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Jun 16th 2023
#EUCI, with other 5 organisations and 55 signatories, has written an open letter addressing concerns regarding the #DataAct.

We call on lawmakers to reconsider and clarify certain aspects of it, to ensure neutrality and legal certainty in the #blockchain industry. Image
🟣 Article 2(16)

The current definition of 'Smart Contracts' is broad, and we fear it may lead to unintended consequences for existing #SmartContracts on public #blockchains, such as Ethereum, Avalanche, Cardano, Cosmos, IOTA, NEAR, Chromia, and Polkadot. Image
We propose three alternative solutions to bring more legal clarity:

substituting 'Smart Contract' with 'Digital Contract', clarifying the scope of Article 30, or limiting Article 2(16) to privately operated and permissioned electronic data records.
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2023
Le colloque #CNIL45 « Agir pour un futur numérique responsable », c'est parti !
Suivez l'événement en direct ici👉
Suivez le thread 🧵⬇️
Merci à @XopheLachnitt , conférencier et fondateur de Croisens qui animera ce colloque
🗣️Marie-Laure Denis, présidente de la CNIL ouvre ce colloque :
"La CNIL recherche en permanence le maintien d’un juste équilibre entre accompagnement et contrôle, en vue de favoriser une innovation respectueuse de nos valeurs communes... ⬇️ Image
Read 45 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Event with the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets on the #DataAct. @AutoriteitCM conducted a study into cloud services and presented this at the Perm. Rep.

Study: increasing interoperability between different cloud providers is important. A few key takeaways ⤵️
There is a lack of interoperability between different cloud providers, and their services. Users cannot freely choose a service they want, and it is difficult for newcomers to enter the market, hence dampening innovation. Therefore..
The Data Act should distinguish data portability and interoperability. APIs need to be publicly available, so that cloud providers know the specifics.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
More than half of European Union companies struggle to fill job vacancies for ICT specialists! How come & what could we do about it?🧵A thread based on new project at @oiioxford ( & work with @Bruegel_org ( [1/n]:
Technological change is not ‘skill-neutral’: New technologies favour certain new skills while making others redundant or devaluing them. Innovation will create jobs in the future but they will involve entirely new tasks. [2/n]
The Beveridge curve below shows the relationship between unemployment and job vacancy rates. Currently, vacancy rates are much higher than ten years ago - despite economic recovery, many firms are not able to fill their job vacancies. [3/n] In the EU from 2008-2021, j...
Read 15 tweets
Jun 8th 2022
🤔 How does the @Europarl_EN decide which committee is responsible for a file? Why were the #DataAct allocated to @EP_Industry while #EHDS went to @EP_Justice? As requested by many, my new #EP thread will explain the opaque steps before #MEPs can finally start to work (🧵👇)
After its adoption by the College of Commissioners and its successive public presentation by the @EU_Commission, the proposal is - in line with the ordinary legislative procedure - transmitted to @Europarl_EN and @EUCouncil in order for the co-legislators to make a co-decision.
Step 1️⃣ the Referral Unit in DG Presidency checks the legislative proposal mainly on the basis of the @Europarl_EN's ANNEX VI in the 'Rules of Procedures', makes a referral to a lead committee and appoint opinion giving committees. This decision is then announced in plenary.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Hey @AndrewYang we shld go looking to the EU for good ideas for global data rights adequacy not solutionist widgets with arbitration clauses because #datarightsarehumanrights! The fundamental problem is weak sauce data crimes enforcement worldwide. #CambridgeAnalytica ‘learnings’
strikes me that @SenSherrodBrown’s #DATAact would align the US with the EU’s GDPR more closely than competing bills (IANAL but @LAM_Barrett is) Perhaps legal experts will weigh in on US bills and GDPR adequacy to maintain legal cross-border data trade?… Image
An underlying theme of @thegreathackdoc is the tension between Brittany Kaiser’s vision of owning and monetizing data and how that contrasts with my discovery as an American invoking my data sovereignty granted by the EU data protection regime to fact-find 2016 election scandal.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
Okay here's the thread on why we need better data to address #COVID19 -- just in case it's not obvious to everyone!
When our country makes bold policy investments, there is always vast uncertainty about whether the intended impacts materialize over time. When it comes to economic stimulus, this is also true. /2
Our suggestions incorporate small provisions to ensure we can produce timely, high-quality economic statistics. And this data can also be made #opendata to benefit decision-makers inside and outside government -- including every American household. /3
Read 10 tweets

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