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Que faut-il pour postuler en #BTSSIO ?
AprĂšs la lecture de quelque 370 dossiers, mes collĂšgues et moi faisons le mĂȘme constat : peu de candidats ont su montrer leur motivation.
Alors pour les prochaines annĂ©es, ce fil veut favoriser de belles candidatures, dans toute la France.âŹ‡ïž
La premiÚre étape est de bien se renseigner sur les métiers de l'informatique. Nombreux sont les #gamers qui s'imaginent coder le nouveau #DeusEx, #Skyrim ou #LOL.
Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'on aime conduire des voitures que l'on doit devenir garagiste : pareil en #informatique
Les #BUT et #BTSSIO ou #BTSCIEL sont des diplÎmes difficiles dans lesquels vous ne verrez que les entrailles de logiciels beaucoup moins séduisants que les jeux.
Pire, cela demande des capacités d'abstraction importantes. En prog, le spectacle pendant 2-3 ans sera ça :
Read 4 tweets
Wer sich fragt, warum Leistungen wie #BuT und #kinderzuschlag, etc. kaum abgerufen werden, hier ein Beispiel: Das Jobcenter hat mit allen Mitteln dagegen gekĂ€mpft, einem Kind 10€ fĂŒr ein Zirkusprojekt ĂŒber das Bilungs- und Teilhabepaket zu geben. 5 Jahre dauerten die Verfahren.
FĂŒr ein Zirkusprojekt in der Schule musste jedes Kind 10 Euro bezahlen. Die Eltern eines Kindes beantragten ĂŒber das Bildung- und Teilhabepaket Bezuschussung. Das Jobcenter lehnte ab. Grund: der Zirkus ist kein Schulausflug, da er auf dem SchulgelĂ€nde stattfindet. (!) Vor Gericht
kriegen die Eltern recht, aber das Jobcenter geht in Berufung - erfolgreich. Daraufhin sind die Eltern in Revision gegangen. Letzte Woche, also 5 Jahre spĂ€ter, hat das Landessozialgericht endlich fĂŒr die Eltern und das Kind entschieden. Sie bekommen die z-e-h-n Euro erstattet.
Read 4 tweets
Le @CentreJeanGol, rattaché au @MR_officiel, publie une note contre le #wokisme.

Sans attendre: @PDelwit et @MDeleixhe montent au front pour dénoncer une. «dérive réactionnaire».

Le #wokisme, un mythe? Pas depuis le scandale du «canular #SokalAuCarré»: dĂ©cryptage!👇 Image
01/ Le 21 fĂ©vrier 2023, le @CentreJeanGol publie une note contre le #wokisme, elle est rĂ©digĂ©e par: Nadia Geerts (@NadiaGeerts), Axel Miller (directeur du @CentreJeanGol), Corentin de Salle (@CorentindeSalle) et Jolan Vereecke (@JolanVereecke).👇

02/ Le 01 mars 2023, le politologue @PDelwit (rĂ©putĂ© trĂšs Ă  gauche), professeur Ă  @ULBruxelles, monte au crĂ©neau: Le #wokisme est un terme «utilisĂ© par la droite radicale et la droite conservatrice» pour empĂȘcher de lutter contre les inĂ©galitĂ©s.👇

Read 27 tweets
Pit of a puzzle to me how one can say faculty *must* work to make their institutions more equal and inclusive, and then dismiss a request to sketch out how faculty do this work they *must* do as "purity tests" that open some mysterious yet unsavoury doors.
Oh, wait, here's how I should have written the above tweet:

I believe university faculty must work to make their institutions more equal and inclusive. #BUT.
What am I going to do with this ubiquitous #BUT structure. Should I write a paper about it? What kind of paper?
Read 8 tweets
Four years ago, before he published his first #Quillette piece, before he signed on as editor to that same online magazine, #ColinWright wrote an email to #JamesLindsay in which he laid out the set of simple and basic ideas that continue to drive his anti-trans activism. 1/
1. You can be an academic⁠—held to the quality of his evidence, the knowledge of the existing literature, & the soundness of his arguments⁠—or you can be a "free-thinking intellectual." (To the point that having lousy evidence & no demonstrable knowledge shows "free thinking.")
2. Let's blame everything on the "trans activists." Let's call everyone who disagrees with anti-trans talking points a "trans activist." "Trans activists" are bad, it goes without saying. Let's claim they are in "denial of gender or sex differences."

Straw man done! And done!
Read 11 tweets
The Travelers
Part 1 & 2 !

You’re Not Alone, Never have been & never will be . .
#ME on the other hand, Alone & always has been—Not Anymore though.

THE MAN since 17 Years Young.
THE MAN Since Birth ..
THE MAN is A Queen & THE MAN Is A King/Father .
The face within is #ME!
#LO. 17
Read 15 tweets
Complaining about the right to choose?

Why wasn’t that right taken advantage of the night at the bar to NOT have Sex with someone ones barely knew?

A woman or man could EASILY say, “you know what I’m not going to sleep with this man/woman because if something were to happen
I’m not ready to have A baby, especially with someone I barely know” 

Same goes for pretty much EVERY OTHER SCENARIO that could be brought up.

If A woman is carrying A child from being rapped or some other Circumstances, there should be some kind of Exceptions.

Get to
The #ROOT of it all, WHAT DO YOU SEE?

The people have this world have been programmed & Hardwired to self destruct from birth on 

What ever happened to THAT side of life, sex & relationship being sacred?

It’s like there’s BILLIONS of Adams & Eves running around the world
Read 20 tweets
Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren eine junge Frau betreut, die Probleme mit dem Jobcenter hatte.
Ich habe jedes Schreiben ans JC
per Einschreiben mit RĂŒckschein, per Mail und per Fax geschickt.
Nach 3 Monaten war man froh, wenn man mich von hinten sah.
Aber: Die Miete und Strom konnten plötzlich direkt ĂŒberwiesen werden, eine Stromsperre verhindert werden.
Es gab plötzlich Geld fĂŒr Schwangerschaft und Babyausstattung, die man ihr nicht geben wollte, weil 13 Jahre
zuvor sie einen Sohn geboren hatte und da ja wohl noch alles vorhanden wĂ€re. đŸ€Ą
Hochschwanger sollte sie noch in Jobs vermittelt werden, obwohl sie weder körperlich noch psychisch in der Lage war.
Read 5 tweets
All these other people claiming to be me, none of them can show what NEEDED to be shown for everyone to know the truth 

I literally risked my life daily NOT CARING showing WHY everything around me was built up the way it has been.. ALL BUILT UP by ones who KNEW 1 individual
Was going to be born, all of it SPECIFICALLY built up because it was known far in advance of how many would try to be me trying to mislead, very few would believe & spit on me ..

Every street name, every business, every street name correlates to what business is on the
Corner, it’s all A way of leaving truth hidden in plain sight & telling A story hidden in plain sight.

The symbol on the sign where I was born, is the same symbol on the neck of the JFK .50 cent pieces.
Every restaurant name, #GEORGE WEBBS, Final APPROACH (Has A plans on the
Read 22 tweets
What happens when you tell A child NOT to do something? Curiosity? They do exactly what it is you ask them not to do?

What happens when A All Star Athlete has kids & pushes THAT life upon their child? A large % rebel & want nothing to do with THAT life/Sport?

What happens when
A young mind Is told someone is “THE WAY”, “THE TRUTH”, “THE LIGHT”, always watching over you, protecting you & protecting your future” throughout their entire life & they get to A point where it seems like nothing is going right & seems like everything they were ever told was
Just myths?
Does it drive them further away from where they should be sticking close to?
Do emotions cloud judgment?

-What happens when you allow A young mind to grow #ORGANICAlly into their Spiritual life?
-What Happens when you allow A child to experience things for
Read 12 tweets
Promises Made
Promises Kept

NO cheating, Everything must be earned 

#BUT . . .
For the children, for the Fallen, For the Family, For my people & for #LOVE—I Will use what shouldn’t have to be used 


.@DanScavino, # 3 

7-5- # 3

Swords On Fire 

đŸšȘ #3 Dan, Doing it .✍
The Entrance is the #EXIT, #EXIT Stage Left 

Time too Banish ALL evil for eternity..
Read 4 tweets
1/ 📰 "Bilan Macron : la casse de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur" par @khedidjabe dans @Mediapart đŸ”„
"Rarement l’universitĂ© n’aura Ă©tĂ© aussi malmenĂ©e que sous ce gouvernement" 😡

#StopLPR #StopPrécarité #PayeTesFrais #SansFacs #FacsEtLabosEnLutte
Un fil 👇

2/ "La chasse aux sorciĂšres contre les enseignant·es aura Ă©clipsĂ© les affaires, celle de ses conseillĂšres et conseillers qui effectuent de mystĂ©rieux voyages sur la CĂŽte d’Azur, sur fonds publics, ou encore le sort des Ă©tudiant·es de l’UFTAM..."
3/ "Du cĂŽtĂ© du logement Ă©tudiant, Emmanuel Macron n’a pas tenu ses promesses non plus. En 2017, le candidat promettait la construction de 60 000 logements Ă©tudiants. Finalement, seules 35 962 places ont Ă©tĂ© «mises en service», dont seulement dix mille dans des rĂ©sidences #Crous"
Read 7 tweets
1/ça y est mes élÚves sont inscrits sur #Parcoursup2021 . L'occasion de les accompagner sur leur premier voeu. Et on a beau accumuler de l'expérience et avoir une prévention naturelle envers le dispositif, les surprises annuelles ne manquent pas.
2/ et cette année c'est le passage du #DUT au #BUT qui me pose problÚme.
D, c'était diplÎme. B, c'est Bachelor. Au delà du passage de 2 à 3 ans et de ses conséquences, qu'a bien décomposé @juliengossa, c'est le mot qui est un piÚge
3/ Bachelor, c'est aussi le mot magique des multiples écoles privées présentes sur la plateforme. Et quand elles et ils cherchent des formations -l'expérience du jour me le montre- les élÚves n'y voient que du feu.
Read 9 tweets
Respect & Disrespect in a relationship.
As much as we balance each other out and complete each other, our differences, if not understood & accepted, become a source of confusion, frustration & even division.
Too often in marriage, we overlook the fundamental differences between the sexes and assume, and even act like, they (men)  are just like us (women)

But couples who openly acknowledge their differences and appreciate them improve their chances of avoiding strife and increasing the level of intimacy in their marriage.
Read 50 tweets

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