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Dec 20th 2022
Massive 6.4 #earthquake rocks #California leaving people without power | Dec 20
- Its #epicenter was 210 miles north of #SanFrancisco, where a quake hit last week…
6.4-Magnitude #Earthquake Hits Northern #California | -3h
Northern #California #earthquake causes 'widespread damage' to roads, homes | -2h
Read 56 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s dark web: greed, sex and daddy issues #thread | #Epstein #PrinceAndrew it’s all in this THREAD 🧵....
How did the #Oxford-educated daughter of a publishing tycoon wind up in jail charged with trafficking minors for Jeffrey #Epstein? Vassi Chamberlain, who knew #Maxwell, speaks to her former friends
London, 1990. I have just arrived at a dinner in a newly opened Soho restaurant with people I barely know. I see a long table rammed with the deafening confidence of entitled rich young things.
Read 106 tweets

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