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May 15, 2023
#Donbas, #Lugansk People's Republic

🇺🇦#Ukraine launched a missile attack on an aviation school in Lugansk.
Apparently the strike was again carried out by British Storm Shadow missiles.
"There's quite a dense residential area there. Recently restored cadet corps building," said Rodion Miroshnik, former ambassador of the Lugansk People's Republic.
May 15, 2023
LPR representation to #JCCC:
On May 15, 2023, at 0800 a.m. 🇺🇦#Ukraine launched a missile attack on #Lugansk (#LPR) using two Storm Shadow cruise missiles.
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@ZelenskyyUa c: @ ivan_8848
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
#Russia #responded 8 days LATER by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxywar that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire.
@ZelenskyyUa The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a WEEK BEFORE.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @i van_8848
📷#Putin announces '#specialoperation' in #Donbass Last warning 📷 Fulfil the #MinskAgreements! After 8 years of asking, this was President Putin's last ask in late 2021 - allow the Donbass to have a #referendum.
Read 24 tweets
Nell'ultimo periodo abbiamo avuto molto poco tempo per postare video sugli avvenimenti del fronte perché stavamo lavorando a questa piccola chicca: il 28 Febbraio @VRangeloni è, a detta sua, quasi stato colpito da un bombardamento 🇺🇦 sul ponte che congiunge 1/8…
Il distretto #Petrovsky e #Kyrovsky di Donetsk. In seguito, riferisce che altri colpi avrebbero colpito palazzine lì vicino.
I danni alle palazzine non sono compatibili con i danni che un missile GMLRS infligge a strutture non rinforzate, ad esempio 2/8
Nei primi 2 frame si vedono i danni che secondo Rangeloni sono stati inflitti dall'HIMARS 🇺🇦 contro due immagini di danni che un missile GMLRS sparato da questo sistema ha inflitto ad un altro edificio l'anno scorso.
Inoltre, il CEP di questi missili non lascia spazio a 3/8
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1· 🤔 On voit des enseignant·es faire cours les jours de #grève, organiser le #distanciel ou profiter des journées de #mobilisation pour avancer sur leur HDR : ne pensez-vous pas que nous avons quelques raisons de mettre l'#université et la #recherche à l'arrêt ?
🧶 à dérouler 👇 Baisse des budget par étudi...
2· ‼️ D'abord, il y a le saccage des #retraites, ces deux années de #travail que le gouvernement veut nous extorquer.
Personne n'est dupe : cette contre-réforme injuste et injustifiée aggravera les #inégalités, notamment entre femmes et hommes 🤬
Infos 👇…
3· 😡 Cette réforme aggravera donc les inégalités entre travailleuses et travailleurs de l'#ESR, et elle aura des effets spécifiques pour des chercheur·ses dont la carrière a été marquée par la #précarisation et l'#internationalisation 😱
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Likely you haven't heard of Pilgrims Group. References to company in the media are extremely rare. However, they're well known to Western news outlets - they provide protection services to journalists in hostile environments, and embed their security specialists in news crews.
Pilgrims Group was active on the ground in Ukraine from the early days of the US-orchestrated Maidan coup in 2013, and within mere hours of #MH17 generated multiple teams to ferry journalists around, thus maintaining a high degree of editorial control over their output.
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Es gibt keine #Separatisten im #Donbass es war eine ausgeklügelte 🇷🇺🗑️List. Einige globale Medien bezeichnen die sog. #DPR/#LPR-Truppen immer wieder als "pro-🇷🇺Separatisten". Dieser sehr lange, dafür um so informativere Thread klärt über die 🇷🇺Propaganda auf. 👇🧵
1/1 Die russische Aggression gegen die Ukraine lässt sich grob in 3 Phasen unterteilen:
1. hybride Kriegsführung, 2009-Feb. 20 2014
2. Invasion mit "plausibler" Abstreitbarkeit, 20. Februar 2014 bis 24. Februar 2022
3. Invasion in vollem Umfang, 24. Februar 2022-fortlaufend
2/1 Die Phase der hybriden Kriegsführung begann im Jahr 2009. Sie beinhaltete keine konventionellen Kriegsführungsmittel. Stattdessen setzte Russland wirtschaftliche Erpressung, Cyber-Kriegsführung, psychologische Operationen und Informationskriegsführung (Propaganda) gegen die
Read 57 tweets
"What a waste of a short life."

[#629] #Gamanin #Ilya #Sergeevich (January 20, 2004), #Kupyansk, #Kharkov region, #Ukraine🇺🇦.
(A collaborator from #Kupyansk, who became famous for destroying the #Ukrainian coat of arms on administrative buildings with pride to the exultation of
#Russian propagandists. In September, he went to serve in the so-called "#LPR army")

Status: #Dismantled (November 24 near #Bakhmut).

#Denis #Kazansky: One can gloat, of course, but in fact this is a sad story about how the #Russian world first killed the soul and then the body
of a #Ukrainian teenager who, under other circumstances, could live happily in peaceful #Ukraine, get an education, start a family, open business.
#Russia🇬🇧 brings only death and endless misfortunes. Both strangers and their own. Concentrated evil.

Odmen: The traitor had a
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#Ukraine/#Russia 🇺🇦🇷🇺:

Since 2014, there have been many vehicle modifications on both sides on the #Ukrainian battlefield. One of the most frequently modified vehicles is the MT-LB, originally intended as an artillery tractor.

@oryxspioenkop @CalibreObscura


1/ Image
Of course, many mass-produced vehicles were built on the MT-LB chassis, such as the 9k35 Strela-10, the 9P149 Shturm-S, or the 2S1 Gvozdika.

2/ Strela-10Shturm-S2S1 Gvozdika
Since the beginning of the war in #Donbas, soldiers have been forced to use the MT-LB for tasks other than those for which it was intended. They used it, and still do, for example as an APC. They immediately began to feel the weakness of the vehicle's firepower and armour.

3/ Image
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1/ En cette veille de grève, nous revenons sur le lien indissoluble qui unit la réforme des #retraites, la #LPR et la crise budgétaire des universités.
2/ Dans un premier temps, nous revenons sur le jeu de bonneteau par lequel le gouvernement entend ponctionner le salaire socialisés des fonctionnaires, provoquant ainsi une crise de financement du système des retraites.
3/ Les fameux "moyens exceptionnels" promis par l'exécutif, notamment dans le cadre de la #LPR, consistent simplement à reverser aux universités une petite partie de l'argent subtilisé à leurs agents fonctionnaires.
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950/ #Shaheed / #Geran2 UAVs buzzing early this evening over #Odesa #Odessa #Nikolaev #Kherson #Donbas
951/ 1AK artillery / #DPR battalion "Somali" at work. #Donetsk #Donbass #Lugansk
952/ RF Military equipment on the move towards #Donbas #Donbass (13x MSTA-S and 20x MT-LBu). #Kherson #Lugansk #Donetsk
Read 1333 tweets
#Referenda conducted in #DPR, #LPR, #Kherson and #Zaporozhye regions are based on the fundamental principle of self-determination contained in the #UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. 1/5

👉 Read our full comment:… Image
They are the direct result of Kiev’s continued atrocities, discrimination & suppression against 🇷🇺speaking population over past 8 years. 🇺🇦Gov clearly did not represent a large number of 🇷🇺speaking population of Ukraine, did not respect people’s right for self-determination. 2/5
We welcome accession of these regions on the basis of free & democratic processes and international law. Outrageous reaction in the West proves that they are ignoring reality on the ground, want to deny the population the right to make free & informed choice about its future. 3/5
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🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️Il capo della #LPR ha firmato la legge per il voto sulla questione dell'adesione alla #Russia come soggetto della federazione, riferisce lo speaker del parlamento.
#ReferendumDonbass ImageImageImage
🇷🇺❗️Il #referendum nella #LPR per l'annessione alla #Russia si terrà dal 23 al 27 settembre, ha dichiarato Dmitry #Khoroshilov, primo vicepresidente del Consiglio del popolo della LPR.
🇷🇺⚡️Anche l'amministrazione della regione di Kherson ha deciso di indire un referendum sull'ingresso della regione in Russia.
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In #Lugansk, an explosion in the building of the General Prosecutor's Office killed the 🇷🇺Prosecutor General of the #LPR
Serhiy Gorenko killed Image
& his deputy Kateryna Steglenko died Image
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Hello there!

The destruction of a significant number of servicemen and military equipment of units of the 137th Parachute Regiment of the 106th Parachute Division of the Armed Forces of the russian federation in the #Bakhmut direction has been confirmed.…
2/ Significant losses do not allow the specified unit to continue combat operations without additional measures.
In order to hold the temporarily captured territories, the enemy is trying to strengthen the first line of defense in the #Donetsk and #Zaporizhzhya regions -
3/ it is moving reserves from the units of the 3rd Army Corps, as well as the remnants of units that were withdrawn from the #Kharkiv direction. At the same time, due to the breach by the Defense Forces of the logistical support of the occupiers, units of the armed forces of the
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Destruction of an #AFU tank by a #Russian Army Krasnopol shell near the town of #Balakleya.

#Kherson #Offensive #Ukrainerussiawar
The first line of defense near #Balakliya was taken by #AFU from Verbovka, and several #LPR reservists were captured.
According to #Russian sources, the defense here was rather weak, which is why #Ukraine #NATO chose it as the direction of the main attack.
#Kharkov #Offensive
When retreating to the second line of defense from Verbovka, #LPR reservists blew up the bridge.
The assault continues, according to reports, #Ukraine Army could not penetrate the city of #Balakliya

#Kharkov #Offensive #Ukrainerussiawar
by SLavyangrad
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⚡️⚔️ Situation in the direction of #Soledar as of 15:00 on 23 August 2022⚡️
Units of the #LPR 6th Cossack Regiment continue their attack on #Soledar. Yesterday they managed to occupy the area of gypsum quarry near the Knauf Gypsum plant.
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In order to stop the advance of the Allied forces, the AFU is scattering pressure mines ("petals"). Clashes are currently taking place in the area around Zalevsky Street and the Belokamensk Refractory Plant.
Ukrainian side Sources confirm the Wagner PMC control over the eastern part of Patrice Lumumba Street in #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk). Russian forces are suppressing identified fire points of #AFU formations with artillery and mortar fire, including in the city centre.
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⚡️⚔️ Donbass offensive: Eastern #Ukraine at the end of 22 August 2022⚡️
by @Rybar:
▪️ In the #Kharkov region are no significant changes on the frontline. RF troops have launched several missile attacks on #AFU facilities in Kharkov; artillery duels near the contact line.
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▪️ In the #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk) direction fighting continues:
➖In #Soledar forces of the #LPR were able to occupy the site of a gypsum quarry near the Knauf-Gypsum enterprise. Clashes occurred in the area of Zalevsky Street and the refractory materials plant.
➖The storming of #Bakhmutskoye in the suburbs of #Soledar continues.
➖After the capture of the #Zaitsevo village on the outskirts of #Gorlovka, the Allied forces fight for the Mayorskaya railway station.
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⚡️⚔️ #Donbass Front update⚡️
The Russian army is conducting an offensive near #Seversk, heavy fighting is taking place in #Soledar and #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk).

The RF Forces and the DPR Militia are storming the Ukrainian defence line of Seversk-Soldar-Bakhmut (Artemovsk).
Thus, the #Russian army has entrenched at the outskirts of #Seversk and is developing its offensive. In #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk), volunteers from the #WagnerGroup are engaged in street battles with Ukrainian units.
On the other hand, the #LPR fighters are advancing in #Soledar in the direction of the Bilokamensk refractory plant. Street fighting is also taking place in the city.
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⚡️⚔️ #Donbass offensive: situation in Eastern Ukraine by the end of 10 August 2022 by; tl.

▪️ Ukrainian formations again attacked the Russian Federation's border areas:
➖In response to the shelling of the Tetkino checkpoint in the #Kursk region, the Russian Armed Forces hit AFU positions in Senkovka in the #Chernigov region, as well as Gavrilova Sloboda, Starye Virki, Seredina Budy in the Sumy region.
➖Ukrainian DRGs blew up an electricity transmission line pole near Lubitskoye in Kursk region and slightly damaged the railway line between Lgov and Sudzha.
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⚡️⚔️ #Donbass offensive: situation in Eastern Ukraine as the end of August 7, 2022 by; tl.
▪️ In the #Kharkov direction, the sides are engaged in artillery duels along the entire line of contact.
➖During the night hours, the Russian Armed Forces struck Ukrainian Army facilities in Kharkov near Kholodnaya Gora and the #Kharkov Tractor Plant.
➖The Russian Air Force hit enemy positions in Verkhnyaya Saltov and Pryszyb.
▪️ Allied forces continue their offensive in the #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk) direction.
➖In #Soledar, the RF Armed Forces and the 6th Cossack Regiment of the #LPR PM control part of the KNAUF-GIPS factory. Units of the Ukrainian armed forces are trying to counterattack.
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[#VeilleESR #LRU] Note d’analyse de l’exécution
budgétaire 2021 - Mission Recherche et enseignement supérieur
par @Courdescomptes

Que deviennent les 28Md€ de l'#ESR ?…
Deux graphiques intéressant : le budget de la MIRES augmente... Mais diminue dans le poids total du budget général de l'Etat.
Désormais classique : le graphique "ça augmente, mais moins vite que le nombre d'étudiants, et donc en réalité ça diminue".
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Lets continue 🙂12/07/22
Starting a new Rus-Ukr Thread.

The last one ends here
There's been a Ukr missile strike at Novaya Kakhovka in #Kherson region where a Saltpeter (Potassium Nitrate) warehouse was hit. Adjacent residential buildings were also affected. Reportedly a Himars was used.
Local authorities report dead & wounded. No numbers given yet
Just a reminder, Potassium Nitrate is what exploded in Beirut a couple of years ago
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[Thread] La mission d’information relative à la mise en œuvre de la loi de programmation de la recherche (#LPR), co-dirigée par @LDarcos et @StephPiednoir , vient de rendre ses conclusions. Le constat est implacable : l’État ne respecte pas la loi votée par le Parlement. ⤵️
La trajectoire d’emplois est nettement inférieure à celle inscrite dans la #LPR : en 2021, seuls 376 emplois en temps plein ont été créés contre 700 emplois prévus dans la loi. Le plan pluriannuel de recrutement élaboré par chaque établissement n’est lui pas mis en œuvre. 2/6
S’agissant des doctorats, les rapporteurs regrettent que les revalorisations ne concernent que les nouveaux contrats, tandis que les hausses 2021 & 2022 ont déjà été grevées par l’inflation. De manière générale, rien n’est fait pour revaloriser structurellement le doctorat. 3/6
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Starting a new Rus - Ukr thread

Last one ended here
No major movements on the map since my last update.
The only notable news is the reported entrance of Rus forces in Vovcherovka, 7 - 8 km south of #Lisichansk
The photos are reportedly from there but it's not known currently whether it's cleared completely ImageImageImageImage
Another interesting detail is that 2 small settlements Sinetski & Pavlograd (just across the river from #Lisichansk) are in the gray zone on the map.
The Rus probably haven't entered them likely due to being exposed to Ukr fire from the other bank Image
Read 142 tweets

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