Christine Pelosi Profile picture
Attorney, Author, Advocate 🇺🇸 American Dreamer voting for our freedoms and our future by electing Democrats up and down the ballot.
2 subscribers
Aug 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This is a domestic terrorist threat to the sitting Vice President of the United States. Take their violent rhetoric seriously. And as for their LIE: as VP on Joe Biden’s ticket, Kamala Harris got 14 MILLION primary votes. And then 4000+ DNC Convention delegate nominating votes.🧵
Image The violent call to “welcome” the “killer” Vice President in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention, a designated Special Security Event is not a call to peaceful protest - and it endangers those who do, hilacking and weaponizing dissent.
And back to the cynical LIE …
May 20, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Thanks to whistleblowers and activists including the @WeSaidEnough community, CA banned #MeToo NDAs in 2018 and expanded protections in 2022.

That said, calling on Elon Musk (and others!) to open NDAs for those who want to speak, know that many don’t.🧵… Our team at @WeSaidEnough has been a de facto #MeToo hotline since October 2017. We still hear about politicos from across the spectrum. Many used NDAs in the 2020 presidential campaign while attacking Bloomberg for his old ones. And when he opened his NDAs NO ONE TALKED! Why?
Nov 9, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Heartbroken at the death of our beloved war hero and Senator Max Cleland. Despite sacrificing 3 limbs in Vietnam he was maligned by the right, and implored Democrats to defend our patriots as he led the creation of our “Fighting Dems” and @DNCVetsMilFams Council. #RIPMaxCleland We met in 2003 when Senator Cleland asked me to interview a former staffer of his. Got to know him in the Kerry for President campaign when Cleland tried to stop the swiftboating of another Vietnam War Senator by another Republican who hadn’t seen combat. He insisted on …
Sep 10, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
At the risk of introducing nuance on Twitter …

I’ve worked on l/around vaccine politics for 20 years, since the U.S. House Oversight Committee debated a Victims Compensation Fund for children who got autism after (not from) measles vaccines. It failed. The same dynamics 1/ then exist now: a vaccine spectrum from self-described #antivaxxers, vax skeptics, vaccine hesitants, to vaccine proponents. It was not partisan. Now the covid vaccine spectrum is much more partisan than the childhood vaccine spectrum but not exclusively so. 2/
Jul 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney asks Sgt Gonell to respond to Trump calling the #January6th mob “loving” —

“If that was hugs and kisses, we should all go to his house and do the same thing to him.”
🔥🔥🔥 He is clearly incensed by the lies and denials - and rightfully makes the point that NO ONE else sent the mob - they kept saying “Trump sent us”

Not Antifa. Not Black Lives Matter. Trump.
Jun 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Who is the secret donor paying Kristi Noem to send South Dakota’s National Guard to Texas? What if there is a wildfire or other crisis at home in South Dakota during this partisan campaign stunt? Why is the military allowed to be a secret political mercenary force? The South Dakota guard “politicizing the military with a secret donor” part reeks of Erik Prince. The border activity feels like the sham “build the wall” criminal case.

But if I am wrong and this is “very legal & very cool” — why not disclose the donor?
Jan 8, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I know it’s frustrating to “wait” days for #Impeachment when Trump is so unhinged. FAR faster to arrest him for felony murder - but the US House is not the US Attorney and House Rules say “fast track” a bill to Floor vote in 2 legislative days. Til then, #25thAmendment! 5 days feel like an eternity especially while traumatized by the deadly #CapitolRiots Trump incited. After he’s shredded our Constitution, it’s excruciating to wait while he hurts more people. But #impeachment is worth it - we can MOVE ON by making sure he can’t run again.
Jan 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Outrageous that Janet Yellen was paid for these speeches ... at lower rates than her male counterparts. Get on that investigation, Sam! #FairPay I see from the responses that some of you miss sarcasm and others think a paid speech is de facto “corruption” ... shouldn’t we ask for the Yellen transcripts first? Maybe see what she said? Would any facts matter? Where are the guidelines for a donor or sponsor? Discuss!
Dec 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Good! As many of us have long argued, Senators have state committees to vet candidates for judgeships. Making those panels more diverse - and making their lists more representative of the legal community, including public interest lawyers. Quick story ...… When I was a new lawyer in the SF City Attorney’s Office, we would have a short daily staff meeting. We called it the “LA Law Meeting” after a popular TV show starring Corbin Bernsen, JimmySmits, Susan Dey etc. We would go over cases lawyers and judges to see who knew whom ...
Oct 13, 2020 10 tweets 9 min read
#STIMULUSPACKAGE negotiations update: “Dear Democratic Colleague” letter from @SpeakerPelosi outlines key Trump shortcomings that actively harm the American people; vows to pass relief. 🧵 #STIMULUSPACKAGE: “the Trump Administration’s latest offer shortchanges state and local governments that provide most services Americans depend on.” @AppropsDems Chair Nita Lowey…
Oct 13, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
The key word in the California law allowing people to drop off their ballots at official drop boxes is “OFFICIAL” — not the unofficial (and hence unlawful) ballot boxes placed by the California Republican Party.

A thread:… California passed and Jerry Brown signed a law providing for official, designated, (ADA) accessible ballot drop boxes. The regs are quite clear. See the website: Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop Boxes and Vote-by-Mail Drop-Off Locations…
Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
“Celebration of Life”
official program book (thread) “IF NOT US, THEN WHO?
“Celebration of Life”
official program book (2/?)
Jul 13, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Let’s have some real talk about #ReopeningSchools. My view is from being a proud #publicschool mom + class volunteer for art, library, pumpkin fest, school spirit merch sales + field trips over the last 6 years. Cannnot imagine ANY of these activities being coronavirus safe. 1/? What happens in a k-5 #publicschool classroom? Well you have the day begin with all the kids together on a rug - each criss-cross applesauce on their own designated square. Are YOU going to put 25 kids on a rug together anytime soon? 2/?
Feb 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
As a progressive I want people to evolve. To me it’s clear that Bloomberg needs to sit with his supporters and critics, listen to their concerns, and share whether and how he rejects and regrets his past comments and actions. We ask this of every campaign; he is no exception. As counsel for #WeSaidEnough I hear from supporters and critics when a candidate’s history comes up. Voters must see these issues taken seriously on the highest stage. A candidate being held accountable may not change my mind about them - but it should change them for the better.
Sep 12, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
@blakesmustache @cspan Indeed. Having been a prosecutor dealing with grand and petit (12 person) juries, I’m expecting the Judiciary Committee to collect evidence before listing the charges. OBSTRUCTION EMOLUMENTS
and NATIONAL SECURITY have been topics they investigate and litigate. #FollowTheFacts @blakesmustache @cspan Anyone who participated in a grand jury or in a felony preliminary hearing presents the facts from an inspector and the live witnesses themselves. Although only an inspector is required in CA (with the case file being hearsay), we used live witnesses to test their credibility....
Aug 22, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
#ClimateDebate NOT over yet!

I am amending Resolution 30 regarding the Democratic Party Platform to add — pursuant to the @DNC Charter Article 2 Section 3 — a series of Platform Debates that encompass the key planks of our 2020 Platform.

(1/Thread) 2/INSERT

WHEREAS, our responsibility under the Charter Article 2 / Section 3 “the National Convention shall nominate a candidate for the office of President of the United States, nominate a candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States, adopt a platform” and,
Jul 2, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Respectfully @Rosbake1 I’ve known Kamala Harris since law school — your analysis is flat wrong. Having manners is different than leaving people behind. Harris has excellent courtroom demeaner yet never yielded to old bull judges; I doubt she’d yield to old bull segregationists. Do lawyers and Congresspeople have to exhibit manners and *civility*? Of course! But the key issue here is when you make the deals - in the courtroom where 98% of cases settle without trial or in the Congress where all must compromise - did you leave people behind? Kamala didn’t.
May 25, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
You know what’s sober? The evidence against Trump - and the judge ruling that upholds Dem subpoena for Trump financial records via @politico It’s “simply not fathomable that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a president for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct past or present even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry”
May 22, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
As I told @KSRO, any impeachment discussion needs sobriety. Members of Congress are prosecutors and jurors.
As a criminal justice reformer, I’d be horrified to see a jury prejudge evidence and raise money off it. We have to live our norms not become Trump to beat him. We need to see evidence and let it guide our path without passion or prejudice. Act as if we were the defense — would we want due process or do we want a steamroll? We have several subpoenas out there - I’m hoping we model the norms we claim Trump destroyed and act deliberately.
May 18, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
We are going to have a frank talk about women’s rights, boycotts and big tents. The vast majority of Americans and the vast majority of Democrats support Roe v Wade and the autonomy and liberty of patents to choose the size and timing of their families. We must #StopTheBans. 1/ People are mobilizing on Tuesday May 21 to rally support for women’s rights and patients’ reproductive justice. (yes, trans and non-binary people can get pregnant too - be inclusive!) We must show support for patients and doctors criminalized under these extreme laws. Sign up! 2/
Feb 24, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
TBH the most important video about climate came from the head of a union talking about immediate impact on workers.

As the author of a DNC #GreenNewDeal & fossil fuel ban A YEAR AGO, I can tell you both of them failed in large part due to these concerns.… Should Senator Feinstein have been more diplomatic with the GND kids before offering one an internship rather than arguing? Absolutely. When I got married the advice to me was Dear Abby said when in-laws lecture you say “you’ve given me a lot to think about.” Diplomacy helps.