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Apr 4th 2023
Aditi Vaze became a counselor through her gift for listening and empathizing 🎧💖

#counselor #empathy.
Therapy was once dismissed as a "pseudo-science," but Aditi persisted and now values evidence-based techniques 🧐📚

#therapy #evidencebased
Aditi faced many challenges and skeptics, but she persisted, knowing her work could help heal people. Today, she is proud to be part of a growing profession that values evidence-based techniques and rigorous training 👩‍⚕️💪🌟

#proud #mentalhealthprofessional
Read 16 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
So am I right in saying, if @metpoliceuk were point blank refusing to investigate the murder of my child #AmbroseGGBall #killedbypolice2015, myself and my twin sister @forambrose1984 had to do the work @CPSUK @MaxHillKC #ipcc aka @policeconduct #commissioner #CindyButts
all point blank refused to do and investigate what happened to the @BMW after it was picked up by @CSRecoveryTow11 who picked the #BMW up APPARENTLY leaving at @CSrecovery01 for 2 days before being taken to @MPSPerivale @policecareuk so called hands for @FAForensics
and @RealAFOSI .

It had taken us 7 months to finally get to look at the @BMWMotorradUK my son had APPARENTLY crashed before decamping falling into the @RiverThameCT where his body APPARENTLY remained for over 3 months without ever being found.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Why have #schoolvouchers programs persisted and expanded despite a more lopsided base of objective evidence against them than nearly any other current #edpolicy #education initiative?

A few reasons 🧵🪡

First is that today #schoolvouchers activists are directly part of the larger #trump-style revanchist and anti-democratic turn in American politics since Obama’s second term.

Politically their success is intertwined.
But as a policy matter too we see #schoolvouchers linger around even as #education research has tried to place itself in an #evidencebased position to inform policy.

If evidence were all that informed #edpolicy then vouchers would have been dead a decade ago.

Read 13 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
In July of 2021, the @CDCgov announced a decrease in US life expectancy of 1.5 years, the biggest one-year decline since #WWII. Even before COVID-19, however, the US has seen several years of declining life expectancy in the past decade. #ph260720 #COVID…
Meanwhile, we see a widening gap in medical care between those with high and low status, leading to much larger declines in life expectancy for black and brown populations during #COVID19. How do you think these gaps came to be? #ph260720 #Healthcare
#hospitals continue to #Innovate and improve their medical care, following charters to improve health and care for the needy. However, they often fail to address the non-medical needs of their community, the “social determinants of health” #ph260720 #CommunityHealth
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May 16th 2021
(1/6)As #IndiaCOVIDcrisis grows, more people from my closer circle are getting infected with #COVID. The one COMMON QUESTION that I get asked is “How can I get #Remdesivir?” And my only response is, “Don’t waste your time searching Remdesivir!”
And here is why...👇
(2/6)The @WHO living guideline on Therapeutics and COVID19 clearly outlines recommendations (with evidence). Here is a quick snapshot!
(3/6)The below image is a Network map from the living network meta-analysis informing this guideline. Within the map, the size of the nodes (blue
circles) correlates with the number of patients randomized to that intervention across all included trials
Read 6 tweets
Apr 17th 2021
Announcement from @fordnation sank my heart today. As an ER doctor, person of color and #Scarborough native, I feel defeated 😢. The measures are not going to get wave 3 under control. #BIPOC #ERdoc @SHNcares @torontolife @JustinTrudeau @SCMirror 1/
When I landed as an #immigrant in #Canada, my life started in #Scarborough. My parents (#heros) struggled to find jobs that matched their education. That didn't stop them from working hard / hustling even if it meant 2 jobs at times to keep bills paid and food on the table. 2/
My family lived in an apt building that had mostly racialized/middle-low income families (#affordability). Not much social distancing when large crowds wait for elevators (#EssentialWorkers) or use the shared laundry facilities. This pandemic brings back those vivid memories 3/
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Nov 30th 2020
A #Stasi is always a Stasi! Olaf Neitsch (aka "Timmi Allen" from @bellingcat) is still hunting civilians, breaking privacy rules and offering his pro-nazi friends a bounty for the private address of someone he considers "the enemy of Bellingcrap"!
And then he cannot find a better argument than "guilt by association" - with #KGB and... you never guess! #Putin 🤣🤣🤣

Something is definitely lose in that head of him, don't you think? 😉
Let's see what Olaf said about his working experience in the interview to @RFERL - the whole interview is here:…
Read 14 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
The people behind #CommunicationRights are not obstructionist behaviorists. @NeuroClastic has speech language pathologists, psychologists, educators, OTs, MTs, researchers, neuroscientists, & nonspeakers who communicate through AAC, spelling, & sign. #ActuallyAutistic #Autism
These people may have an aggressive approach to bullying autistics & our allies out of our own narratives & using their white (that's all white people) privilege to maintain the #monopoly on #Autism, but they are NOT allies. They are #oppressors. We can and do communicate. See?
We have orgs, individuals, & initiatives championing #CommunicationRights. @U4CommChoice @Communica1st @ekverstania @autselfadvocacy @awnnetwork_ @ReachEveryVoice and so many more. It's 2020, and we are #nonCompliant with a #Behaviorist agenda that parades itself as #science.
Read 22 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
Yes there is.

He had her on his lap, seen without his shirt on in the company of what was clearly a underage girl.
#BorisHasFailedTheNation #KeirStarmerhasfailedthekids when head of @cpsuk helping @ClarenceHouse #PrinceCharles @JimmySavileNews to be buried.

Who is now #leadersdebate of @UKLabour who is attempting to divert you away from @TheDukeOfYork as @KensingtonRoyal carry on as
Read 40 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Gender dysphoria sufferers need sound evidence to guide life-changing decisions. So a study that "lends support to the decision to provide gender-affirming surgeries" could have big clinical implications. But now, a review of it has "demonstrated no advantage of surgery”.

The episode highlights the need for researchers in gender identity healthcare to adhere to rigorous scientific process. Studies seeking to do good may appeal to headline writers & grant-makers, but can mislead patients & clinicians, and ultimately put public trust at risk.

The study by Bränström & Pachankis analysed population-level data & found that mental health needs fell after surgery. "No longer can we say that we lack high-quality evidence of the benefits of providing gender-affirming surgeries" said Pachankis.…

Read 18 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
#Ayurvedic treatment of fatty #liver – real world evidence: A #Thread
Overweight woman, early 40’s. Routine liver tests, mild enzyme abnormalities. Advised #ultrasound liver, showed grade 2 #fattyliver. GP advised vitaminE and #weightloss, review in 3mo
Patient and husband doubtful. Hears fatty liver disease can lead to #cirrhosis. Seeks advice from #Ayurvedic practitioner nearby #home since #Herbal #DRUGS = safe. Assures complete #cure through #Ayurveda. Prescribes multiple #medicines, advises almost all foods restriction.
Lets look at medicines. #tablet APFIL. Packet mentions ‘for liver #diseases’. Which liver disease? There is #alcohol related, #hepatitis B/C, #NAFLD, primary biliary #cholangitis and more causes. Nine #herbs extract combo - clinical #evidence on safety and benefit ❌
Read 14 tweets
May 23rd 2020
Thank you @ColleenKraft for being consistently vocal 💪🏼💪🏿💪🏽

Let’s work on #tweetiatrician #advocacy training by @AmerAcadPeds to have more robust & effective strategies vs increasing backlash & #bullying
as experienced by @NicoleB_MD @DrToddWo, worse for #minoritiesinmedicine
From @bfrist on #LinkedIn: concerning loss of scientific #integrity by political agendas

#scicomm teaching has been to “avoid politics” = sitting in sidelines

why engaged #tweetiatrician were a separate species apart from other #STEM professionals…
We need to be multidisciplinary like work with school nurse leader @RobinCogan

When I have taught official @AmerAcadPeds guidelines to trainees in hospital settings & staff member has walked by, they assumed “political” & “unprofessional” when per AAP
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Mar 23rd 2020
Okay here's the thread on why we need better data to address #COVID19 -- just in case it's not obvious to everyone!
When our country makes bold policy investments, there is always vast uncertainty about whether the intended impacts materialize over time. When it comes to economic stimulus, this is also true. /2
Our suggestions incorporate small provisions to ensure we can produce timely, high-quality economic statistics. And this data can also be made #opendata to benefit decision-makers inside and outside government -- including every American household. /3
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Feb 5th 2020
The drop in opioid overdose deaths from 2017-2018 (4.6%) is promising, but there is much more work to be done—the report showed a decrease in deaths in 5 jurisdictions, but rates stayed the same in most states.… #SOTU
We're encouraged to see admin in 2019 implement key SUPPORT Act provisions, including requiring Medicaid to cover OUD meds through 2025, Medicare to cover more opioid treatment programs, and CMS to issue guidance to states on federal options for reimbursing telehealth. #SOTU
SUPPORT also expanded providers who can prescribe buprenorphine with a waiver—an #evidencebased, life-saving treatment that is the gold standard for treating opioid addiction. #SOTU
Read 6 tweets
Dec 17th 2019
1/7 👏👏👏 We applaud Congress for its bipartisan agreement on #gunviolence research funding, which ends a decades-long stalemate on this critical issue. Read our full statement:…
@JTravis48 @AndrewMorral @GunResearch @asheleyvn Image
@JTravis48 @AndrewMorral @GunResearch @asheleyvn 2/7 This substantive action to prevent #gunviolence by appropriating $25 million for @CDCgov & National Institutes of Health comes after two "lost decades" since the Dickey Amendment was erroneously interpreted to forbid gun violence research in 1996.…
@JTravis48 @AndrewMorral @GunResearch @asheleyvn @CDCgov 3/7 Even more historic is what made this progress on #gunviolence research possible: A bipartisan coalition of supporters inside of Congress and in the community.
Read 7 tweets
May 24th 2019
‘Doing’ governance & (self indulgent) thoughts on #governance & #evidence & #health

I joined DFID on 9/11 (11/09/2001) as a Social Development Adviser.
Not drunk on the MDGs, but slightly merry.
I had never heard of governance. 1/25
I started work in 1993 in health research (Tz, malaria; drug prescribing), then disability inclusion (India) & consulting in health, WATSAN.
After 6 yrs in Kolkata I heard that DFID was recruiting regional specialists.
I fancied myself as a DFID South Asia specialist! 2/25
....DFID sent me to Malawi.
I hadn’t heard of ‘Governance’.
But slowly realised that I had worked on it – local govt, politics, rights in health; water tariffs, participation & transparency, health management.
So Governance in sectors, not Governance as a thing. 3/25
Read 27 tweets

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