants to appropriate?
And who were the biggest victims of this war?
More on this, as well as about #Ukraine and Ukrainians in WWII in this thread⬇️ #Russia often speaks of its power based on a ‘fact’ that they won WWII, and often claim that Germany owes them something, because Russia was the biggest victim of the war.
But this is a manipulation.
France, UK, US & USSR (which consisted not only of🇷🇺but also🇺🇦& others) won WWII
Apr 15, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
🧵#russia can't be a member of #UN Security Council.
But they have never been a member of @UN Security Council.
Moreover, they have never been a member of UN. And never joined UN.

This thread is based on an interview with #Ukraine's representative to UN @SergiyKyslytsya⬇️/1 #Russia isn't a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

A permanent member of the UN Security Council is a privilege that allows you to veto any decision.

The UN Charter clearly states 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council: the US, the UK, France, China & USSR/2
Apr 8, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
🧵#russians planned to attack #Kramatorsk railway station🤬

The information that the civilians will be evacuated from Kramatorsk by trains at this time is public. The russians knew that there would be thousands of people. But to strike at civilians was their goal⬇️ Yesterday at night, separatist Telegram channels warned people of #Donbas that it was dangerous to evacuate from #Kramatorsk and Sloviansk by rail and called for the use of cars.
Apr 2, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Russian troops retreat from near #Kyiv. The Ukrainian army chases them away. New video from the suburbs of Kyiv - Bucha. Dozens of civilian corpses are lying on the roads. Some people with their hands tied. #Russia bastards killed hostages.
The Vienna Convention doesn't work...
Mar 30, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵Stop believing this “Ukrainians are Nazis” narratives!
This is #Russian propaganda!
The only Nazi army in the world today is the Russian army.

I want to tell you things about the #Ukrainian army that will surprise you⬇️ The #Ukrainian army is a multiethnic army that has united Ukrainians, Georgians, Americans, & even Russians & Belarusians.
There are men & women.
There are left, right, and moderates.
There are Christians, Muslims, Jewish & Atheists.
They're united by the struggle against #Russia
Mar 25, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵Tread about Red Cross
The Red Cross refuses to help #Ukrainians from Mariupol. At the same time, @ICRC is negotiating with Kremlin to open a center in #Russia to help the #Putin regime deal with forcibly deported Ukrainians in Rostov. Recently, a resident of #Mariupol appealed to the Red Cross to organize help.
To which he received an answer only a few days later. And 4 days later, representatives of the Red Cross left Mariupol and refused to help the victims.
Mar 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
#russians killed a documentarist Brent Renaud, working for @nytimes in #Ukraine.

Those bastards open fire on journalists, doctors, pregnant women, children, civilians. This is the war against the whole civilized world.

#StopPutin #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine Image Brent's colleague is in the hospital. He doesn't yet know that Brent was killed.