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We organized the largest online protests in human history. Now we fight for a world where technology is a force for liberation rather than tyranny and greed.
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Apr 18, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow, @InternetArchive will file their reply brief in the suit from major publishers to end the right of IA and all libraries to own and preserve spyware-free digital books.

Reading what they’re replying to, we’ve gotta ask:

Who is the real "Napster" here?

A thread. What the Archive’s book library does is scan paper books to make their own digital copies so that they can loan them without letting tech companies and publishing conglomerates spy on readers.…
Dec 5, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read

We need to stop an AWFUL bill.

@SenSchumer + @SpeakerPelosi are poised to put special interests before people by ramming through the so-called Journalism Competition and Protection Act.

Urgent action is needed. Call now:… Instead of holding big tech accountable by bringing #AICOA and #OAMA to a vote as @SenSchumer promised, we are hearing that he’s looking to put a handout to Murdoch, Alden Capital, and Gannett in the National Defense Authorization Act. Why you should be outraged, a thread.
Aug 25, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
NEW: ❤️Fight and @MediaJustice are calling on MGM to cancel their new show, Ring Nation. This trainwreck will use video from Ring cameras to sell surveillance to viewers.
There are so many reasons civil rights groups agree that Ring is dangerous.… Ring Nation tries to put a friendly face on a dangerous product.
Ring is the figurehead of Amazon’s surveillance empire. Its cameras capture the whereabouts and actions of millions and share warrantless surveillance data with the police.…
Aug 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6: Creepy surveillance tools are spreading like wildfire across school campuses.
Since moving to remote learning, students like Aaron Ogletree have been forced to show school admin and other students their bedrooms every time they take a test. Aaron sued—and yesterday, he won. Image 2/6: In a landmark victory, a federal judge in Ohio ruled that remote “room scans” are a warrantless search under the 4th Amendment. These scans use a student’s webcam to probe their room (usually their bedroom 🙃) & are a gross privacy violation.
Apr 4, 2022 18 tweets 18 min read
Today is #AntitrustDay, and nonprofits, tech companies, and internet users are uniting in calling on Congress to end Big Tech’s abusive monopolies. We can’t restructure our relationship with tech until we have antitrust laws. Contact lawmakers now.
Nov 16, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
#DontKillCrypto Update: @RonWyden and @SenLummis have made good on their word to fight to stop invasive surveillance and defend small developers creating alternatives to Big Tech.… The bad provisions in the #InfrastructureBill might be the law, but the fix bill these Senators have introduced is a clear signal:

🔥The fight for a common sense approach to new tech that doesn't entrench Zuck as Ruler of web3 is not over.
Oct 13, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
NEW: Today nearly 50 leading human rights organizations launched the first major grassroots campaign in the wake of Frances Haugen's testimony. We're calling for an investigation & a data privacy law "strong enough to end Facebook's current business model" .@FrancesHaugen & other Facebook whistleblowers have shined a light on the way that Big Tech's surveillance-driven recommendation algorithms are at the root of these company's societal harms. The data Facebook collects on all of us is the fuel that powers those dangerous machines
Oct 12, 2021 22 tweets 11 min read
Poorly written provisions in the #InfrastructureBill could regulate #crypto out of existence & make felons of everyday users. Here are a few of the thousands of exciting #blockchain projects that could be impacted by unworkable regulation. (Sharing, not endorsing) #DontKillCrypto #Bailbloc is an app that redirects a small portion of your computer’s unused processing power towards mining Monero. It then exchanges the Monero for USD, and donates the $$ to a rotating list of bail funds in the @bailfundnetwork every month:
Oct 4, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
New Facebook whistleblower shines light on algorithmic harms. The solution is privacy legislation that makes Facebook’s surveillance driven business model illegal. Congress can and should pass a privacy law strong enough to kill Facebook. #facebookdown #facebookwhistleblower Last night, the whistleblower behind a series of Wall Street Journal articles about Facebook revealed herself in interviews with 60 minutes and a number of major news outlets.…
Sep 29, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
The next 24 hours are crucial for #cryptocurrencies. This is the plan to get the House to fix deeply broken provisions in the #InfrastructureBill: we've built a scoreboard, and we need you to contact your rep if they haven't spoken out. >> #DontKillCrypto On 9/30 the House will likely vote to pass the #InfrastructureBill, but this isn't the end of the story. #Crypto isn't dead. On the contrary, this is a golden opportunity to form a much bigger, bipartisan coalition in support of a #decentralized internet.
Sep 29, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
#Crypto Update: the House is scheduled to vote on the #InfrastructureBill this Thursday 9/30. This is a crucial opportunity to get your representative on the record in support of a #DontKillCrypto fix and a decentralized future. Contact your rep at We're actively updating the scoreboard at to reflect which representatives support a fix for unworkable legislation. This is the best moment possible to ask your reps to join them. The plan for the next 48 hours is to do a big push.
Sep 28, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
NEW: #Librarians are under attack and we need to make a big stink between now and 10/4. Unless the US Copyright Office hears from enough of us, librarians will be fired and fined up to $30,000 for sharing resources copyright trolls don't like with patrons.… Our friends at @library_futures have a great writeup on what's going on with the extremely problematic #CASEAct to make this even a thing.

We've made it easy to send in your comment and spread the word at……
Aug 20, 2021 18 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Imagine if all of these activists & marginalized people could never be financially deplatformed by governments or big banks. That’s the future we’re fighting for w/ #DontKillCrypto — there’s no #Cryptocurrency unless we stand up & demand the things #crypto can get right. #OnlyFans deplatforming sex workers is only the latest in a long and impressive line of those major corporations have tried to destroy by cutting off their ability to earn or access $$$…
Apr 1, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
This is our first statement on the #JCPAct, a looming disaster for the right to share online.

If you think fake news is bad now, just wait—#JCPA creates a monopolistic pipeline to put Facebook $ into Fox News hands & limit who can share news online.

Rupert Murdoch is drooling. A bright orange rectangle with black text that reads "I The #JCPAct speeds up the decline of journalism+rise of disinfo, while pretending to do the opposite. Under it, online platforms would pay big news orgs for linking to them or using their content in some undefined way.

Funneling internet $ to rich propagandists like Murdoch.
Dec 24, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
The US government just launched a sneak-attack on our financial privacy rights, proposing a new rule to let the Treasury track cryptocurrency transactions. And if you think this doesn’t affect you just because you don’t own #Bitcoin, think again.

Here’s why ...

1/12 Imagine you buy a new car. And because you bought a new car, your bank has to give the federal government information that allows them to track EVERY PURCHASE YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE … without a warrant.

That’s what’s going on here.

Sep 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Amazon thinks they can create the perfect workforce by surveilling them into submission. With AI cameras, tracking devices, thermal cameras, and scanners everywhere they have made a massive investment in monitoring and control.… It gets worse. Amazon employs a team of former U.S. intelligence and military agents to spy on workers. The team compiles confidential reports tracking worker organizing, media interviews, and planned protests/strikes in order to stop worker organizing…
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This is despicable. Facebook's algorithm is built to stir controversy and indoctrinate the most vulnerable to extremism. We need an immediate end to algorithmic amplification and #microtargeting! #RiskyByDesign

🖋️… Image On the source of his assailants’ behavior, Howard said, “it has to be Facebook”, noting that in his own monitoring of Estacada Facebook groups during his reporting in the area, he had noticed the same rumors of antifa looters...…
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Amy Goodman of @DemocracyNow interviews Juan González of @Public_Citizen about their new report on @amazon profiteering + price gouging during the pandemic. #InvestigateAmazon… Key findings include:

•Amazon set prices of products during the COVID-19 pandemic to levels that would be considered violations of price gouging laws in many states.

•Amazon has misled the public, law enforcement, and policymakers about price increases during the pandemic.
Sep 15, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
This month, US courts ruled that the government's massive spying program was ILLEGAL, vindicating @Snowden for blowing the whistle on the government’s crimes. So why is this hero still exiled and living in fear of prosecution?



For years, the US government abused the PATRIOT Act to spy on the phone calls, emails, and Internet activity of millions of Americans … without a warrant. That threatens our basic human rights and makes us all less safe.

Sep 14, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Last night, sex workers in Oakland sent a clear message to @KamalaHarris on her home turf: her vote to advance the #EARNITAct was a betrayal.

The EARN IT Act is SESTA/FOSTA 2.0. The good thing is that @KamalaHarris can join @Wyden in opposing this trainwreck of a bill. #NoEarnItAct

You, reading this, can tell your reps how you feel now at
Sep 11, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
Today, we #Remember911. In 2001, the US experienced one of the greatest tragedies our nation's history. We mourn those who were lost, & we honor the heroic first responders who risked their health & safety to serve the American people.

But we also need to remember the fallout. Six weeks after 9/11, Congress passed the #PATRIOTAct before lawmakers even had time to read the bill. Unfortunately, this new law extended government spy powers to allow data collection on everyone in the US - no probable cause or warrant required.…