How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App om dit wat nader toe te lichten. De ontvoeringen van kinderen gebeuren al sinds 2014 en is sindsdien een kernonderdeel geweest van de strijd van #Rusland tegen #Oekraine. Inmiddels gaat het om enorme getallen. UKR zegt 300.000 kinderen; RUS zegt zelfs 700.000. #Nieuwsuur mins until #MH17 judgment starts at 13:30 CET. Tensions rising here. Judgment is livestreamed in Dutch & English interpretation:… I will be trying to explain it here, (mostly) in English. For more background explanation, see also all ceremony to let it appear as if some legal event took place in fake "referenda" and now signing the annexation, this has no effect in international law, just like Crimea's annexation did not. Int'l law prohibits any state recognising territorial results of aggression. een gewapend conflict moeten beide partijen zich houden aan het oorlogsrecht, ongeacht wie de agressor is. Rusland is hier de agressor, Oekraïne verdedigt zich. Maar beide landen zijn gebonden aan regels die vooral dienen om onnodige extra burgerslachtoffers te voorkomen. there is no genocide in #Ukraine, so more form of gaslighting. See for further analysis of his argumentations to appear as if his armed force is lawful/legitimate instead of the violation of art 2(4) UN Charter and act of aggression that it is, this: starts by referring to Ukrainians not as foreigners but embracing them as if they are Russian nationals. "Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history,culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us" 2 they don't just have the "right" to do so, they have the duty. The UN was made for this. Its Preamble starts with vowing that this is what they would stand against together. Now all those 193 UN states (- 1, #Russia) should put their military where their mouth is. #Ukraine The "why" question is relevant for next of kin and OM wants to find out as well, but is not a criterion to assess whether additional investigations are "necessary" to complete dossier. Solely wanting to know something is not a successful criterion and needs to be motivated. we will respond to and advise court on the various investigation requests by defense last June and since. OM submits a number of general points that are critical on the way that the defense is approaching the case >