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Aug 14th 2021
#Sharana, the capital of Paktika province in the east, near the capital Kabul, has fallen to the #Taliban, the first provincial capital to fall today and the 19th overall (out of 34). #Afghanistan

Footage shows prisoners released by the jihadists:
#Afghanistan President @AshrafGhani will give a speech soon, which it seems will be mostly reaffirming he's staying.

In fairness to Ghani: whatever his failings, no sense in resigning now. A "unity government" is not on offer: either ISI/Taliban is beaten back or takes over.
Read 17 tweets
May 11th 2021
International Affairs /1-1
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
Myanmar's Generals
Run A Nearly Sanction-Proof
Long Before Seizing Control
Of The Streets
by @oanhha @jwf825
& Khine Lin Kyaw
MAY 11, 2021
International Affairs /1-2
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- Area : 676.5K km²
- Population : 53.6 M
- Capital : #Naypyidaw
largest city : #Yangon
- #Bamar 68%
- #Shan 9%
- #Buddhism 88%
- #Christianity 6.2%
- #Islam 4.3%
#Burmese Image
International Affairs /1-3
#Myanmar #Burma 🇲🇲
- GDP (PPP) : US$355 B
Per capita : US$6.7 K
- #InformalEconomy :
one of the biggest in the world
- Rich in precious stones :
#Rubies 90% of world's
#Sapphires #Pearls #Jade
- #Tourism
- #Agriculture Image
Read 50 tweets

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