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Nov 25th 2020
I recently submitted my PhD dissertation titled "Illiberalism Beyond Borders. Dissecting Russian and Turkish External Influence in Bosnia and Georgia" at @FU_Berlin. Interested in what I found? Read this thread ⬇️
To begin with, I hypothesise that illiberal external influence (IEX) is more likely to contribute to the contestation of #democracy in a given polity when it appears in the context of a favorable domestic environment and the absence of liberal external counterpressure.
I particularly scrutinise the role of domestic elites in facilitating/obstructing IEX, based on findings by J. Tolstrup, @otansey, R. Vanderhill et al. I also look at how liberal ext. counterpressure can help prevent a major contribution of IEX to the contestation of #democracy.
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Sep 15th 2020
#Bosniaandherzegovina #BanjaLuka #Coronavirus

Former Bosnian Serb leader Momcilo Krajisnik died at the age of 75 as a result of a corona infection. This was reported by the local portal "", citing the university hospital in Banja Luka,
where Krajisnik was last treated. The convicted war criminal was during the Bosnian War (1992-1995) Parliament President of the separate state of the Serbian Republic (RS) established in Bosnia. He was a close confidante of the then RS President Radovan Karadzic,
whom the Hague Yugoslavia Tribunal sentenced to life imprisonment for genocide and other war crimes in 2019. Krajisnik was arrested in 2000 by French soldiers from the Bosnian peacekeeping force SFOR.
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Mar 9th 2020
Sokullu ailesinden olup, ünlü Osmanlı tarihçisi İbrahim Peçevî'nin de dayısı Bosna'nin ilk beylerbeyi Sokullu Ferhat Paşa tarafından 1579 yılında yaptırılan Ferhadiye Camii, Balkanlar’da bulunan önemli Osmanlı camilerinden biridir. Bosna Savaşı sırasında Sırplar ve Hırvatlar Image
tarafından hunharca tahrip edilen ve köklerine konulan dinamitlerle havaya uçurulan camii bu süreçte adeta yerle bir oldu. Ancak Tika'nin desteğiyle aslına uygun bir biçimde yeniden inşa edilen cami uzun bir süre sonran gectigimiz yıllarda tekrardan ibadete açıldı.
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Jul 28th 2018
Striking graffiti in #BanjaLuka, directed at Dodik re: his shocking attacks on father of slain David Dragicevic: “Milorad, you could have stolen & lied a bit less & the ppl might have forgiven you. We will not forgive you David. And for that, you will leave your bones in prison.”
As I argue in my book, what Balkan elites fear most is popular anger and civic revolt. It toppled Gruevski in Macedonia, it destroyed Milosevic, it rocked BiH in 2014, and it may very well be what finally defeats Dodik. He knows it too. It’s why he’s militarizing his police.
This recent article provides background on David’s death & the political implications of the protests surrounding his case. Dodik’s most recent insults, directed twds his father, have made an already bad situation for his regime even worse. Elxns in Oct.…
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