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May 19th 2023
Today at 11 am PDT we're discussing the increasing flow of #migrants worldwide and how countries are tightening their borders in response. Follow the link below for the livestream 👇…
@ekztarf @TowerAmali @Climate_Refugee @hossein_ayazi
@ekztarf @TowerAmali @Climate_Refugee @hossein_ayazi Welcome to today's briefing. We've got a panel of excellent speakers. Our moderator today is @PilarMarrero who notes the increasing flow of migrants is not an issue that can be boiled down to the US southern border.
@ekztarf @TowerAmali @Climate_Refugee @hossein_ayazi @PilarMarrero Our first speaker today is @ekztarf, Senior Policy Analyst with Migration Policy Institute’s International Program. "What we're seeing on the US southern border is not a phenomenon restricted to the US. It is happening in other parts of the world."
Read 46 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Today, @CountyofTulare will vote on its local hazard mitigation plan—a plan that fails to identify key vulnerabilities and address residents’ concerns in the wake of recent storms and flooding throughout the County. Image
As temperatures continue to rise, water sources become depleted, and #extremeweather events become more common, vulnerable communities will face the harsh reality of years of disinvestment and scarcity of resources to mitigate impacts and build climate resilience.
The @CountyofTulare local hazard mitigation plan fails to comply with SB 379 by not conducting a vulnerability assessment or identifying vulnerable communities. As a result, the County is not adequately prepared for addressing the impacts of #climatechange.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
The failure of all weather models to identity this storm as dangerous is a wake up call. It was in the same place as the catastrophic flooding last year.

The EU needs meso-scale forecasting systems similar to those in the US.
Here's a picture of a supercell thunderstorm over Germany yesterday evening from @UwBeobachtung - storms similar to this can produce dangerous tornadoes. Europe may well soon face tornadoes - as well as acutely dangerous flooding events.
Improved weather forecasting for the entore planet has been clearly identified by the @WMO as one of the most useful investments that could be made for #ClimateAdaptation and #ClimateResilience it would be a no-brainer to deploy systems world wide like those used now in the US.
Read 4 tweets
May 28th 2022
"Good intentions and accurate data still aren’t enough. You also need to know that you’ve collected the right data and asked the right questions, and these are both much, much harder than the introductory effective altruist material tends to let on."…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
Who else attended today's @OECD Development Co-operation Report 2021 launch event on shaping a just #DigitalTransformation?âś‹

Panelists expanded upon some of the report's key themes, including:

đź“… Acting now!
⬆️ More #coordination
🖼️ Strong #frameworks
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 #InclusiveDevelopment
But we also heard a lot about #DigitalPublicGoods (#DPGs). Like... A LOT a lot.

So, what's the connection between #DPGs and a just, #inclusive #DigitalTransformation? Why have so many #donors, national #governments, and #tech experts alike expressed interest in #DPG solutions?
Well, they all agree that #DigitalTransformation is at a tipping point globally, with the divisions between wealthy and developing nations especially stark: 96% of the world's unconnected people live in developing countries.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
This is going to be a thread about the #COVIDRecovery #BuildBackBetter #RecoveryPlan and how it's been a total failure through the lens of #emissions #climatechange and #adaptation. #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #EconomicRecovery 🧵 1/x
I started following this in December 2020, when this paper was released:

"If fiscal packages are invested in carbon-intensive technologies and traditional fossil fuel-based infrastructure, this will bring huge lock-in effects on emissions."… 2/x
"Five-year emissions will increase by 15.6% (22.0 Gt) versus decreases of 4.7% (6.6 Gt), if the fiscal packages were invested in clean energy and advanced technologies (scenario SDS)." 3/x
Read 33 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
#DevelopmentCongress yesterday saw @KVairavamoorthy opening the event with a thought, when we can maintain a town sized community of 750,000 people airborne at any given time with modern water & sanitation amenities, what stops us from providing it to our fellow humans (1/n)
Drawing from his heritage, he noted, "it is the management of water and sanitation that has determined the longevity and exuberance of civilizations". #Resilience #Sanitation #ClimateResilience (2/n)
The tank systems prevalent in Sri Lanka and South of India were drawn as examples, as attempts by decision makers then to maintain an ecological balance while attempting to improve economic prosperity #EcologicalCivilization (3/n)
Read 9 tweets

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