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Apr 3rd 2021
1. Oh was yesterday #AutismAwarenessDay? Dang. I missed it. Instead I stayed off of social Media and spent a lovely day with my #ActuallyAutistic family not waving jigsaw pieces around, turning blue or spreading misinformation around that makes money for charities.
2. Later on I did a 3hr workshop on #AutisticMasking to 400 lovely Danish people with @DrAmyPearson. I missed #AutismAwarenessDay yet still somehow managed to pass on a shitload of useful & practical #Autism knowledge to a shitload of people
3. Its strangely like there's no need to have #AutismAwarenessDay, #AutismAwarenessWeek, or #AutismAwarenessMonth because for many Autistic people every day is, week and month of the year where we put out immensities of useful & productive #Autism information in various forms.
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