Dr. QueenB Profile picture
Professor. Award winning author, RT≠ Agreement. De/colonial educational researcher, transnational Global South sensibilities, dabbles in absurdity and play
13 subscribers
May 3, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Qualitative research tip (a thread):

1. If you really want to be a stellar qualitative researcher, one of the most important skills you'd have to cultivate and sharpen, especially if you want to work with people, is to learn to listen deeply. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter 2. This means not thinking about the question you will ask next, or how what the person is saying fits with your study or not. It means staying so present that the person knows that for those moments, there is nothing more important in your life than listening to them. #phdlife
Jun 12, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
As promised, a thread on de/colonial citational politics and embodying de/coloniality. A few days ago Sam Museus did a thread on neoliberal citational politics, which is the inspiration behind this thread. Hope you will read and share. #AcademicTwitter #acwri #highered #educolor 1. First - situating term - de/colonial is something I've been writing with a slash to denote the movement between utopian desires of freedom & material condition of resisting colonization. Written & theorized in 2005, 2009, & in almost all of my pubs where I have used the term.
Feb 19, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
Why we should walk away from using terms like "giving or capturing voice," in qualitative research. I hope you will read and share. #qualitativeresearch #highered #highereducation #critqual #educolor #decolonial #phdadvice #phdchat #phdlife #languagematters 1. First, the lineage and practices of qualitative research are grounded in western, global north sensibilities. Look at what is being used as dominant texts and who the authors are. Creswell and others rarely ever wrote a word thinking about people who look like me.
Jan 24, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
THREAD - Here are my thoughts on generating themes in qual research & why they don't emerge. I've included my BAE notes to situate myself. I hope you will read and share. #AcademicTwitter #qualitativeresearch #critqual #highered #highereducation #educolor #dataanalysis #phdchat 1. First, generating theme is only ONE type of inductive analysis in qual research. It shouldn't be confused as THE path to data analysis in qual research. Thematizing is quite intuitive, despite being presented as a form of systematic approach to data analysis in qual.
Jan 7, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
(THREAD) Research ethics based on love, decoloniality and post oppositionality. Why @mildredboveda and I wrote our article. Hope you’ll read & share. #AcademicTwitter #qualitativeresearch #critqual #educolor #highered #highereducation #ethics #researchethics #decolonizing 1/ We came together in this piece because our shared history of colonization was completely erased in what started dominating the Global North’s discussion on decoloniality. That other nations also have colonizing histories with different liberatory agendas were simply absent.
Dec 2, 2018 25 tweets 6 min read
This is a thread on how to address criticism of low sample size in qualitative research. I hope you will read and share. #AcademicTwitter #QualitativeResearch #critqual #phdchat #phdadvice #educolor #PhD #acwri 1. Any question about sample size must not be answered right away until you understand the context of the question. Otherwise, you will fall into the trap of justifying qualitative research by using the criteria for quantitative research. It's a set up for failure. Avoid.
Aug 3, 2018 15 tweets 10 min read
1. I'm creating this thread to discuss how epistemicide is common in critical qual research, and why we must be vigilant of it.
#critqual #educolor #acaemictwitter #phdchat #phdadvice #qualitativeresearch #highered #phd 2. First - what is epistemicide? It is the erasure, dismissal of culturally-situated ways of learning and knowing that would otherwise be critical to creating knowledge (in qualitative research). This occurs to center dominant discourses. #academictwitter #highered #phdadvice
Jul 19, 2018 17 tweets 9 min read

1. I was asked for some sources one could follow if one wanted to disrupt dominant methodologies while doing critical social science/educational research. This thread is my response. I hope you'll read & share. #AcademicTwitter #PhD #phdchat 2. First, my conceptualization of critical: anything that interrogates power relations, such as race, class, gender, intersectionality work, culture work, disability work, sexual orientation work, etc. #AcademicTwitter #PhD #phdchat #qualitaitvresearch #quallove