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Zbir glasova nenacionalnih stranaka (SDP, Reformista, DSS, SSO i JI) na izborima za Vijeće opština Bosne i Hercegovine 1990. na nivou opština
Najveći uspeh Tuzla 61%
Najmanji Kupres 4,80%.
U 6 opština Zapadne Hercegovine nije bio nijedan HDZ kandidat Image
Nenacionalne stranke u #BiH tada su dobile zbirno preko 50% glasova u zoni #Tuzla i njenoj rudarskoj okolini (Banovići i Srebrenik) kao i Novom #Sarajevo . Takođe ogroman uspeh u Varešu, Kladnju, Brezi, Centru Sarajeva, Lukavcu i zanimljivo u Šekovićima.
Vrlo je zadivljujuće kako su se rudarska i pojedina mesta sa velikom vojnom industrijom odupirala nacionalnim strankama (da li možda osećaj zahvalnosti socijalizmu za razvoj, jak direktorski kadar i uticajne ličnosti.....?)
Read 6 tweets
On #Serbia 🇷🇸: Both sides of the Dutch 🇳🇱 political aisle, i.e. PvdA (@TheProgressives) and VVD (@RenewEurope), call for a mechanism to:

- freeze EU accession talks
- cut all pre-accession funding
- suspend visa free travel regime
The two want the 🇳🇱 government to propose a revised procedure in Brussels with an increased focus on CSFP alignment (🇪🇺 foreign/security policy). If #Serbia 🇷🇸 doesn't change course, it should be possible to suspend the most important pre-accession mechanisms, the parties say.
Van Wijngaarden (VVD/@RenewEurope): "Due to the current soft 🇪🇺 approach, #Serbia 🇷🇸 under president Vučić risks becoming a 🇷🇺 vassal state and a hub for illegal migration. They are reorienting towards 🇷🇺. We shouldn't let them get away with this." Full motion text later today.
Read 11 tweets
After two months of uncertainty, @OHR_BiH High Rep Schmidt last night imposed a broad set of amendments to the Federation of BiH Constitution & the BiH Election Law.…
He retreated from his original July proposal facing strong domestic and international resistance.
The timing is insidious. The original plan in July was in violation of European and international conventions on political rights; but changing the rules of the game immediately AFTER the closure of voting makes a mockery of BiH citizens’ active and passive voting rights.
Read 33 tweets
BREAKING: #Ukraine has just been given EU candidate status
President #Zelensky’s reaction to #Ukraine being given 🇪🇺 candidate status:
Following the approval of candidacy status, President Zelensky has just dialed in to speak to the 27 EU leaders by video at #EUCO.

He is speaking to them now.
Read 12 tweets
Happening now: @USArmy Gen Christopher Cavoli - nominated to serve as commander of @US_EUCOM and as Supreme Allied Commander-#Europe - testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee
"In #Europe, the core security challenge is #Russia" per Gen Cavoli

"Russia's unprovoked invasion of #Ukraine ushers in a new era in European security...It will be up to us all to reestablish an enduring stability"
"But #Russia is not our only challenge. #China's growing influence is also of huge concern" per Gen Cavoli "As are terrorism, migration, #cybersecurity, & #climatechange"

"We cannot be a one-problem alliance"
Read 15 tweets
Un petit thread Dragan Čović, élections, sécession des ethno-nationalistes croates ? Moi je dis OUI !
Je vous ai souvent parlé de la réforme électorale que Čović veut imposer en BiH, basée sur le concept de représentation légitime des peuples constituants de BiH. C'est 1 notion inventée par Č, elle n'est nulle part dans la Constitutions.
Pour rappelle, les présidents bosniaques, croates et serbes sont ISSUS de ces communautés, ils ne les représentent pas. Donc le daydreaming de Č de devenir le Guide Suprême des Croates à vie ne s'appuie sur rien, aucun texte, aucune loi.
Read 27 tweets
At today’s European Council #EUCO, Zagreb racked up another success in pushing its aggressive agenda for #Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the information presently available, the following reference to #BiH will appear in the Conclusions:
“The European Council discussed the prolonged political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The European Union reiterates its commitment to the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans…
Leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina need to demonstrate a strong commitment to finalise swiftly the constitutional and electoral reform vital for stability and full functionality of the country, …
Read 19 tweets

Follow our liveblog for the latest updates on the three summits taking place in Brussels today. ⤵️…
@NATO leaders are meeting from 10:00 CET this morning to agree on additional support for #Ukraine 🇺🇦, which will also include protective equipment against a potential use of chemical and nuclear weapons in the country, writes @alex_owski.
#Russia's invasion of #Ukraine has created “the most serious security crisis in a generation,” @jensstoltenberg tells reporters upon arrival, adding that “there is a new sense of urgency.”

By @alex_owski
Read 63 tweets
Bosnie-Herzégovine, un petit point sur la question. Cette semaine c'était un grand festival du côté des ethno-nationalistes croates de tout poil, ceux de BiH et ceux de Croatie, l'union fait la force, on n'a pas été déçus. 1/n
Depuis des mois maintenant je vous parle de la réforme électorale voulue par Čović qui a dit qu'il bloquerait les élections d'octobre 2022 s'il ne l'obtenait pas. IL en a le pouvoir en tant que vice-pdt de la Chambre des Peuples 2/n
Dom Naroda garantit l'équité entre les peuples constitutifs et les entités. Si les "intérêts vitaux nationaux" (et oui, le vocabulaire fait flipper ici je suis d'accord) ne sont pas respectés, les lois sont refoulées 3/n
Read 30 tweets
𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐭 – 𝐈𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬̌ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐




#Upor #Zmaga #Svoboda 🇸🇮


#Igman #BiH
Več kot pet tisoč ljudi se je v soboto, 29. januarja 2022 zbralo na planini Igman. Prišli so iz vseh krajev nekdanje Jugoslavije in tudi avstrijske Koroške, da bi počastili 80. obletnico igmanskega marša. /.../


#Upor #Zmaga #Svoboda 🇸🇮


#Igman #BiH
/.../Osrednja pozornost je bila namenjena edinemu prisotnemu preživelemu pohodniku Albinu Piberniku iz Ljubljane.



#Upor #Zmaga #Svoboda 🇸🇮


#Igman #BiH #Ljubljana
Read 8 tweets
🇧🇦 Heute vor 1 Jahr brannte das Lager Lipa in #BiH nieder; tausende Menschen waren den eisigen Temperaturen schutzlos ausgeliefert.
Aber die Geschichte endete nicht mit dem Feuer. Wie hat sich die Lage von PoM verändert?

@Border_Violence via @NoNameKitchen1
Heute teilt @Border_Violence seinen #InternalViolence Bericht zu #BiH. Er zeigt, wie sich politische und administrative Entscheidungen in #Bosnien auf die Menschen in Lagern und Besetzungen ausgewirkt haben.

Im Bericht:
→ die Ursachen von Gewalt entlang der #Balkanroute
→ wie Camps in #BiH verwaltet werden
→ PoM-Proteste gegen die Lager
→ Muster von Zwangsräumungen

via @Border_Violence
Read 5 tweets
Thursday's #Coronavirus megathread starts here with the best #Covid19 global analysis and round up available on Twitter.

First a little quiz, answer in the next Tweet:
Do you know which country has had the most recorded cases of Covid19 as a percentage of population?
So I hope there was no cheating... I'll leave some blank lines here too in case some later viewers don't want the answer just yet...
So the nation with more #Covid19 cases than any other based on population is highly vaccinated #Seychelles at more than 20% infected.
Today I spent quite a long time being filmed/interviewed by @bbcturkce about #Covid19 and #Turkey. Not sure how much they will use, let's see.

Coincidentally the cameraman Efe, just happened to be in Kyiv as one of those using Ukraine for a 10 day stop off to avoid hotel prison!
Read 45 tweets
Wednesday's #Coronavirus megathread starts here, with all the data, news and analysis as #Covid19 continues to cause problems.

Slightly less mega today on the thread as I am working abroad and struggling for time and internet. Doing my best!
Starting with the case numbers from the islands of #Greece which I couldn't publish yesterday.

Broadly heading in the right direction, with exceptionally good numbers from #Crete again and #Zante

#Mykonos surges again and is still the most infected island.
2/3 #Covid19 cases Tuesday on the islands of #Greece

#Crete 196 (-148)
#Corfu 53 (-15)
#Andros 1 (-9)
#Chios 24 (+8)
#Ikaria 11 (-10)
#Ithaca 2 (-1)
#Kalymnos (-1)
#Karpathos (-1)
#KeaKythnos 1 (+1)
#Kefalonia 9 (-1)
#Kos 10 (-2)
#Lefkada 24 (-9)
#Lemnos 2 (-3)
#Lesbos 33 (+1)
Read 30 tweets

A partir das 08h, ao vivo na Globo, SporTV e BandSports!
#Tokyo2020 #JogosOlímpicos
20 MINUTOS! Bruno e Ketleyn já estão no preparo!

📸 Christian Dawes/COB
Read 101 tweets
Peter #Handke, austrijski književnik i dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost, koji negira #genocid u Srebrenici, dolazi sutra u posjetu bh entitetu Republici Srpskoj, gdje će ga ugostiti Predsjedavajući Predsjedništva #BiH Milorad #Dodik.…
Podsećamo na video iz decembra 2019. kada su novinari koji su izveštavali iz rata u Bosni i Hercegovini digli glas protiv Nobelove nagrade za Petera Handkea na Twitteru uz hashtag #BosniaWarJournalists #IzRSEArhive
Zbog podrške međunarodno izolovanoj Srbiji, posete Slobodanu Miloševiću u pritvorskoj jedinici Haškog tribunala, te odlaska na njegovu sahranu – Handke je uglavnom bio kritikovan, pa i ozloglašen u međunarodnoj javnosti, kao skoro nijedan pisac do tada.
Read 3 tweets
To this date no one in four #WesternBalkan countries recieved a #CovidVaccine:

#BiH🇧🇦, #Kosovo🇽🇰, #Montenegro🇲🇪 & #NorthMacedonia🇲🇰

Many rightfully ask why

In #BiH, for example, authorities relied on #COVAX, #EU🇪🇺 procurement mechanism patience of citizens (?!)👇🏼
Following an agreement of BiH governments in charge for health matters by November 2020 state level authorities (kind of) finalised paperwork to be able to order 1,232,000 dosis of vaccines via #COVAX + 892.000 dosis via an #EU procurement mechanism.…
Already in December 2020 authorities in #BiH made it clear they had no plans to try to negotiate, lobby & get vaccines via direct purchase. They defended their decision by claiming it is safer & cheaper (+legal) to wait & hoped citizens would be patient.…
Read 12 tweets
I recently submitted my PhD dissertation titled "Illiberalism Beyond Borders. Dissecting Russian and Turkish External Influence in Bosnia and Georgia" at @FU_Berlin. Interested in what I found? Read this thread ⬇️
To begin with, I hypothesise that illiberal external influence (IEX) is more likely to contribute to the contestation of #democracy in a given polity when it appears in the context of a favorable domestic environment and the absence of liberal external counterpressure.
I particularly scrutinise the role of domestic elites in facilitating/obstructing IEX, based on findings by J. Tolstrup, @otansey, R. Vanderhill et al. I also look at how liberal ext. counterpressure can help prevent a major contribution of IEX to the contestation of #democracy.
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#BiH’s PM Zvizdić hosted by Chancellor Markel in Berlin w the highest diplomatic protocol; Merkel adds “there will be no border changes in the Balkans”. An important signal to Dodik & Vucic. But GER must prepare for more than symbolism in the region.…
Specifically, Dodik has given ample grounds to every international backer of the Dayton Accords to sanction him (& his party) since the US Treasury Dept did so in 2017. That no other state had done so is telling & only emboldening him.
Also good to see Berlin finally, explicitly mentioning NATO membership as imperative for BiH. If GER & other EU states had pushed harder on this issue, Dodik & the HDZ wouldn’t have the capacity to endanger BiH’s sovereignty as they do at present.…
Read 3 tweets
Bosnian media claim former FSB director Nikolai Pattushev met w HDZ officials from #Croatia & #Bosnia in Trogir resort to coordinate strategies for interfering in BiH elxns, ensuring @Dragan_Covic’s victory & solidifying RUS influence in both states.…
If @zurnal_info has the docs & sources to back this up, it’d be the clearest link yet between the hard-right of the HDZ in #Bosnia & #Croatia & the Kremlin. Their on RUS in BiH reporting so far has been excellent, recall this scoop:…
I note also that this story meshes very closely w the approach Russia took in #Montenegro in the 2016 coup attempt, as detailed in this thorough report by @ReufBajrovic, @VeskoGarcevic & R. Kraemer for @FPRI.
Read 9 tweets
This deserves much more attention. #Russia’s attempted 2016 coup in #Montenegro was far more serious & sophisticated than previously understood. @CrisLeeMaza summarizes here the key findings of new report by @ReufBajrovic, @VeskoGarcevic & Richard Kraemer.…
Reason why this is such a major story is bc @ReufBajrovic & @suljagicemir1, in this report from March, warn of *upcoming* Russian inference in the Bosnian elxns. BiH is far more vulnerable & volatile than Montenegro was in 2016. Are EU, US, NATO prepared?…
Some of us have been warning about Russia’s very serious meddling in Bosnia for yrs now. I warned explicitly *last Sept* that we were headed for Kremlin-backed trouble in Oct of this yr. Too little has been done by the international community to prepare.…
Read 6 tweets
Another major arms acquisition by politically controlled police in #Bosnia, months ahead of Oct elxns. HDZ controlled police in the Livno canton (aka Canton 10) appear to have acquired nearly 1000 "automatic rifles". Follows similar moves by Dodik govt.…
Police in the nearby the Herzegovina-Neretva canton, also controlled by the HDZ, announced in March they were likewise procuring $200,000 of new arms. Weeks later, they caused a near shooting incident w state police.…
So, the HDZ & SNSD have each made major arms acquisitions in last few months, both have direct ties to the Kremlin & both have explicitly threatened violence unless the Oct elxns go their way. Myself & other colleagues have warned of this for months, publicly & privately:
Read 7 tweets

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