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Nov 29th 2019
1/ O.k, so after the #ClimateDebate you'll be hearing a lot about ambitious proposals for #treeplanting as means of sucking - sequestrating - carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to help get to #netzero emissions. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly of it...
2/ First, the good. Yay, trees! We love your carbon-munching, street cooling, insect-loving super powers. Especially in Hackney, where we recently announced the largest mature street and parks tree planting programme in the country (& lots more to come)!…
3/ So, it's genuinely heartening to see all mainstream political parties - and Labour, in particular - placing tree planting high up their list of priorities.…
Read 25 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
1/ O.k, so after the #ClimateDebate you're hearing a lot about ambitious proposals for #treeplanting as means of sucking - sequestrating - carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to help get to #netzero emissions. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly of it...
2/ First, the good. Yay, trees! We love your carbon-munching, street cooling, insect-loving super powers. Especially in Hackney, where we recently announced largest mature street and parks tree planting programme in the country (there's lots more to come).…
3/ So, it's genuinely heartening to all mainstream political parties - Labour, in particular - placing tree planting high up their list of priorities.…
Read 26 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
Classic Vote Leave tactics this whole “Gove turns up” while CCHQ complains to regulator Ofcom about Ch4 barring him. It is all about proving to supporters that the London media establishment are against them (don’t laugh) while trying to intimidate all broadcasters, while...
dropping a dead cat to distract from @BorisJohnson’s absence. It may look like chaos but it is very carefully organised chaos.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
.@Adamprice is completely wrong about livestock pasture. It is, in almost all cases, a net carbon source, not a sink:… #ClimateDebate
@Adamprice Hurray for Corbyn, promoting #rewilding!
@Adamprice Decarbonise all flights by 2040, @NicolaSturgeon?!! It's stupid, physically-impossible claims like this that create cynicism and confusion
Read 18 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
A #GreenNewDeal can tackle the climate crisis while raising living standards 📈 and reducing inequality 📉 #ClimateDebate

How can we afford it? Well, we've got a few ideas... 👇
Five ways we can fund a #GreenNewDeal:

1. 💰 Borrowing - it has never been cheaper for the govt to borrow
2. 🎆 Multipliers - good investment will eventually pay for itself
3. 💎 Tax - raise taxes for the wealthiest and for polluters
Five ways we can fund a #GreenNewDeal:

4. 🔀 Subsidies - redirect dirty subsidies to green industries
5. 🏦 Bank of England - lend to govt and encourage private lenders to fund green activities

We CAN afford it - we just need the political will to try.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
45 SECONDS, that was the time given to discuss the very existence of our planet as we know it, 45 seconds?! Same time was spent discussing what gifts the leaders would get each other!? #ge19…
FINALLY, C4 will hosting the first ever leaders Climate debate, And all party leaders have agreed apart from Boris. It speaks volumes that the Prime minister, refuses to address the single most important issue of our time! We are in a CLIMATE EMERGANCY, This is not a DRILL!
To every political candidate and to every political party, if you don’t have a plan to radical reverse the climate catastrophe. YOU ARE NOT FIT TO LEAD!

To every person registered to vote (includin you who will register rn 👀), VOTE WITH THE CLIMATE IN MIND! #GE19 #Climatedebate
Read 3 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
So what happened last night at the Climate Forum: A Rebuttal?!

Well, here are the details (a thread):
Yesterday, at the invitation of the Georgetown College Republicans, the CO2 Coalition offered to present two speakers, Dr. Caleb Rossiter and Dr. Patrick Michaels. The Coalition had been tabling in GU's "free speech zone" aptly named "Red Square" during the day.
There were many individuals and students that expressed interest in attending. When the event kicked off, however, several students decided to not follow student conduct guidelines and "protest" the event by screaming and shouting down the speakers.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
I had the extreme privilege of talking to @CornelWest today for tomorrow's episode of #HearTheBern. Last week, I had the joy of interviewing @harveyjkaye. I can't wait for you to hear these two amazing scholars talk about how the legacy of the New Deal charts a path forward!
@CornelWest @harveyjkaye Don't forget! Video versions of the podcast are available later in the week. Check out our GND episode (22) with @KateAronoff and @dwallacewells here!

Read 3 tweets
Aug 24th 2019
BREAKING: The @DNC resolutions committee democratically passed a #ClimateDebate compromise resolution and it appears that @TomPerez is trying to kill it.

He says it would disrupt the process the candidates have agreed to. All the candidates want a #ClimateDebate.
Debate happening now. @Tinapo makes the point that @dnc members have never voted on the current rules.
Livestream here. Follow along:…
Read 19 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
#ClimateDebate NOT over yet!

I am amending Resolution 30 regarding the Democratic Party Platform to add — pursuant to the @DNC Charter Article 2 Section 3 — a series of Platform Debates that encompass the key planks of our 2020 Platform.


WHEREAS, our responsibility under the Charter Article 2 / Section 3 “the National Convention shall nominate a candidate for the office of President of the United States, nominate a candidate for the office of Vice President of the United States, adopt a platform” and,

WHEREAS, Democrats can animate and engage our base with a robust series of platform discussions and debates on issues of concern to all Americans; and
Read 8 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
The #ClimateCrisis is the greatest threat to humanity. Fifty minutes into the #DemDebate, no climate question. Time’s ticking, folks.
#ClimateDebate Image
@LesterHoltNBC: “we’re going to move on because we’re running out the clock.”


Three commercial breaks in on #DemDebate. Roku, Calm app, and smoking cessation ads ahead of any #ClimateCrisis question.

I’m gonna need that app and a smoke if @chucktodd doesn’t make good on the climate question teaser he just dropped.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 6th 2019

The New York Times has compiled a list of the 84 environmental rules on their way out during your nightmare presidency.
Here are the ones that have been completed so far:
"1. Canceled a requirement for oil and gas companies to report methane emissions. (EPA)"
"2. Revised and partially repealed an Obama-era rule limiting methane emissions on public lands, including intentional venting and flaring from drilling operations.
(Interior Department)"
#ClimateChangeIsReal #ThursdayThoughts
"3. Loosened a Clinton-era rule designed to limit toxic emissions from major industrial polluters. (EPA)"
#PartyOverCountry #GreedOverEverything
Read 11 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
As a reporter, and one who covers environment, I would very much like to hear candidates go at this live. How about you? #ClimateDebate
A debate on climate or just the environment, if the first word spooks you, would be great @DNC because it is literally raining plastic in the Rockies.…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
Today, my team received a call from the Democratic National Committee letting us know that they will not host a #ClimateDebate.
Further, they explained that if we participated in anyone else's climate debate, we will not be invited to future debates. This is deeply disappointing.
The DNC is silencing the voices of Democratic activists, many of our progressive partner organizations, and nearly half of the Democratic presidential field, who want to debate the existential crisis of our time.
Read 7 tweets

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