Northern #California towns tally #earthquake damage as #power is restored to tens of thousands | Dec 21
- By Wednesday night, crews restored service to “essentially all” of the 71,000 customers who had lost #electricity because of the quake…
Videos show extent of damage from deadly 6.4 #earthquake in #HumboldtCounty | Dec 21
- A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the #Eureka area early Tuesday, leaving at least two people dead and drawing reports of widespread damage to roads and homes.…
⬆You wasn't able to know nothing about this in any #European media, full '#Radiosilence':
"Magnitude 6.4 #quake shakes northern #California, leaves 2 dead, thousands without power | Dec 21"
- due to the #zionist media priority was the visit of the '#warlord' in the #WH.
@GavinNewsom Barry #Manilow - It Never #Rains In Southern #California | Oct 3, 2009
Music video by Barry Manilow performing It Never Rains In Southern California.
Crazy hail storm and flooding in #SantaBarbara and #SanFrancisco | 2d ago
- Heavy rain continued to drench #California on Tuesday as an ongoing parade of storms left much of the state in disarray, with power outages, collapsed roadways, mud and landslides
#California! Terrible #destruction caught on camera! Tragedy in the USA | Jan 11
- In this video, we're following the path of the storm as it moves across California - terrible destruction as the storm moves across the state, and it's all caught on camera!
More #storms on the way to the #GoldenState | Jan 13, 2023
- #California has experienced six atmospheric rivers in recent weeks and is bracing for as many as three more, with the wild weather set to continue for at least another week.
More #storms on the way, Southern #California braces for next round of #weather | -7h
- residents and rescue crews were bracing for more rain expected to hit the Golden State beginning the night of Jan. 13
#California#weather: How long could #mudslides continue | Ytd 8:13 PM
- at least 19 people have died since the end of last year, up and down the state.
Newsom visited Montecito on Fri, is pleading with residents to remain alert amid hazardous conditions.…
#California man narrowly escapes death by falling #boulder | Fri at 2:37 am
- A Los Angeles man's sedan was #crushed by a boulder this week. He was sitting in the driver's seat before the boulders came crashing down the hillside and onto the top of his car…
California’s #LakeCachuma At 100% Capacity Due to Recent #Storms | Jan 15, 2023
- Due to the recent California storms, Lake Cachuma rose from 33% full to 100% full in just about a week.…
Romans 1:18 - God’s Wrath against Sin
- 'The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.'
Romans 1:26-32
cc: @ FletcherFoxYT
Romans 1:26-27
"For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. ...and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men..."
@ glory102
Romans 1:26-32
And don't tell me that is the lifestyle of our Founding Fathers! It happens when perverts misinterprets freedom. We are not a Gay nation. We are a nation founded on the Bible and the Cross. We cannot lead the world with Gay Trophy…
#China’s #economy in #chaos as property giant with £236bn of #liabilities ordered to #liquidate | Jan 29
- a crackdown on excess borrowing has tipped the #property ind into #crisis, making it a drag on the eco as scores of other developers ran into trouble…
#Evergrande Ordered Into #Liquidation. It’s a Landmark Moment for #Chinese Property | Jan. 29…
#HongKong orders to #liquidate #Chinese real estate group #Evergrande | Jan 29
- its subsidiary in the territory after a failed attempt to #restructure $300 #billion owed to #banks and #bondholders, fueling fears about growing debt in the Asian giant.…
#Eurostat: 904k people in #Finland were at risk of #poverty.
In 2015. A natl #foodaid study: ~25k people rely on #foodbanks weekly
In 2020: more than 50k recipients of #foodaid
In 2021: ~70k people received #food #aid
@RSF_inter #Finland. #SannaMarin's party, @demarit 'von' #Rigged #ParliamentaryElections2019 by #bankerscabal's, #Scytl-#Dominion +7,666 vote (+0.2%). The unconstitutionally selected cabinet showed strong signs of a Satanic possession, during the #WomensDay2021.
Politisoitunut @Sisaministerio, äärioikeistolainen #Freudenthal @sfprkp ja äärivasemmistolainen @vihreat järjestvät omituisen miekkarin yhdessä #Soros-#Antifa'n ja #TrainedMarxist anarkistien kanssa 'rasismin' vastaisen absurdin miekkarin Helsingissä.
@Sisaministerio @sfprkp @vihreat Hysteerinen #PaidProtesters joukkio yhtyi megafonin iskulauseisiin : "Ei rasismille" saattaen huutojaan tapututksin.
- Joukon huomiota kiinnitti yksittäinen huuto: "#Freudenthal #Rkp vie aseita #Ukraina'n natselle." ja "Me olemme Mongoleja."
@Sisaministerio @sfprkp @vihreat Yksi koulutettu selkäreppuinen anarkisti tuli totuuden huutajan eteen ja peruutti voimakkaasti yrittäen kaataa. Paikalle myös tunkesi mies pitäen sylissään pientä vauvaa, "uhruituvana osallisena"
Poliisi tuli ja ilmoitti lukuisista häiriöilmoituksista
-Ei saa huutaa vääriä sanoja
@demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue
10 Years of research and development to bring you this truth. You will hear testimony from 27 victims and 27 witnesses to the most horrific crimes of #childrape, #torture, #satanicsacrifice and #blooddrinking
@Demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue #EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following '#COVIDVaccines' in European Database | Mar 22
Over 1 Million #Deaths and #Injuries Following COVID “#Vaccines” in #VAERS as 2nd Year of “#Experimental Use Authorization” Begins | Jan 21
@Demarit @sfprkp @vasemmisto @vihreat @keskusta @kokoomus @KDpuolue #VAERS: Over 1 Million #Deaths and #Injuries Following COVID “#Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as 2nd Year of “#Experimental Use Authorization” Begins | Jan 21, 2022
- This is the most #censored news in the #US, and it is based on the US Govt’s own statistics
#JoeBiden is causing #trafficchaos in #Helsinki. #Restaurants around the #MarketSquare will be closed.
All shipping and ferry services will be shut down. WarMode.
Probably a private #SnifferParty on Thursday night In the Restaurant #Pool (#Allas)
- Keep your daughters at home
#Allas Restaurants brings together three different restaurant experiences. Allas Café & Terrace, Seagrill and Allas Sky Bar…
#Ukraine Is #FarmingChildren in #Factories for #ElitePedophiles, Russia Is Saving the Children | 3 months ago
- A '#Disneyland' for the #EliteCabal in the #HeavenlyJerusalem