सत्यम, शिवम, सुंदरम Profile picture
(Tweet on Economics, Mathematics, Religion, History & Politics) If it is not truth, beneficial or beautiful, it has no meaning to me
Vishal Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 24, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Farmers 'sowing' seeds for the third harvest.

#FarmersProtests That is it. That is the tweet
May 22, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
The #CovidVaccine is a $50 Billion opportunity
(Assume 5 Billion people taking vaccines 2 times every year, at $5)

And @BharatBiotech is very well positioned to capture a 10% market share with 1 Billion capacity. So such attacks will only increase. ImageImageImage The Big Pharma Cartel was confident of securing a monopoly on this lucrative opportunity

Pfizer alone has forecasted > $25 Billion revenue from #vaccines this year after selling vaccines worth more than $3.5 Billion in the first quarter.

May 9, 2021 30 tweets 20 min read
A narrative is being peddled that the #COVID19India crisis is due to these factors

1. Modi & Team claimed victory & did nothing
2. Modi allowed election rallies & #Kumbh which caused the #CoronaSecondWave
3. Now @narendramodi is not giving oxygen, medicines & vaccines to states Let us see what facts can be ascertained by looking at the numbers.

On Feb 1, daily new cases in India had dropped to 85790. Two third of these new cases from the states of Maharastra & Kerala, blessed with best CM & best health minister in the country.

#CoronaSecondWave Image
May 7, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
900 Metric Tons per day oxygen is enough for 90000 patients requiring oxygen support.

Total active patients in Delhi are 90000. Is everyone on oxygen support?

What’s going on?

@TajinderBagga @KapilMishra_IND @drharshvardhan @GautamGambhir @AbhishBanerj @Iyervval ImageImage Why would someone say no to audit? What’s there to hide? Why shouldn’t there be an accountability on usage of a life saving commodity?

#OxygenShortage or #OxygenScam

@AbhishBanerj @ShefVaidya Image
Apr 29, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
People living in their ivory towers have no idea of real Bharat.

37.7 million Indians are affected by water-borne diseases annually, 1.5 million children die of diarrhoea alone.

See this report from 2013


downtoearth.org.in/news/unsafe-wa… This is what we have been living with even seven decades after independence.

Why couldn’t successive governments think, plan and deliver such a basic thing like tap water when this man #modi is targeting the same in 4 years.

Apr 13, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
@sganesh181 Another point. @sganesh181 I had earlier posted that #KumbhMela should have been closed for common people & only few sadhus of each Akhada should have been allowed with #COVID protocol.

But I did more research after reading many posts & articles blaming kumbh for current crisis.

Jan 5, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@Aabhas24 Iyas ibn Qabisah al-Ta'i I (from Tayy tribe) was the Sassanid governor of al-Hirah from 602 to 617. The Banu Bakr ibn Wa'il tribe opposed his rule which led to the Battle of Dhi Qar in 609, in which the Sassanids were defeated.

military.wikia.org/wiki/Battle_of… @Aabhas24 Tayy is an ancient Arab tribe. They helped Lakhmids rule Al-Hirah in the 610s. A chieftain & poet of this tribe, Hatim al-Ta'i, is widely known even today through stories (Qissa-e-Hatem-tai ) about his generosity. He lived in Ha'il (Saudi Arabia) & was mentioned in some Hadiths.
Dec 24, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
There are 28 sports tournaments/ trophies and 19 stadiums named after Nehru, Indira and Rajiv including highest sport award. Here is a list of cricket stadiums alone.

cricketcountry.com/criclife/groun… QUIZ QUESTION

In which stadium did #BishanSinghBedi realize that a stadium should not be named after a politician

People please vote and do maximum RT. Let us hear from people of India
Dec 7, 2020 13 tweets 10 min read
Punjab has about 10 Lakh farm families (All India 15 crores). State govt gives them an electricity subsidy of about Rs 8000 crore. Center gives them a fertilizer subsidy of Rs 5,000 crore. That is Rs 13000 crores or about Rs 1.3 Lakhs per household.

#FarmersProtestHijacked See how since 2014-15 (When the Modi government came in power), procurement of rice by the center has consistently increased year on year.

Also, notice how MSPs saw a big jump in 2018-19. In 7 years, MSP for paddy is up by 43%.

#FarmersWithPmModi ImageImage
Nov 10, 2020 31 tweets 19 min read
Indian Muslims protesting against @EmmanuelMacron because he has spoken against Islamic terror after #Francebeheading & expects Muslims living in France to respect the secular French constitution raises a very important question.

What comes first to them - Religion or Nation This is not the first time, Indian Muslims have shown solidarity with Muslims in other nations. They have been very vocal about Muslim causes around the world & opposed even #CAA that had nothing to do with them.

A thread on Ummah, Caliphate, Khilafat movement & Indian Muslims
Dec 14, 2019 11 tweets 10 min read
@BDUTT @htTweets It’s you who is hyphenating #CAB and #NRC.

First is for fast tracking citizenship to persecuted minorities of three Islamic states. No Indian of any religion should have any problem with that. So stop opposing #CitizenshipAct on its own merits first. @BDUTT @htTweets Now let’s talk of #NRC. First of all there are no specific details of same are in public domain yet. But let’s start with objective.

It seeks to identify citizens of our nation from non citizens (illegal infiltrators who are here for other reasons than religious persecution)
Dec 10, 2019 28 tweets 12 min read
My response on some of the common questions being asked on #CABBill

Long thread on FAQ on

#CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019 & #NRCBill


Here is the bill for a quick reference

prsindia.org/sites/default/… 2/n

Q1 Why religion as criteria

Because they are being persecuted precisely for that reason. Their religion. These three countries are Islamic states which discriminate against others by law, by design. All of them have discriminatory constitution.
Oct 1, 2018 34 tweets 13 min read
A must read book for every Indian irrespective of her religion.

Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them, Vol.2: The Islamic Evidence amazon.in/dp/8185990948/… #Amazon Here is a small introduction to Sitaram Ji.
