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Nov 15th 2022
I love football. It’s an all-encompassing passion that cuts to my very soul. It runs in my blood. Its geographic nature ties it to notions of identity and family and collective consciousness that are the bricks with which I am made. 1/ Image
Football was something I shared with my father, with whom I had a complex and difficult relationship. It was the fulcrum around which a very male-type family were constantly there for each other. It rooted us as we have spread round the globe. 2/ Image
The pure *joy* that I've experienced in those rare moments of triumph isn't quite the point. Defeat is the essential flip side & it can bring a warm sense of belonging. Football can be, as the phrase goes, beautiful. It also has an inestimable cultural value. I love *The Game* 3/ Image
Read 37 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
David #Beckham testimonial della campagna per il turismo in #Qatar, uno dei tanti ambiziosi progetti del Paese arabo per rendersi indipendente dall'esportazione di petrolio. Progetti di cui fa ovviamente parte #Qatar2022.

Il Qatar ha da tempo deciso di usare il calcio come strumento di propaganda e attrazione di turisti così come di investitori. E d'altronde proprio un anno fa Beckham aveva stretto un accordo da 177 milioni di euro come ambassador del Mondiale.

Una delle prime stelle internazionali a trasferirsi al PSG, nel 2013, oggi Beckham è il volto principale del progetto di sportwashing del regime qatariota. Cosa che gli è valsa anche parecchie critiche, come ad esempio quelle di Amnesty International.

👇 Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
"What does it mean to be covered in gold?"

"What does it mean to be covered in gold?"

Naomi Campbell, once seen at a party with Ghyslaine Maxwell, #Epstein and Virginia Giuffre when she was a teen.
"What does it mean to be covered in gold?" #Kobe
Read 25 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
🙋🏻‍♀️Good morning from #Miami City Commish taking up the billion-$ #soccer & #commerce complex at Mel Reese.
On the table:
* no-bid lease agreement
* stopping all talks & putting it all out for bids
* Mayor’s request to delay
* any unexpected twist
@WPLGLocal10 stay tuned!⚽️ ImageImage
Gist of public comments so far:
Pro: “voters approved negotiations”, “...good revenue source”, “world-class #MLS soccer & park space”
Con: voters were “bamboozled”, “save the green space”, “no-bid sell-out to special interests”
@WPLGLocal10 #MiamiFreedomPark
#Miami Freedom Park people came to make presentation.
Commish Manolo Reyes (a “no” vote):“We don’t need a presentation...we’ve heard it all...”
Reyes says he is not vs soccer or project; but is opposed to circumvented process & vote swayed by deep-pocket campaign
Read 13 tweets

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