🍉 ronnie barkan Profile picture
if you don't challenge the very existence of the Zionist race-state then you dont support Palestinian rights nor stand on the side of humanity https://t.co/9t2LK2wPCc
Oct 29, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Here's something that no news channel cared to report on for some reason:
Tel Aviv hospital spokesperson Avi Shushan was sent on leave last Friday due to press conference with 85 y/o Yocheved Lifshitz - regarded as way beyond a PR fiasco - for speaking of Gazans as human beings. Image I was about to subtitle that entire press conference but eventually never did. Shall I?
The parts that got translated and published were the most part of the but Lifshitz reiterates the same message several times and is clearly lucid.
Oct 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Remember this deranged person? It turns out that his plan for a forced transfer of 2.3M Gazans into Sinai, Egypt is *an official position paper* by The Ministry of Intelligence dated Oct 13th, as reported on libZionist Local Call (972mag in Hebrew) by Yuval Abraham. Links below. Amir Weitmamn's plan for the next stage of Al Nakba in an interview from 9 days ago on this far right channel:
Oct 18, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵 These are, according to @sentdefender, MK-84 2,000lb bombs with JDAM munition kits.

Compare the sound of the hospital massacre with the test explosion and read through the below. Text by Slavyangrad tg:
What oddities are there in the attack on a hospital in the #Gaza Strip: analysis of the Military Chronicle

Hamas and the IDF blame each other for the attack on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians insist it was an Israeli bomb;
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Interesting, this may be the very first article by @PeterBeinart that's not full-on libZionist propaganda.

If someone like Beinart can start getting it, then there's still some hope for humanity.

Below is some quick feedback.

¹/₅ Beinart discusses the Nakba but focuses on the minor occupation of 67 rather than the real issues. He quotes from the most libZionist sources and praises its worst advocates (Michael Sfard, Breaking the Silence, ACRI). He refers to the race-state as a "Jewish State", etc.
²/₅ Image
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
@SivanTal @HagaiElAd @btselem No they didn't. The so called apartheid report by Btselem erases off the face of the earth 7 million Palestinian refugees - the first and foremost victims of apartheid. The Zionist race-state is an apartheid state primarily because of its treatment of the exiled refugees and its @SivanTal @HagaiElAd @btselem entire legal system is built from the grounds up to debyl people's rights based on their ethnic-racial characteristics.

Secondly, @btselem's propaganda machine promotes the racist and outrageous discourse of "Jewish supremacy" rather than white/racial/ethnic supremacy.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@GarySpedding there's definitely something simplistic and awful here, and that's your usual libZionist crap @GarySpedding.

i wish i could say a single positive word about 972mag but unfortunately i'd be lying if i did. they were founded by the worst of the worst and have positioned themselves @GarySpedding from the get go to become Haaretz 2.0, which they successfully did.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Elections in Israel (Palestine) - do they matter?

A new government is in the making but will it be any different?

Join @MsWonderHeather & me for a discussion on voting, abstention and more. See you at 11am PST / 6pm UK / 8pm Palestine
twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdKr… Of the 20 million sons & daughters of the land, only 9 million have the right to vote to parliament and 0 (zero) have the right to vote for the abolishment of racial domination. #abolishapartheid #IsraelElections2022

Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🪡 Today is as important as the American or French revolutions but most people haven't realized it yet.
On this day 14 years ago, an anonymous inventor(s) offered the practical mechanism for abolishing all forms of control and hierarchy, via the use of technology and mathematics. Image ² They also offered the mechanism, for the first time in history, to actually write an authoritative and totally immutable record of history!

Better than etched in stone - it is forever etched in the #Bitcoin blockchain! ImageImage
Oct 17, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵163 years ago today, #JohnBrown and 21 others including freed slaves and four of his sons, raided the federal armory at Harpers Ferry. The goal was to amass a large amount of weapons to arm the slave rebellion in Virginia, to continue the battles that he led in Kansas
(which led to its entry into the Union as a slave-free state) and for organizing the slave escape operations in the south.

The force was discovered and after 36 hours of fighting most of them were captured or killed. In the morning of Dec 2 John Brown was hanged for treason.

Sep 30, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Elbit Systems is in the business of genocide.
Yes, there is apparently such a business.
Not only that it actively maintains the ongoing Nakba - forcing refugees who yearn to go back home into a 24/7 controlled concentration camp. Bombing them at times;
/1 thenation.com/article/world/… Not only that Elbit actively practices The Crime of Apartheid - classified in the law as a crime against humanity; Not only that it murders civilians, often 'liquidating' entire families with its remote controlled UAVs & other weapons - tweaked & perfected during the killing!;
/2 Image
Sep 9, 2022 54 tweets 11 min read
Here we go. Here is the English translation of the entire Hebrew document by Mossad which was recently declassified and published thanks to the work of attorney @EitayMack. #Lebanon #SabraandShatila
Pages 1-4:
• At the beginning of 1976, on a very stormy and rainy night,

1/ news was received that a ship that had probably come down from Lebanon was wrecked in the middle of the sea with three passengers, three sailors on board. It was immediately captured by the IDF and it turned out that there were three Lebanese on board.
Sep 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“It’s a fascinating decision by the Mossad to reveal this document, even though it isn’t clear why.” The document suggests, he says, that “the massacre at #SabraandShatila was one event in a chain of massacres, executions, abductions, disappearances,
archive.ph/1wbmz 2/ amputations and abuse of corpses carried out by the Christian militias. The clandestine affair must come to light and enable discussion and drawing of public conclusions that might prevent continued support by the Mossad and the State of Israel for security forces and
Sep 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Zoe Z. writes: During the Queen’s jubilee recently, we held a vote in my class (monarchy, yes or no?) and the kids voted to dismiss the monarchy system; all but one boy, who said the Queen was ‘old and cute’.
/🧵 The reasons the kids gave to vote against preserving the monarchy system included, ‘my auntie can’t afford a house and the Palace has 200 bedrooms’; ‘it’s not really very fair, is it?’; ‘My mum has two jobs but we are still poor’. One girl said if the Queen sold her Crown Jewels
Aug 18, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
"As part of the fight against terrorism with an emphasis on the organization of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, today (Wednesday) Defense Minister Benny Gantz confirmed his declaration from October 2021 of the organizations "Union of Palestinian Women's Committees", "Bisan" and "Addameer" as terrorist organizations, and made the declaration permanent according to law in Israel.

The three organizations, which are branches of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, did not challenge the declaration of them
Aug 15, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Prof. Leibowitz states the obvious - that the Zionist race-state maintains concentration camps for surplus humans. He also explains his use of the term Judeo-Nazi - which he used, in fact, against the President of the Israeli Supreme Court who LEGALIZED the use of torture. #Gaza The fascist pundit that Leibowitz is having a heated discussion with is Tommy Lapid, father of the acting Israeli Prime Minister with the exact same agenda Yair Lapid.

Lapid was also a key player in taking us to court in Berlin for standing up to Israeli #crimesagainsthumanity. Image
Aug 11, 2022 23 tweets 11 min read
🧵Here are some thoughts on Israel committing The Crime of #Genocide which I wrote back in 2016 - in response to @Blklivesmatter excellent statement on Israeli genocide and white-supremacist @PeterBeinart's attempt to once again protect and promote Israeli #crimesagainsthumanity: "Let's talk #genocide. First, I am very proud of #BLM for wisely acknowledging the genocidal tendencies of the State of Israel and for sticking to that language along with the natural demand for the end of ethnic-supremacy, occupation and #apartheid.
Feb 1, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
In the name of opposing a crime against humanity from 8 decades ago we choose to promote and protect a crime against humanity that's been taking place for the past 7 decades and counting!

@Amnesty_DE has learnt ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from Germany's dark past:
web.archive.org/web/2022020118… @Amnesty Int'l, I expect you to immediately shut down your @Amnesty_DE office in Germany, unless you seek to promote rather than oppose: #apartheid #ethniccleansing #colonialism #stateterror #whitesupremacy #Zionism.
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
@OrenZiv_ @amnesty 1/ the most important part is that she mentions that #apartheid by the Zionist race-state applies also/primarily to the 6 million refugees in the Shatat (diaspora), those who are in forced exile for one and only one reason - for having the wrong ethnic-racial characteristics. @OrenZiv_ @amnesty 2/ i've yet to read the report but it seems like @Amnesty did not fall for the libzionist propaganda that's in the @Btselem, @HRW and YeshDin/MichaelSfard reports, which all seek to erase any mention of Palestinian refugees while promoting the most dangerous discourse of lies
Jan 3, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
1/ Zionism & eugenics
[translating a friend's text from Hebrew]

* We have the right to know *
The comparisons, photographs and the race-catalog appearing in these images all belong to the father of the Zionist nationalistic settlement in Palestine, 2/ Director of the Palestine Office of the Zionist Organization, co-founder of “Hebraic education” in Palestine, a Zionist leader, Mr. Arthur Ruppin.

Arthur Ruppin believed that the realization of Zionism required the attainment of racial purity!
Jan 16, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ #IsraElex21
"Israeli elections": A state which affords voting rights to only 36% of its population, while the vast majority - 64% of its people - are denied every political right and most of them are also denied basic human rights, as follows: 2/
8% may vote to the apartheid parliament but explicitly denied, by law, from challenging racial domination and transforming this place into a democracy.

25% denied suffrage. on rare occasions they may vote to a Bantustan government which was put in place for the purpose of
Jul 9, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Some 700 words in response to @PeterBeinart's 7000 words of Zionist propaganda:
1. He endlessly makes the sinister conflation between Jewish religion and criminal supremacist Zionism.
2. Israel is NOT a "Jewish state" - it is a Zionist state - a criminal race-state built from the ImageImageImage 2/ grounds up to practice apartheid, ethnic cleansing and ethnic supremacy - all for the sake of the Zionist project in Palestine.
3. "A Land for All" OPPOSES the right of return. They promote the deeply racist notion of a "demographic balance", appealing to the likes of Beinart ImageImage