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Nov 28th 2022
1. BUY GIFTS EARLY: Global supply shortages are delaying deliveries so order early. More tips:…

#CyberMondayAmazon #CyberMonday #finance #Blog #MONEY #mondaythoughts #holiday #shoppingstar #Investor 1. BUY GIFTS EARLY: Global ...
2. SET A CHRISTMAS DAY BUDGET: Plan ahead & ask family to bring supplies. More tips:…

#tuesdayvibe #finance #blog #blogger #WritingCommunity #christmas #holiday #budget #MONEY #Investor #timidbee 2. SET A CHRISTMAS DAY BUDG...
3. PUT MONEY ASIDE FOR HOLIDAYS: Save for the holidays in a separate account. More tips:…

#wednesdaythought #Wednesday #holiday #MONEY #finance #blog #WritingCommunity #christmas PUT MONEY ASIDE FOR HOLIDAY...
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
Which employer would pay a farmworker $5k a month? Why una no dey fear God?
(31.25/hr) Truly Canada is looking but $$$$ isn't a reality. Image
Canada Work Offer
3 YEARS Employment VISA
An Agricultural Company Farm needs the service of PACKERS,PICKERS, SUPERVISOR and others in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia etc in Canada.
LMIA(Labour Market Impact Assessment) with confirmation Code and System
File number .
Deposit for LMIA #700,000 you can go with family members, with additional #400k for each minor family members but deposit of
# 200k to balance #200k when Visa is out.
Note: Husband and wife must apply separately.*each paying the total package
File number.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
Very Safe Low risk (very diversified) Dividend Portfolio yielding $200/month from a $100,000 investment…

#passiveincome #dividendinvesting #nigeria
Backtested this Portfolio using #PortfolioVisualizer. The portfolio did very well.

Investment Capital increased by at least 164% in 10yrs to $267,299 if stocks are equal weighted Capital increased to $275,535 (173%).

Monthly Income increased from $200 in 1st year to $328/mnth
(#150k/mnth) in 5yrs to ($450/mnth=#200k/mnth) (Note:Dividends were reinvested back into the Portfolio)

Without reinvestment Capital increased by 50% to $152,535 in 5yrs.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
I am forever indebted to @segalink for his prompt response to my SOS Call. I could go on singing his praises forever, but that wouldn’t be enough to express my gratitude!
Last week Monday, my husband and I were traveling to the East from Lagos we were making our way down Ore-Benin route just a little over 9am in the morning, this group of notorious SARS operatives accosted us, searched our car...
demanded that we unlock our phones which we did just to avoid any argument. While going through my husband’s WhatsApp messages they zeroed in on one where he was discussing a genuine business proposal with a friend.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
1/ We have launched a fundraising appeal for those facing financial hardship as a result of the #Covid_19 . I understand that #200k has been raised in just the first few days. Read about it here in the piece by @JoeShute…
2/ All the money raised is going to @turn2us_org, a national UK charity which helps people in poverty.

It was founded in 1897 as the Distressed Gentlefolks’ Aid Association, and has supported people through two world wars and the 1918 flu pandemic.
3/ Give if you can via or call 0151 284 1927

Also, pls re-tweet to spread the word
Read 3 tweets

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