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May 8th 2021
Science behind Gowtram Genetics - Do you know why every time you sit in a puja the priest asks you for Gowtra? What is Gowtram system? Why do we have this? Why do we consider this to decide marriages? Why should sons carry the gowtram of father, why not daughter?
How/why does gowtra of a daughter change after she gets married? What is the logic? In fact this is an amazing genetic science we follow.
Let's see the science of genetics behind gowtra systems.
The word GOWTRA formed from two Sanskrit words GAU (means cow) Trahi (means shed)
Gowtra means cowshed. Gowtra is like cowshed protecting a particular male lineage.
We identify our male lineage/gowtra by considering to be descendants of the 8 great MahaRishis (Saptarishis + Bharadwaja MahaRishi). All the other gowtras were evolved from these only.
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Sep 13th 2020
Science behind Gowtra #Genetics
Do you know why every time you sit in a puja the priest asks you for Gotra? What is Gotra system? Why do we have this? Why do we consider this to decide marriages? Why should sons carry the #gowtra of father, why not daughter? @sattology
How/why does gotra of a daughter change after she gets married? What is the logic? Infact this is an amazing genetic science we follow.
Let's see the #science of #Genetics behind gotra systems.
The word GOTRA formed from two #Sanskrit words GAU (means cow) Trahi (means shed)
Gotra means #cowshed. Gotra is like cowshed protecting a particular male lineage.
We identify our male lineage/gotra by considering to be descendants of the 8 great Rishi (#Saptarishi + Bharadwaj Rishi). All the other gotra evolved from these only.
@Mahender_Chem @mamatarsingh
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Sep 19th 2019
#TRIBECON begins #Pravara; felicitations to #AbhayBang @SearchGad & #sudarshan #VGKK for their inspiring work on #TribalHealth; @DrLahariya @whoindia among others felicitated
#abhayBang #healthsystem design for tribal communities need to be relooked for #UHC; strategies & schemes must adapt with local social & cultural context; recollects #Brainstorming with @DesirajuKeshav at @SearchGad leading to #ExpertCommittee #tribalhealth @TribalHealthIND
#TRIBECON #AbhayBang notes with happiness increasing interest in #tribalhealth research, yet this continues to be “off the beaten path”; congratulations to #pravara medical college in bringing this together; the proposed #Bandardhara declaration to improve #tribalhealth research
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