Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 Profile picture
Politics is broken. XRUK demand a new culture of fairness and transparency where everyone is included in important decisions. Join us to #UpgradeDemocracy
Roger Stevens Profile picture Joey Blogge Profile picture 2 subscribed
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
📽️‼️ WATCH as protesters are arrested for throwing paint at the HQ of financial lobbying firm @UKFtweets.

The protesters targeted the headquarters at 1 Angel Court in London to highlight the corruption of the financial system and how it prioritises profit over people and planet. .@UKFtweets claims to be “the collective voice for the banking and finance industry.” It represents more than 300 firms across the industry to “enhance competitiveness”

In reality, it's part of a corrupt system that syphons off the world's wealth:
Mar 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
❗️BREAKING❗️ Wellingborough tree protected again!

A tree protector has climbed the same tree in the early hours of this morning that @paulpowlesland climbed yesterday, to stop it being felled. Solidarity with these brave people protecting nature 💚 ❗️❗️ UPDATE: Police have arrested the brave protester from the ground as he remains in the tree, refusing to allow these trees to be cut down
Dec 31, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
On the last day of 2022, let’s reflect on some of the key events of the year. 2022 has been full of political turmoil, climate disasters and fossil fuel corruption. To this we say, FUCK THIS SHIT. In April, activists across Europe forced Russian oil ships to u-turn, blocked trains, and targeted Gazprom offices as govs continued to buy Russian fossil fuels that fund the war in Ukraine

Nov 14, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: #Barclays faces biggest ever day of climate protests

👉 Over 100 #Barclays branches across the UK targetted

👉 Windows cracked & covered in posters, fake oil & paint

👉 Actions & outreach continuing throughout the day

👉 Press release: extinctionrebellion.uk/2022/11/14/thi… #Barclays is the UK’s and Europe’s largest financier of fossil fuels. Since 2021, when the International Energy Agency concluded there could be #NoNewOil, gas or coal development if the world was to reach net zero by 2050, Barclays has invested $19.583B in fossil fuels.
Nov 11, 2022 17 tweets 16 min read
The arrest of several journalists this week sparked concern for press freedom. But while the state increase repression, the papers and right wing think tanks want the police to go further & faster.

What led us to this point, and what was the press's part in it? 🧵 The only question police asked @charlotterlynch before she was held for 7 hours was how she knew to be there.

But @TheSun journalists who knew about Just Stop Oil weren't arrested. They were invited to take photos of a nonviolent protesters front door being smashed in.

Why? 🧵
Nov 6, 2022 15 tweets 11 min read
As Egypt hosts #COP27 let’s not forget the estimated 60,000 political prisoners held there.

We join the calls to release Alaa Abd El Fattah who is on hunger strike right now. #FreeAlaa

We also want to shine a light on some of those in prison here in the UK in this thread:🧵 Image While the eyes of the world are on #cop27egypt it's crucial to pressure their Government on their human rights record and for political prisoners release.

Reports of human rights abuses range from harassing activists & journalists to torturing prisoners:
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
🔥 HAPPENING NOW @GretaThunberg
@southbankcentre 🔥

"Our leaders have completely failed. We are never going back to normal. The climate & biosphere are breaking down... What we call 'normal" is an extreme system based on exploitation of people & planet." #TellTheTruth "We will never give up. We will never stop fighting for the living world" a powerful call to action. Profound truth telling from @GretaThunberg tonight
Oct 29, 2021 13 tweets 10 min read
When the 68 uprising graffitied Paris with “Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible!” who thought this call to action would meet its alter ego years later in the UK?

For what is Insulate Britain if not: Be Impossible, Demand the Realistic?

🧵A #Thread. In the face of the #climate emergency happening now, XR recognises the need for disruptive actions that highlight the severity of the crisis. Insulate Britain is playing a vital role in shifting the Overton Window around public awareness and urgent government action. #ActNow
Oct 28, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Judge finds 3 guilty, despite their nonviolent act against the crime of dangerous and damaging denial and delay coming out of the "think-tanks" and lobbyists at 55 Tufton Street in a #ClimateCrisis that is happening now.

#DenialOnTrial #TellTheTruth #ClimateJustice Guilty of criminal damage, they all received 6 month conditional discharge and were ordered to pay reduced court and compensation costs totalling of £200. Unusual as this is far less than the claimed damage caused.

The magistrates praised them for their “openness and honesty”.
Oct 27, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read

Hey @Guardian @GdnSaturday @GdnReadersEd, well done for the article on climate activists. But how come there’s 19 people with placards and 1 without?

You know, the 1 black person, Elise Yarde.

Don’t you like what she has to say?

🧵thread by Elise 1/6 When I realised I was the only person without a placard I felt so let down. I experience this shit way too often. Why am I the only black person in the article? Why does my message get silenced? Why don’t you want to talk about the fact that climate change is a racial issue? 2/6
Sep 4, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
As the #ImpossibleRebellion draws to a close, the analysis will inevitably begin.
One of the things that has been clear though is a shift in the way XR is being covered in the 🇬🇧 🗞.
Like a samba-dancing mosquito🦟, our persistence is paying off. 1/7

ft.com/content/a92d70… This piece by the @FT’s @henrymance discovers a quality long since thought extinct in the UK press: nuance – and it’s a joy to read. Henry *gets* us. And in a world of ‘but China’ 🇨🇳and ‘Gail’s car’ 💀🚙💨 that’s a step change in the narrative from the streets of shame. 2/7
Sep 2, 2021 16 tweets 10 min read
So what if Extinction Rebellion isn’t popular? We’re protesting to bring about change and it’s working.
We’re told that in order to be successful, XR must offer people hope.
Sorry, but what we all need is the full truth about the climate crisis. 🌊🔥1/16
independent.co.uk/climate-change… How can it be that XR was named no.1 climate influencer and a few months later rated the most disliked disruptive protest group globally? Maybe it’s not bizarre because social movements accelerate history, and that is more often than not an uncomfortable process for society. 2/16
Sep 1, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
We're @cityoflondon to demand NO NEW FOSSIL FUEL INVESTMENT.

The City continues to funnel billions into fossil fuels that can’t even be used if we are to stay within the targets required by the #ParisAgreement. The @IEA agree.

#Thread 1/5 In May @IEA said if the world is to meet the target of net zero emissions by 2050, all new investment in fossil fuels must cease by the end of this year. Our demand is in keeping with the science & all expert opinion - but bankers choose short term profit over long term life. 2/5
Sep 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read

At 7am 8 women lined up at the European office of @jpmorgan in Canary Wharf and carefully broke 2 windows with hammers and chisels. Wearing all black, the women used painted hammers bearing words such as LIFE, LOVE and CARE. Care was taken to make sure no one inside or near the building was put at risk of harm.

After the action, the women sat down in a circle and waited for the police to arrive.

They were holding hands & wearing patches that read ‘Deeds not words’ and ‘Stop the harm’.
Jun 25, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Why are @metpoliceuk concerned by an art installation @antepavilion? Under what powers are they arresting employees of an art space with no connection to xr? This is a vast overreach of police powers, and suppression of freedom of expression. #Art #Arrests

A thread 1/5 After the printworks blockade in sept 2020 the bamboo tension structures were deemed prize winning by architecture critic @PhinHarper saying they "recall the sustainable motives of high-tech architecture" in this @dezeen article:


Sep 5, 2020 7 tweets 8 min read
When you talk about freedom, you mean freedom to lie to us & exploit us, freedom to deny the truth, freedom to avoid scrutiny, freedom to bypass democracy.

We want freedom from the climate and ecological emergency #WeWantToLive #FreeTheTruth #FreePress #FreeDemocracy 😂Everyone knows the press isn’t free - we haven’t had a PM that wasn’t backed by #Murdoch for 40 yrs.💩 Do you care about the citizens of this country and how many will die as a result of the #ClimateEmergency - or are you really that out of touch? #FreeTheTruth
Sep 4, 2020 12 tweets 12 min read
BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion blocks News Corps Printworks and demands they FREE THE TRUTH

As the printing presses crank up, #ExtinctionRebellion groups in North London and Liverpool are taking on the titans of the media industry.

#FreeTheTruth #WeWantToLive #ChangeIsNow Nearly 80 people are currently blocking the roads leading to two printworks owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp – Broxbourne outside of London and Knowsley near Liverpool. #FreeTheTruth #WeWantToLive #TellTheTruth

Sep 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
For anyone losing their 💩 over socialism and XR, stating that we aren’t a socialist movement is not the same as saying we reject socialism.

From the offset, like it or not, we have been an “and” not an “or” movement. Breaking the traditional impasse of oppositional politics is not the same as appeasing the side with which we may not agree.

It’s a hard route to take, because it means that we will likely have to talk to people we’ve spent a lifetime ‘hating’.
Jun 27, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

Extinction Rebellion offers our unconditional support and solidarity to all trans people in the face of unrelenting attacks from Trans-Exclusionary-Radical-Feminists, the media, elected politicians, and even from leading voices within the environmental movement. Image 2/6 Image