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@anthony7andrews part of conveyor belt of the modeling industry churning younger & younger models, from the Iron Curtain countries of the 1980s & 1990s, for #TrumpModelAgency, #JeffreyEpstein , #JeanLucBrunel who curiously enough suffered same demise in a French jail…
@anthony7andrews Brunel, who ran Karin Models in Paris, and later formed MC2 Model Management with Epstein, was awaiting trial on charges of sexual assault and rape. He was also being investigated for trafficking minors, including girls as young as 12 years old, according to French news reports.
@anthony7andrews The French model agent who was charged with securing girls & young women for billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in a Paris prison cell, #Brunel, 74, was found #hanged by his bedsheets in his cell around 1:30 a.m. local time at La Sante prison just like #Epstein
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8 Noms !

C'est le nombre de hautes-personnalités qui ont été dénoncé par #VirginiaGiuffre qui n'ont pas été encore dévoilé depuis toutes ces années

En pleine plandémie d'injectés-antenne-relais-5G, y'a un nom qui gacherait les ventes ImageImage
La #RAINSlist ou liste du Dr Joan Coleman

Compile les noms issus des récits d'une victime de crime sexuel satanique #SRA

<< certains affirment qu'il serait un des plus hauts initiés lucifériens >>

Communément appelé
"Le Prince des Ténèbres"

À Paris avec #Eipstein ImageImageImageImage
#GhislaineMaxwell née à Maisons-Laffitte (78) se cachait à Paris avant son arrestation

Certains durant cette période l'auraient vu sortir de l'ambassade d'Israel, tout près de sa cache

Luxueuse propriété !

#JeanLucBrunel vieil ami
logeait Avenue Hoche ImageImageImageImage
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@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
Este hilo analizará el sórdido legado del paedosadismo dentro de la familia real inglesa. #OpDeathEaters

Toda la información recopilada por @OpDeathEaters y @GeorgieBC 2014 - presente.
Lord Mountbatten estaba vinculado a la #Kincora red de violación y tortura de niños. Mountbatten, el último virrey de la India, era conocido por ser extremadamente promiscuo, bisexual y abusar de los niños de la clase trabajadora o de los indios campesinos. #OpDeathEaters
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🔴 Perquisitions au domicile parisien d'#Epstein et à l’agence #KarinModels de Jean-Luc #Brunel

Franceinfo rapporte que des perquisitions ont eu lieu entre le 23 et le 24 septembre à Paris au domicile de Jeffrey #Epstein et le 17 septembre dans une agence de mannequin de son ancien ami Jean-Luc Brunel

#Epstein : Les perquisitions ont été autorisées par un juge des libertés et de la détention dans le cadre de l'enquête pour «viols» et «agressions sexuelles», notamment sur mineures, ouverte le 23 août par le parquet de Paris

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Meet John Casablancas, founder of Elite Model Management, prolific child rapist, and trafficker. He was Ivanka Trump's manager, was a close associate of U.S. President Trump, and sat on the board of Trump Realty Brazil. #OpDeathEaters Image
#Epstein used modeling agency connections Jean Luc #Brunel of MC2 Models and Les #Wexner of L Brands (Victoria's secret) to target young girls. #Trump started a modeling agency, Trump Model Management, in 1999 cloned after #Casablanca's own Elite Model Management. #OpDeathEaters Image
John Casablancas was born in New York in 1942, attended Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland which educates children of the global elite including names below. Several names will be familiar to #OpDeatheaters researchers.…Image
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#OpDeathEaters - Stephanies' thread on Jean-Luc #Brunel's brother may provide another link in the #Epstein trafficking chain in #France

"#ArnaudBrunel , also involved with modeling agencies in NY and Florida? Here he is listed as director of Sun Models Inc"
#Epstein's Little Black Book #OpDeathEaters "France section "Massage-Paris" contains ~30 names: Claudia, Alexandra, Carolina, Deborah, Isabella, Rosemary, Donna, Yelena or Nadia. Sometimes, mention is added: "speaks little English" or "speaks NO English".…
"At the time, it was the law firm Berlioz that managed the financier's current affairs. "We were like his Family Office," says Stéphane Coulaux, whose name appears in the famous notebook" #OpDeathEaters #Epstein #France
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Investigate Epstein's network, while his death is a setback it doesn't erase those he associated with. Start with his supplier Jean-Luc #Brunel owner of MC2 Model Management. #OpDeathEaters
Jeffery Epstein was part of a broader child trafficking and rape network. Individual's like trafficker Jean-Luc #Brunel who supplied him with children are still walking free. As are #Epstein's prominent clients, pimps, and enablers. #OpDeathEaters
#Epstein case is one node of an international network of child trafficking of which many prominent individuals in politics, media, and royalty from around the world partook in.

It is not a conspiracy theory. It's a criminal conspiracy. #OpDeathEaters
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Messages for Jeffery #Epstein suggest sexual abuse of younger girls… #OpDeathEaters
“In light of these circumstances of the case, this message reasonable suggested to Edwards that #Brunel might have been procuring two eight-year-old girls for #Epstein to sexually abuse,” #OpDeathEaters
"#Brunel is in his sixties and has a reputation throughout the world (and especially in the modeling industry) as a cocaine addict that has for years molested children through modeling agencies" #opdeny #models #OpDeathEaters #Epstein
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This thread will look into the French connection to Epstein through child trafficker Jean-Luc #Brunel owner of MC2 Model Management. Brunel was Jeffery #Epstein's buddy and supplier who once gave him three 12-year-olds as a birthday present. #OpDeathEaters
Victims testified in court that #Epstein raped young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, including three 12-year-old girls brought from France as a birthday gift by Jean-Luc #Brunel (he was not charged). #OpDeathEaters…
In 2005, Jean-Luc #Brunel founded the MC2 Model Management agency which #Epstein invested $1 million, according to a 2010 deposition. #OpDeathEaters…
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The following threads collect information for #OpDeathEaters Long Term Goal 1: Establish the credibility and scale of paedosadism and trafficking industry ties and blackmail power at institutional levels.
The scope of the paedosadism and trafficking industry is by no means limited to the information in these threads. These are just the preliminary information to prove the need for full-scale inquiries. #OpDeathEaters
This thread looks into US paedosadist and trafficker Jeffery Epstein with links to Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak and many more. #OpDeathEaters
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This thread will look into the sordid legacy of paedosadism inside the English Royal Family. #OpDeathEaters

All information collected by @OpDeathEaters and @GeorgieBC circa 2014 - present. Image
The reason the UK won't link Kincora to the Child Abuse Inquiry. #OpDeathEaters
Lord Mountbatten was linked to the #Kincora boy's rape and torture network. Mountbatten the last viceroy in India, was renowned to be wildly promiscuous, bisexual and abuse working-class boys or peasant Indian boys. #OpDeathEaters
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