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Feb 25th 2021
#korona -hysterian lietsonnan ja valmiuslain hypetyksen on loputtava täysin perusteettomana.
#Covid, tuo hilveä #korona #pandemia -ihmeiden epäjumala, on VÄHENTÄNYT sairauksia, v. 2019-2020.
- Tavallinen kausi-influenssa A- ja B-virukset ovat kadonneet kokonaan. - Sairaalat tyhjillään. @Vapaavuori @RitvaViljanen @KjMakela
Read 9 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
The #Pandemic Modellers Have a Conflict of Interest Problem | 11 Feb 2021
- Edmunds also happens to be the spouse of someone who, at least until April 2020, was an employee of #GlaxoSmithKline and held shares in the company…
'#GSK 'Edmunds speaks often to reporters about the deadliness of the new variant. He tells them a "disaster" would happen if lockdowns are eased soon, because what first must be done is to "#vaccinate much, much, much more widely than the elderly."
Be wary! SAGE expert stuns GMB with new findings on 'much more deadly #Kent #Covid strain' | Jan 25
- '#GSK' John Edmunds has warned Britons to be wary of the Kent Covid strain, after new evidence shows it is "significantly more risky" than the old strain…
Read 12 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
Analysis: #NASDAQ $BMRN

Case 182 #BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#BMRN 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: Price continues to trade in a wide 4 year range 106.75 - 62.15 - we shall favour the upside as price holds above 75.80. Good #support at 84.20 (off the rising #trendline) and further below the #SMA 20 at .....

BMRN 2/4
..... 83.58. To the upside immediate #resistance seen at 98.80/90 then 106.20. A weekly close above 109.50 is required to target formidable resistance 126.60/90

BMRN 3/4
Read 4 tweets

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