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May 4th 2023
@vonderleyen The #Qatargate #Scandal: Could It Signal The #End Of The ‘#BrusselsEU’? | Apr 21
- A vice #president of the #EuropeanParliament and other EU #lawmakers have been #bribed by the governments of #Qatar, #Morocco, #Mauritania, and possibly other countries…
@vonderleyen Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between #Pfizer And #EUCommission Chief For Sale Of #Vaccines | Sep 18
- Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to #ransom making bizarre demands asking for #bankreserves, #embassy buildings and #military bases.
@vonderleyen The #EuropeanCommission's #refusal of public access to text messages #SMS exchanged between
@vonderleyen and the CEO of a #pharmaceutical company on the purchase of a #Covid19Vaccines
- CASE 1316/2021/MIG - OPENED ON Thursday | 16 Sep 2021
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Oct 31st 2021
@STM_Uutiset @THLorg @KristaKiuru @T_Puumalainen @mapetti @HNohynek @laslehti @LindenAki “Were you properly informed about what is really going on? So, you are imposing a medical product on the Europeans citizens without them knowing what’s in these contracts” - MEP @ CristianTerhes
@STM_Uutiset @THLorg @KristaKiuru @T_Puumalainen @mapetti @HNohynek @laslehti @LindenAki #Albania Leaks.
Mafia-tyyliset sopimukset, joita ei voi peruuttaa, sitovat koko #EU'n panttivangiksi, komissaarit Ursula ja Stella, miljoonalahjukset.
Ostaja[valtio] tunnustaa, että ”rokotteen” pitkäaikaisvaikutukset ja tehokkuus eivät ole tiedossa.…
Read 14 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Anyone who has followed me since QT began in late ‘17...know these charts are a Summation of my work for the last 2+ years... from the Peak of the Credit Cycle in January 2018.
As they say Tops are a Process (u can make a lot of 💰waiting in ).. & Bottoms are Events.
Tsy Strips have done absolutely nothing but lose money -3% since its March 9, 2020 Peak.

Total Returns: (Since March 23)

: +118%
: +55%
: +49%
: +48%
: +46%
: +37%

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